View Full Version : X-Mag

10-02-2005, 08:50 PM
I've been reading about the X-Mags and I'm VERY interested. I also saw somewhere that they aren't made anymore? Whats the deal and why?

Also, if I want one where should I get one?

And the E-mag I always see E-mag/X-mag I'm guessing that there the same or somethign what does this mean?? It seems like on airgun.com there just as much as an x mag.

Creative Mayhem
10-02-2005, 09:03 PM
Try the search button, there is a huge amount of info on this subject that you could access easily.

To answer your questions, yes the xmag is no longer in production due to the complications and expense to mill the bodies and maintain the high QC that AGD is known for. Not easy when dealing with an overseas company. Then there's the whole smart parts thing...

As for where you can get one, more than likely it will be used, so try the buy and sell forums here on AO, or EBay, you never know, you may luck out and get one cheap.

Now, for the E/Xmag question, they are virtually the same. The main differences are:

- xmag has a integrated body and rail

- ACE, Anti Chop Eye

- Lighter than a stock SS Emag

- Interchangable breeches for warpfeed users

Hope this answers your questions..

10-02-2005, 09:06 PM
Yes Xmags were stoped productions due to low sales and due to high expences in shipping them from AGDE over seas. If you want to pick one up you can get em used on the FS Marker forums on here. Some of the differances in a emag and a Xmag are:

Xmag has a "Uni Rail/Body" with interchangeable breach alowing you to Run a vert feed or Warp feed breach
Xmags also use ACE(Anti Chop eye)
Xmags are fairly lighter than Emags
Xmag bodys were machined overseas

Thats the main differances Hope that helped you out atleast a little.

10-02-2005, 09:13 PM
Yes that helps me out a little. So I mise well just stop worrying about an X-mag and go with the e-mag?

Also, the ACE is like using a grenade on an ant hill. I mean you already have the lvl 10 which is sufficient enough right?

Stupid questions...What is "drop off" and "bounce" I see these all the time and not sure what they mean.

Creative Mayhem
10-02-2005, 09:26 PM
Yes Xmags were stoped productions due to low sales and due to high expences in shipping them from AGDE over seas. If you want to pick one up you can get em used on the FS Marker forums on here. Some of the differances in a emag and a Xmag are:

Xmag has a "Uni Rail/Body" with interchangeable breach alowing you to Run a vert feed or Warp feed breach
Xmags also use ACE(Anti Chop eye)
Xmags are fairly lighter than Emags
Xmag bodys were machined overseas

Thats the main differances Hope that helped you out atleast a little.

Too slow rookie :p

10-02-2005, 09:30 PM
Yes that helps me out a little. So I mise well just stop worrying about an X-mag and go with the e-mag?

Also, the ACE is like using a grenade on an ant hill. I mean you already have the lvl 10 which is sufficient enough right?

Stupid questions...What is "drop off" and "bounce" I see these all the time and not sure what they mean.

10-02-2005, 09:39 PM
Yes that helps me out a little. So I mise well just stop worrying about an X-mag and go with the e-mag?

Also, the ACE is like using a grenade on an ant hill. I mean you already have the lvl 10 which is sufficient enough right?

Stupid questions...What is "drop off" and "bounce" I see these all the time and not sure what they mean.

Drop off occurs during rapid-fire. Regualtors are not able to recharge fast enough, so they put out a lower pressure, which results in a lower velocity. However, this does not occur in 'Mags. X-valve's actually get the opposite. Dring rapid-fire, the velocity will actually increase due to the design of the valve system. This is the reason for the RT Chrono procedure.

Bounce is a term which describes the sensitivity of the trigger. There are two types of bounce, electrical and mechanical. Electrical bounce occurs when the tolerance of switch "noise" is too high. Thus, the marker "thinks" the trigger was pulled. Mechanical bounce is when the trigger actually activates the markers due to the recoil.

If you do not care about the name and just want the performance, the E-mag will suit you just fine.

There has been a long term debate on ACE vs. Level 10. Level 10 hurts efficiency slightly, however paint color does not effect it. ACE is easier to set up and it does not effect efficiency what so ever.


11 Bravo
10-02-2005, 10:56 PM
Just one correction: The ule Emag is lighter than the Xmag.

10-02-2005, 11:13 PM
Just one correction: The ule Emag is lighter than the Xmag.
Yeah but the x has all that extra SEXY weighing it down. :ninja:

10-02-2005, 11:18 PM
Yes the X-mags are very sexy, and if you are interested I have a one of a kind X.


10-03-2005, 03:41 PM
Too slow rookie :p

One day I'll say that to you :ninja:

10-03-2005, 04:52 PM
Wow I have 900 dollars to spend I would buy that A.S.A.P. That gun is hot. I hope there still around when I get a real gun.

As for the ULE Custom RT what would be a good setup to get with this? What kind of upgrades are there? Is this gun light and fires fast?

10-03-2005, 05:24 PM
Wow I have 900 dollars to spend I would buy that A.S.A.P. That gun is hot. I hope there still around when I get a real gun.

As for the ULE Custom RT what would be a good setup to get with this? What kind of upgrades are there? Is this gun light and fires fast?

A HPA system is needed with all mags. There are all sorts of aftermarket rails, bodies, front grips, frames, and barrels to customize your mag with.

ULE mags are plenty light. I've never owned the X-valves though so they are even lighter than the mags that I've owned. You can sweet spot them, and some people are able to walk theirs with ULT installed, but mostly they are as quick as most other mechanical guns.

10-03-2005, 05:51 PM
Is HPA a Nitrogen tank? And is the x-valve a whole different gun? I though it comes with the Custom RT?...

Also, are these guns quiet when shooting?

10-03-2005, 05:55 PM
HPA = High Pressure Air

And yes...those can be filled with nitrgen, although they are commonly filled with air(the stuff we breath), or oxygen.

And the x-valve is exactly that. A valve. It is part of the gun. And you are correct...they come on ULE RTs.

Never heard one shoot stock, but their stock barrels (J&J?) are said to be nice.

10-03-2005, 06:13 PM
Well are the ones you've heard shoot quiet?

And the Custom RT is where you can find that spot and hold it and it will continue to fire because its electronic right??

10-03-2005, 06:15 PM
The two mags I have owned were nice and quiet.

And the RTs are NOT electronic. But they can have a mechanical bounce like explained above.

10-03-2005, 06:20 PM
X valves, RT pro valves and clasic rt valves can be tuned so that when you pull the trigger just right(about half way) the sear pin bounces off the trigger and refires the gun. This has been done up to 34.5 bps(I don't understand the half bps either)

10-03-2005, 06:46 PM
well the easiest way of measuring bps is have a set quantity i.e. 100 paintballs, then time how long it takes to shootem' so if you soot all 100 in 3 seconds, that's 33.3 BPS.

10-03-2005, 08:13 PM
Yah I saw one guys where the trigger was very light I thought it was electronic...You just found the right spot and held it there and it kept fireing. Which ones are electronic?

10-03-2005, 09:35 PM
Also, I have a 45/3000 nitro duck tank...what would I need to do to hook it up to a mag...I hear all this talk about HPA and high pressure and low pressure how would I do this?

11 Bravo
10-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Yah I saw one guys where the trigger was very light I thought it was electronic...You just found the right spot and held it there and it kept fireing. Which ones are electronic?

The Emag, Xmag, Devil mag, Hypermag and soon Logics umf, are the electronic mags.