View Full Version : Sex In The Paintball Industry

10-03-2005, 04:34 PM
I was down at the San Diego NPPL Tourney a few weeks ago and it made me sick to see so many vendors marketing their new gear with sexy models or pictures of girls. As soon as I walked into the vender area I was handed a new magazine by a young (13-15) boy who said that the models on the cover were signing autographs at a near by booth. I flipped through the magazine that it had an FHM feel and look with girls in bathing suits and some where even topless. Only about 10% of the magazine was about paintball and there was even a centerfold section.

As I walked around to the different vendors like Empire, Eclipse, Worr-Games and others I noticed that they all had girls modeling new gear and guns. Many of them were wearing small outfits cut from camo fatigues. I then came across a huge line of young guys all waiting to get an autograph from some model at one of the booths. They were passing out free poster with the model laying nude with only pod caps covering her chest! The line was comprised mainly of young kids and a few adults.

Next to my surprise was the opening of the finals between Dynasty and XSV. A group of 3 scantly dressed girls, who called them selves the "Pure Girls," came out onto the field with the flag to sing the nation anthem. Then they came back out and danced some sort of stripper dance to get all the guys to go wild. They came through the crowd during the breaks between games to give out free shirts and gear. Again the main group that would crowd these girls was young boys.

My reason for saying all this is because I've just noticed an overwhelming amount of sex being associated with the sport of paintball. I understand that sex sells, but since the paintball market is geared towards young males I find this to be a problem. Guys have enough trouble as it is trying to deal with temptations from TV and online. The sport of paintball, for some, is a way to escape those pressures of the sexually corrupt world. Now that sex has entered the paintball industry there is no escape. It's also corrupting the young men who view these ads and go to these tournaments and see these girls. It's distorting their view of women and how they should be treated in today’s society.

I find this all to be very sad, but there is hope. There is an organization that is working to help guys with this issue. It's a website called xxxchurch.com. Their goal is to help guys deal with the temptation of looking at porn and distorting their minds with unrealistic views of sex and what a relationship should be. More importantly this website shows how you can obtain the most meaningful relationship ever, a personal relationship with God.

I am interested in what many of you think about this whole issue of sex in the paintball industry. Please visit the site and check out some of the videos and their forum. It's a serious issue so I'd like to hear only serious replies. Thank you for reading my post. God Bless.


10-03-2005, 04:37 PM
Sex sells, simple as that. On my street here in Orlando, a young lady got a food permit and dresses in a bikini flaunting her fake boobs for extra cash. She makes alot of money.
If used right, and not overly gratuitous, sex in paintball is fine by me, but maybe thats just my marketing experience poking through.

10-03-2005, 04:39 PM
Sex sells, simple as that.

You got that right.

10-03-2005, 05:01 PM
I think his point is that the target audience is too young for this. And it's one of several things that I feel is choking the paintball industry, and isolating it from the mainstream. It's not letting us get past the adolescent/extreme sport only stage. It's also telling girls that they aren't really welcome as serious players in this sport.

10-03-2005, 05:09 PM
San Diego drama, etc...


Sorry, but your post screams spam for your church site. Sorry but if I want to look at porn, I'm going to.

Its not bad.

10-03-2005, 05:18 PM
It's also telling girls that they aren't really welcome as serious players in this sport.

there are a lot of women who are interested in paintball. potentially great players. some of them are probably at the crossroads, where they have to decide whether they really wanna take this sport seriously or whether they just wanna move on to other things....like cheerleading....and seeing strippers dancing around in magazines and at tournies i'm sure turns them away from paintballing.

but personally, i do like looking at attractive women in skimpy clothes. its just not appropriate in every situation.

10-03-2005, 05:19 PM
quik: I didn't mean to make is sound like I'm spaming for that website. I just wanted to show that there is hope and that this website is a great step in the right direction. I am interested in your thoughts on why looking at porn is ok, just curious to see what your answer to that is.

My problem isn't necessarily with the ads or magazines. It's with the social acceptance of these ads and magazines. Several of your post just proved that you accept it and even like it. I believe porn is wrong and that sex should be saved for marriage. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but that's the point I'm trying to make. We've become numb to it all and like zorrotmm said, it's the marketing to the kids that I'm against.

The main reason for my post is not to depress anyone or bash on the paintball ad industry, but more to get your attention and show that there is an issue with it and that there is hope through www.xxxchurch.com

It may not be directly targeting the paintball industry, but it's a great start in bringing back morals and helping guys clean up their act. I know it's sure helped me.

10-03-2005, 05:33 PM
It's also telling girls that they aren't really welcome as serious players in this sport.

No kidding, when I bring female friends to certain paintball field im acually embarrased at the kinds of ads and magazines there. I feel sorry for girls who play because of the objectification of girls that takes place in the sport. (ex take a look at pb nations avatars)
I think it would be a huge step forward if paintballers would find a different way of marketing the game. and it doesnt always sell, I bought a copy of splat magazine and I was going to subscribe but when I saw the picture of a scantily clad model on the subscription card I just threw it away. And a young guy shouldnt be surrounded by this kind of thing, it just isnt healthy.

10-03-2005, 05:40 PM
Guys have enough trouble as it is trying to deal with temptations from TV and online. The sport of paintball, for some, is a way to escape those pressures of the sexually corrupt world.I have no trouble dealing with "temptation" at all anymore. I was raised a neurotic christian, and it took me years to shed the slough of sexual repression. I'm feeling much better now. Procreation is an integral part of human existence ... that's how we evolved ... and I'm at peace with that.

I don't have issues with the feelings I get from beautiful women. I like women, a LOT, and I don't feel guilty about it or live in fear of going to an imaginary hell for indulging in simple human sexuality.

You have every right not to be sexual. I simply have a different world view.

10-03-2005, 05:41 PM
there is hope, :rofl: thats funny

10-03-2005, 05:48 PM
So in reality your issue is with porn, not with paintball. Maybe you could take it to a porn forum and refrain from pimping your web site here.

Major Ho
10-03-2005, 06:19 PM
What movie was it from where they brought up a fair point. "America was founded by protestant prudes who thought England wasnt strict enough." or something to that affect
So they went on their merry way and formed America, a sexually oppressed country. In comparison to our European counterparts we ARE kind of boring. They use sex to sell... I dunno Orange Juice for example in europe as a regularly aired television commercial or something.
For those who disagree and such, ho hum. Its just something I noticed growing up, how sex is so taboo in this country

10-03-2005, 06:21 PM
So in reality your issue is with porn, not with paintball. Maybe you could take it to a porn forum and refrain from pimping your web site here.
No, he posted a first hand report on what he witnessed at a major paintball event, and interjected his personal opinion of the whole situation.

I agree completely with him. There is no purpose or sane reason for having underage (that means wayyyy too young) scantily clad girls strutting about as if willing to have sex with anyone...at a venue that is particularly targeted toward young boys and teens.

As an adult, and a father, It "irks" me to see this in an industry and game that relies on honesty and trust. Don't tell me "sex sells", when was the last time you bought anything paintball related JUST because the package or advertisement sported some skanky pictures?

10-03-2005, 06:27 PM
Guys, sk8rMOG is not being confrontational, he's an active member, stop accusing him of spamming a church website.

/rabid anti-religion type
//likes teh boobies as well
///sex has always been used for marketing products

10-03-2005, 06:29 PM
No, he posted a first hand report on what he witnessed at a major paintball event, and interjected his personal opinion of the whole situation.

I agree completely with him. There is no purpose or sane reason for having underage (that means wayyyy too young) scantily clad girls strutting about as if willing to have sex with anyone...at a venue that is particularly targeted toward young boys and teens.

As an adult, and a father, It "irks" me to see this in an industry and game that relies on honesty and trust. Don't tell me "sex sells", when was the last time you bought anything paintball related JUST because the package or advertisement sported some skanky pictures?

so I guess the rule below does not apply????Since he DID start with "sex" and then ended the post pimping his church......

• Avoid topics containing religious, racial, or political discussion (they are the top three flame starting toipcs)


10-03-2005, 06:36 PM
The main reason for my post is not to depress anyone or bash on the paintball ad industry, but more to get your attention and show that there is an issue with it and that there is hope through www.xxxchurch.com (www.google.com).

Looks like he admits it's to pimp the web page and has little to do with paintball. The pimpage is put in a paintball context, but it's still clearly about the web page. That web page is clearly religious in nature. From the rules:

No racial, religious, or sexually inflammatory language

Let's pretend the OP was not pimping a web page and was simply concerned with the overtly sexual marketing in painball.

Personally I don't like the sexual focused marketing in paintball. I think it's myopic and focuses on selling to the existing customer base instead of extending it to something other than recently post-pubescent boys. As sexual as the marketing is, I find it difficult to describe as porn. Merriam Webster defines porn as depiction of erotic acts of behavior. Unless you define scantily clad as a behavior (which would be fair in some ways), it's not really pornography.

The only real way to show your disapproval is to at minimum not react/respond to such marketing. A stronger response would be to not purchase from companies that use that type of marketing, and tell them politely why you will not support them.

10-03-2005, 06:37 PM
Agree, sex in many industries is overblown and done so much but paintball is marketed to KIDS, then adolescents and then lastly adults.. basically like you said these kids are 13-15. Marketing and business in paintball is already so corrupt and poorly practiced.. pretty soon they'll be giving away blowjobs with every new DM6.

Aside from that though.. wtf is wrong with porn? I'm drawing a line here. There's nothing wrong with having an adult entertainment industry. There is a problem with marketing it towards kids who probably aren't even mature enough to date much less make an educated desicion on what they should buy.

So I'm going to 1/2 agree with you, but say that your argument seems a little too hardcore catholic..

I knew the PB industry was goin to crap when Hybrid put out B____ grips... I miss when the modeling aspect of paintball was much more legit and harmless. ie: Clare and AGD. The difference between what Clare did with AGD and what these girls at the booths are doing now is the difference between tastefulness/class and absolute skank.

10-03-2005, 06:37 PM
I am also trying to figure out why everyone is so uptight with sexuality in this nation. From a marketing standpoint, sex sells...and these companies are trying to sell their products as effectively as possible. What demographic comprises most of the sport of paintball? Young males. What better way to sell your product? This is no different than other sports (Basketball, football all have very seductive-looking cheerleaders). Or how about the import tuner scene? Hell, Nopi has wet t-shirt and bikini contests at its events. Sex has become a part of our society and the sooner the people of this great nation learn to accept that and take it in stride, the better off we will be. :clap:

10-03-2005, 06:39 PM
Can you just feeaaallllllll the love....

10-03-2005, 06:47 PM
The sport of paintball, for some, is a way to escape those pressures of the sexually corrupt world.

no its not. It is an excuse to go shoot some fool in the face. pure and simple.

10-03-2005, 06:48 PM
Oh nos! Its the Anti-Pr0n Crusaders! Hide your blowup sheep! :D

10-03-2005, 06:48 PM
i dont see anything wrong with having ladies in swim suits sell paintball stuff.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
10-03-2005, 06:54 PM
especially when you get the pbgear girl to promote a mag :)

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 07:05 PM
Sorry, but your post screams spam for your church site. Sorry but if I want to look at porn, I'm going to.

Its not bad.
Agreed. There is nothing wrong with a well adjusted individual, who can easily differentiate between reality and fantasy, enjoying some porn.

quik: I didn't mean to make is sound like I'm spaming for that website. I just wanted to show that there is hope and that this website is a great step in the right direction...
...and that there is hope through www.xxxchurch.com

Sorry but that sounds like even more spam.

I have no trouble dealing with "temptation" at all anymore. I was raised a neurotic christian, and it took me years to shed the slough of sexual repression. I'm feeling much better now. Procreation is an integral part of human existence ... that's how we evolved ... and I'm at peace with that.

I don't have issues with the feelings I get from beautiful women. I like women, a LOT, and I don't feel guilty about it or live in fear of going to an imaginary hell for indulging in simple human sexuality.

You have every right not to be sexual. I simply have a different world view.

Amen to that! Over the history of mankind, many people have been smart enough to figure out that if they claim to speak for God, they can use fear and guilt to control others. Then it’s taken a step further when one of the greatest pleasures a human being can experience is controlled as well, when it’s deemed a sin unless it happens within the bounds of a union sanctioned by this same person claiming to speak for God. I am glad that more and more people are waking up and recognizing that for what it is. Anyone is entitled to decide to "save themselves for marriage" if that's what they want, but if a person thinks that others are doing wrong or sinning because they choose to experience a fantastic, perfectly natural part of life as often as possible, is someone I feel very sorry for.
That being said, of course a lot of advertisers depict women in a completely unrealistic fashion and I'm not going to try to pretend that's a good thing. It is however an understandable backlash type of reaction to the unhealthy repression that has gone on for so long. Eventually a balance will be reached.

No kidding, when I bring female friends to certain paintball field im acually embarrased at the kinds of ads and magazines there. I feel sorry for girls who play because of the objectification of girls that takes place in the sport...
So do you feel sorry for them when you take them shopping, or to major league sporting events, or to car shows, or to a movie, or out for a drink or to a concert? Sex is used to sell everything and paintball’s no different. If this is ever going to change, it will only happen when women stop allowing themselves to be used as marketing tools and stop buying into the image that creates.

Don't tell me "sex sells", when was the last time you bought anything paintball related JUST because the package or advertisement sported some skanky pictures?
I’ve never purchased anything for that reason, but I’ve never avoided purchasing anything because of it either, however I have avoided purchasing items because of advertising or business practices that rubbed me the wrong way. Every consumer votes with their dollars. Obviously sex does sell as it’s such a huge part of marketing for so many things in so many places.

10-03-2005, 07:07 PM
I feel that the introduction of scantily-clad females and posters of said scantily-clad females and other things associated as a sign of paintball getting to be more mainstream. Nearly everything has some element of marketing using "pornography" or whatever you want to call it, ESPECIALLY those products aimed at men. Watch an ad for a shaving product. Here's how a typical TV ad goes:

Man shaves using brand x.
In varying situations, beautiful woman comes up to man, strokes his face, and somehow communicates the invariable message saying, "Wow, your chiseled manly jaw is so smooth. Let's get jiggy with it."

If you don't think shaving is mainstream, then maybe you should check out the personal hygiene aisle at your local supermarket.

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 07:12 PM
Oh nos! Its the Anti-Pr0n Crusaders! Hide your blowup sheep! :D

If we still had sigs, this would be my new one. :D

10-03-2005, 07:13 PM
hexis, kramer

Why Do You Hate America?

/one does wonder if I linked to a "_______" site that may offend others
// thats right, I didn't specify what "______" might be

Recon by Fire
10-03-2005, 07:17 PM
Scantily clad chics distract you from the products. They look nice but they should be taken out of the advertising, especially in a sport dominated by youngsters. Just send all those ladies to my house. :)

10-03-2005, 07:23 PM
especially when you get the pbgear girl to promote a mag :)

How can this be wrong? I don't buy anything because of the women used in advertising, but they sure make the window shopping more enjoyable.

10-03-2005, 07:48 PM
ok this is starting to sound like the PBnation thread I started with the same topic. So lets back up and start with a simple question that everyone can answer and we can have a real discussion about.

Do you think it's ok for minors (under 18) to look at *"porn?" If yes, then why is it ok?

*(when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.)

Now I know this is straying away from being paintball related, but if we can find a common understanding on this issue then we can move it over to paintball marketing. My question then would be does sex really sell paintball gear? If so explain how. I know this sounds like homework, but I believe this is a good topic and will help some work on their social skills. ;)

10-03-2005, 07:57 PM
ok this is starting to sound like the PBnation thread I started with the same topic. So lets back up and start with a simple question that everyone can answer and we can have a real discussion about.

Do you think it's ok for minors (under 18) to look at *"porn?" If yes, then why is it ok?

*(when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.)

Now I know this is straying away from being paintball related, but if we can find a common understanding on this issue then we can move it over to paintball marketing. My question then would be does sex really sell paintball gear? If so explain how. I know this sounds like homework, but I believe this is a good topic and will help some work on their social skills. ;)

Why do you insist upon labeling women in skimpy outfits as being "porn?" Its not. You're trying to use this incorrect definition to get the results you want for your question.

10-03-2005, 07:58 PM
I cant resist.


-Reno 911

Sure if there's a chick with a nice looking bum wearing a pack for a company people are gonna buy it ;)

10-03-2005, 08:03 PM
Now I know this is straying away from being paintball related, but if we can find a common understanding on this issue then we can move it over to paintball marketing. My question then would be does sex really sell paintball gear? If so explain how. I know this sounds like homework, but I believe this is a good topic and will help some work on their social skills. ;)This is not a flame ... but it doesn't sound like you're trying to find a "common understanding", it sounds like you're trying to find some cracks where you can eventually move on to "morals" and then try to swing people over to your christian beliefs.

Many of my friends are rabidly christian (my hindu and jewish friends just aren't that uptight), including one of my best friends who's a baptist minister. I've had this discussion with her a hundred times, so I know where it's going (c;

10-03-2005, 08:03 PM
Ditto the sex sales thing.
Sure you don't chooose to buy soemthing on whether or not there is a hottie in the ad. But having the hottie there does help get your attention to look at the ad in the first place.
If these girls are comfortable enough with their bodies to dress scantley then let them. Not every hot girl can be a Hooters girl, and they must pay for college somehow. :p
In all seriousness, as a female player I am in no way intimidated by the spokesmodels or think less of the game because of the Spokesmodels.. I :clap: them for giving themselves as eyecandy for all the many guys out there. I don't knmow of to many chicks that want to talk to pimply teenage boys in the sweltering heat for any length of time. Go them. everyone needs thier 15 seconds of fame.

10-03-2005, 08:05 PM
ok this is starting to sound like the PBnation thread I started with the same topic. So lets back up and start with a simple question that everyone can answer and we can have a real discussion about.

Do you think it's ok for minors (under 18) to look at *"porn?" If yes, then why is it ok?

*(when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.)

Now I know this is straying away from being paintball related, but if we can find a common understanding on this issue then we can move it over to paintball marketing. My question then would be does sex really sell paintball gear? If so explain how. I know this sounds like homework, but I believe this is a good topic and will help some work on their social skills. ;)

Does it sell the product, no not entirely, but at trade shows and in adds it does catch your attention, weather negative or positive it still draws you to their booth/add where there product is being showcased. Apperently it works...i mean your focusing a lot of attention on it.

~~hmm didnt see the second page ahh well.

10-03-2005, 08:05 PM
when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.

How are chics in bikini's considered porn? AGD, in the past, has advertised products, according to your defintion, by using porn? This thread is complete idiocy. :mad:

10-03-2005, 08:12 PM
How are chics in bikini's considered porn? AGD, in the past, has advertised products, according to your defintion, by using porn? This thread is complete idiocy. :mad:
agree. so when i go to the beach im looking at "porn". thats ridiculous if you think that

10-03-2005, 08:15 PM
I'm 15, soon to be 16. Porn has ruined my life and distorted the way I view and treat women :( .

10-03-2005, 08:15 PM
If we could all just be uninhibbited like the Europeans we wouldn't have these idiotic debates. The human body is many things. Beautiful, comical, sensual, scientific. Don't complain about someone using the sensual aspect of it. It's not a big deal over in Europe and thus they don't have these time-wasting debates. It really isn't a big deal. If you're ashamed of the human body, female or male... just grow up.

I'm not about to get into a debate about sexuality and Christianity (although I do have many things to say about the topic), but I will say this. Some people can handle certain things and others can't. In Europe they have matured enough to be able to "un-dirtify" the human body. People aren't phased by it over there. If they see an advertisement with boobs in it they don't go, "oh my god that's just wrong" and sqeal and complain. They go, "Haha, that's funny". We all can learn from that. Just chill out. It's not a big deal. Radical Christianity has already soiled up this country as has radical secularism. We've got to stop being so radical and just chill. Moderate thinking is the way to go if we're ever going to be stabilized.

10-03-2005, 08:17 PM
ok good point. And you are right about Europe being more open to nudity and the human body. I am still interested in knowing what everyones thoughts are about letting minors be exposed to it all. I am also interested in hearing your definition of "porn."

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 08:19 PM
ok this is starting to sound like the PBnation thread I started with the same topic. So lets back up and start with a simple question that everyone can answer and we can have a real discussion about.

Do you think it's ok for minors (under 18) to look at *"porn?" If yes, then why is it ok?

*(when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.)

Now I know this is straying away from being paintball related, but if we can find a common understanding on this issue then we can move it over to paintball marketing. My question then would be does sex really sell paintball gear? If so explain how. I know this sounds like homework, but I believe this is a good topic and will help some work on their social skills. ;)

Why the cutoff point of 18? I've met 16 year olds who were more mature and well adjusted than some 20 year olds I've known. Should young children be looking at DVDA penetration scenes? In my opinion, no. However I believe that open honest discussion of sexuality is necessary with teens so that they can gain a better understanding of what's going on in their lives. Minors are going to see sexual images and they need to understand that there is nothing shameful about sex and sexuality.

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 08:24 PM
I'm 15, soon to be 16. Porn has ruined my life and distorted the way I view and treat women :( .

I hope you're joking, but I'll assume you're not. If there wasn't so much repression around sex and sexuality, then there wouldn't be such a huge facination with porn, which would lead to a lot less of this. Where have your parents / guardians been while you've been seeing so much porn that it's had this affect on your life?

10-03-2005, 08:35 PM
I hope you're joking

I am joking. I was just taking one of his points to the extreme for a little comic relief. Truth be told I'm not the most devout Christian, and I honestly don't think a little nudity hurt anyone.

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 08:40 PM
and I honestly don't think a little nudity hurt anyone.

That depends. Roseanne Barr nude would hurt a lot of people. :eek:

10-03-2005, 08:45 PM
That depends. Roseanne Barr nude would hurt a lot of people. :eek:
what if i like the larger ladies

10-03-2005, 09:05 PM
fat chicks need love too...no discrimination in this world - Andre 3000

10-03-2005, 09:05 PM
ok good point. And you are right about Europe being more open to nudity and the human body. I am still interested in knowing what every ones thoughts are about letting minors be exposed to it all. I am also interested in hearing your definition of "porn."
Well there's Nudity and then there like a hardcore gang bang. We need to split the line here folks. Here's an example , would you let your son/daughter watch the movie "Titanic"? It had a brief nude scene in it . yet the movie is rated pg13? hmmm

Eric Cartman
10-03-2005, 09:09 PM
fat chicks need love too...no discrimination in this world - Andre 3000

Fat chicks need love too, but they gotta pay! - Quagmire

10-03-2005, 09:17 PM
I'm 15, soon to be 16. Porn has ruined my life and distorted the way I view and treat women :( .

"slap *****es and punch hoes," Dr Dre. Mog maybe you should post on Dre's site. He sounds like he may have seen a few nekked boot'es in his time.

10-03-2005, 09:19 PM
Now, Now lets be respectfully of his beliefs and aspects on life ;)

10-03-2005, 09:20 PM
Fat chicks need love too, but they gotta pay! - Quagmire


10-03-2005, 09:34 PM
No, he posted a first hand report on what he witnessed at a major paintball event, and interjected his personal opinion of the whole situation.

The post started as a personal account of an experiance and then drifted well into the realm of a religious tract. I have seen users banned for nearly the same type of post. I am not trying to get mog banned, he is a great asset to the forum, but this post crosses well over the line. It is spam and should be edited or deleted.

10-03-2005, 09:44 PM

Whoa! Transvestite! Back off!

Wait, pre-op or post-op?


Whoa! Transvestite! Back off!

10-03-2005, 10:04 PM
Sex does not sell

"Sex sells" is a myth. Sex gets attention, but if it is not linked to the product it does not correlate well with sales (based on market research). Using "sex" in paintball is lazy marketing.


10-03-2005, 10:11 PM
Do you think it's ok for minors (under 18) to look at *"porn?" If yes, then why is it ok?

*(when I say porn I am referring to any image or media that depicts women or men sexually, which includes anything from Victory Secrets to Playboy. Regardless of your definition of "Porn," this is the definition I am using for my question stated above.)

your definition flat out sucks. you know it does. plus you strayed from your original post cause you are grasping at straws to try and cram your ideals around.
Give it up and preach on the corner with all the other crazies.

10-03-2005, 10:34 PM
I can understand both sides, however I'm leaning toward Mog because he does have a point. Sex shouldn't be easily accessable to those not mature enough, only problem is, as said that age doesn't define maturity. Honestly, the ability to find porn and other things so easily on the net is insane. Way back when, on Morpheus, half of the downloads I assume were porn or something of that matter (Yes I did it, as did many of my friends when I was younger).

I think this thread should be locked or deleted because people are starting insults directed at a well respected and older member of this forum.


PS I would say any forum should be closed for insulting a forum member for their opinions or beliefs unless they are directly affecting or hurtful to another member.

10-03-2005, 10:57 PM
you need to quit being the loser you are, and just enjoy it... unless you are gay?? there are some half naked guys for you then. but its not gonna stop, so posting stuff like this isnt getting anything anywhere... so as they say. "If you can't beat them, join them." SOOOO enjoy, like the rest of us.

10-03-2005, 11:07 PM
ok, so i'm not exactly an expert in the matter. but from a psychologist's point of view, using sex to sell DOES work. that's the whole point of using it in advertising. in fact, advertising companies actually hire psychologists to research methods that are effective in selling their product. why do you think using sex to sell has become so mainstream if it has no effect? the idea behind it is that an unconditioned stimulus (sex) incites an unconditioned response (desire or want). the idea is to pair a conditioned stimulus (the product) with the unconditioned stimulus (sex) to incite the response of wanting. people are more likely to then buy the product. this is a great example of simple classical conditioning.

10-04-2005, 01:50 AM
First post I didn't mind (and it did not violate any rules)

However, when Mog pushed it directly into a porn discussion...it did.
