View Full Version : Stock Discussions

10-02-2005, 12:28 PM
This here is where you can rant on about the fun and advantages to stock play
Go wild guys!

I personally love stock play, Im not gonna lie and say thats all I do but I have a Phantom VSC that I now only play with seeing as how I dont have any other guns to use currently but Im enjoying going to the feild, and being good enough to take out those "pros" with their agg gear on and turning heads when they see that "A pumper" took them out.
PS try to keep it positive...

10-02-2005, 01:19 PM
I love stockclass play, its more challenging and fun. Makes you rely on skills instead of dumping paint( this might be for some players). The new age of paintball players think they need 30 bps to get an elemenation, not skills such as moving up, teamwork, snap shooting, integratiy to not wipe. Thats my 2 cents.

10-02-2005, 01:24 PM
shweet stock class forum... :clap:

Thanks Newmagman21!!! :D

anyways im thinking of getting a stock class marker (i hav been lookin at them for a while now)
what sc marker do you recomend (i have a mag and bko right now and not much money)


10-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Well you can find a mag pump conversion kit, or pick up a traccer online in a B/S/T forum www.stockclasspaintball.com has a nice one that always has pumps.

10-02-2005, 05:05 PM
" You have to learn to take your time and do it in a hurry"
-Wyatt Earp

that sums it up.

i like it for the challenge, the funny looks, the questions, the measure of respect, playing among other stock class and pump players, the different attitude and mind set, and the budget aspect among other reasons that are not always describable.

it's a great way to get out and play when i just can't afford a case a day. 10$, some 12 grams last weeks paint and a byop field are all i need.


10-02-2005, 06:12 PM
I love stock class, you may not get as many eliminations, but in turn you seem to take much more pride/joy when you hit someone, or do something good.

Plus the paint bill is alot lower, before I'd just spend more and more money on paint, because it was fun to just hose...Now I find it more fun to use less and less paint...

10-02-2005, 07:55 PM
I love the trash talk before the day of play and the respect handshakes after.

10-02-2005, 08:02 PM
angel's have a forum section...why not a stock class/pump section?

junk food for thought......

10-02-2005, 08:04 PM
well we are blessed with an angel of angels...thats why tom gave him a forum.

I mean....Yeah! why not!

10-02-2005, 08:31 PM
I tried it. (well, pump play)
On the speedball course, it was tough.

On some woodsball courses, it was fun.

10-02-2005, 09:08 PM
Spending some good cash on a pump was one of the best investments I've made in paintball. Yeah, I don't always play too great, but I have a blast, and you definitly turn heads. If going out with a pump doesn't earn you respect, than I dunno what will.

Though I will say I kinda cheat, I use a 3.5oz...no true stock class for me. :)

Pump/Psuedo-Stock = Mad fun...though hosing paint is also enjoyable. :D

10-02-2005, 09:08 PM
I play only on the close up speedball feilds with my pump, woods I guess I do on occasion, but the way to get better is to get used to the up close and personal play...then you can wreack havock everywhere.

10-02-2005, 09:09 PM
Has anyone ever noticed (it might just be me) that while playing in the woods with guys with their guns with "bells and whistles" they seem to depend on stock players to find people...and they don't really well...move or anything just spray paint...thats just my feeling

10-02-2005, 09:11 PM
Man, playing with the feed tube makes snapping out SO much easier. So does the lack of a heavy HPA tank. That's the way to do it, you're right, get right up in their face to dish it out.

It's really easy to learn the curve of a pump, too. Aiming isn't as much as a thing as simply knowing where the paint is going to go. Which again makes snapping and posting up a breeze.

10-02-2005, 09:14 PM
shweet stock class forum... :clap:

Thanks Newmagman21!!! :D

anyways im thinking of getting a stock class marker (i hav been lookin at them for a while now)
what sc marker do you recomend (i have a mag and bko right now and not much money)


I recomend a VSC Phantom or a WGP sniper heres why

:Phantoms way less than a full halo b :wow:
:they have like 3 moving parts, and you can dissasemble it in like a 2 minutes
:they are hand made by Mike Cassidy, and he'll help you out with any problems you might have
: really accurate
:the sniper is an autococker pretty much so u might not like all the parts
:u can run HPA on it
: it has autococker threading, so you can get an SP freak or something
:its hella accurate

10-02-2005, 09:16 PM
Though I will say I kinda cheat, I use a 3.5oz...no true stock class for me. :)


Where did u get your 3.5?

I've been looking everywhere 4 1

10-02-2005, 09:22 PM
Hey everyone now join this im "TOOL"


:cheers: :dance: :cheers:

10-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Where did u get your 3.5?

I've been looking everywhere 4 1

Heres one on ebay (you can find em there)

I too play with the 3.5 oz...no true stock for me...but whatev.

10-02-2005, 09:30 PM
I got mine from Wevo along with my gun. It was right after CCI stopped anno'ing tanks to match though, which kinda sucked.

Wevo Paintball (www.wevopaintball.com ) <-- Great guy to deal with. Good prices, fast shipping, answers any questions.

10-02-2005, 11:05 PM
Hey everyone now join this im "TOOL"


:cheers: :dance: :cheers:

already there.

shameless plug for wevo...since he's my teammate...

10-02-2005, 11:37 PM
already there.

shameless plug for wevo...since he's my teammate...

cool also i have my Co. thread on there 2 please help me out

PS-Stockers are starting a revolution :cheers: mates

10-03-2005, 12:08 AM
I have a beautiful Phantom. It's pretty and all, but as of right now I prefer my 2001 PGP. They pretty much fixed all the goofy stuff that was wrong with the older model (except for that darn safety). So right out of the box you can take her to town, and she is "true" stock class (whatever that means). It's just a really short stroke, and I almost prefer having to rock my wrist back when I cock. Plus being so small makes it real easy to get up close and personal.

10-03-2005, 12:22 AM
Alright, well I don't play stock persay... but I have the utmost respect for the style of play and it is reflected in my playing. I've been using a mech mag for a long time now and you won't catch me walking or raking a trigger. I barely take advantage of the fact it's a semi. Regular game I may use 25-50 balls. Now I'm considering getting an actual stock class gun to have fun with.

thanks guys.

10-03-2005, 12:29 AM
Stock class has tainted my playing for the better...before I used to be all timid like and now im in peoples faces when I use a semi my friends fear me...(that sounds cocky but it was the joke we had when I was playing stock for 4 months straight)

10-03-2005, 03:53 AM
I have been having the most fun recently when I play rec/woods--Ill use my Proto for a couple of games and team up with a pump player. I'll purposely shoot a lot and get in a gunfight with a few others on the opposing team while the pumper moves/sneaks and tags em since they are so intent on trading paint with me.
After a couple a games Ill bust out my phantom and we switch off, (other pump players generally are teamwork orientated and dont mind using an electro for a game or two), he shoots the paint and gets the other team keyed on him and its my turn to get the eliminations.
Good way to make woods/rec a bit more interesting. Also a fun way do to it all. Playing with an electro and a pump are equally enjoyable to me. :D

10-03-2005, 06:11 AM
Oh, my name for stockclasspaintball is yet again, maggot6...Same with everywhere else....

I think stockclass is the best way to play if yourgonna get a pump on your gun...Because with Constant Air, it's just one more thing that you Don't have to worry about. With a hopper, it's just one more thing you don't have to worry about. An autotriggers, although not technically legal for stockclass, if you use them for stock class it just wont work really, because you waste that entire "11-16" balls you had, or those extra 20 shots you just had in your twelve gram; and they are innacurate as, well, it's just bad...

The best thing stockclass does for you, is that you get so used to trying to shoot One ball accross the entire feild, and then it misses or bounces, because of either wind or a low twelve gram. So this forces you to get your timid "behind" out from the home bunker and run all the way up the feild. And basically, instead of firefighting, you just learn how to make your opponent Not see you. So once you get a semi, and you are used to moving all around, you seem to get the perfect position and then just waste the guy your playing against.

10-05-2005, 10:22 PM
So anyone have any opinions on woods / speedball...? "Snipe" or up close and personal?...

10-06-2005, 10:35 AM
I play 'limited' pump occasionally, and I have found that speedball is easier to play pump than woods.

Something about quick snaps and closing the distance.