View Full Version : PDA/Pocket PC????

10-03-2005, 07:23 PM
ok so i went out to get a pocket PC and the sales guy started to help me but then left as soon as someone else walked into his area. i guess he though since i she was older she was more important so when he looked back i said i'll come back when some one will talk to me waving the stores card at him as i walked out.

So i figure AO has never really let me down So can anyone recomend a good Pocket PC I'm a student so i spent alot of time in a "hot zone" a good wifi is a must i'd like to be able to word process when needed i most likely wont use it for games and i am looking to spend about 400-500. I don't like the palm stuff i'm thinkin Hp or dell but i'm open to others so please tell me what you have and who you like it or if you know them well any thoughts are welcome thanks

10-03-2005, 08:17 PM
I've always liked Palms myself. I'm looking to get a Treo 650 soon. The specs match what you're looking for I think.

10-04-2005, 07:22 AM
Long time Plam user here. Using a T3 now. Could not be happier.

10-05-2005, 12:46 PM
Long time Plam user here. Using a T3 now. Could not be happier.

I heard somewhere that Palm will dissapear, not quite sure but now, some Treo are equipped with Windows OS.

I got myself a Ipaq Pocket PC, the 2010, no longer in production. I'm quite happy with it. I have a few software installed including pocket Acrobat, Pocket Street and Trips and a DVD player. I use my PPC mostly for my contacts, appointement, usefull data, MP3 player and file storage, so 64 Mb RAM is plenty for me. My PPC doesn't have WiFi built in, so I bought a WiFi card, I can access my e-mail, chat with MSN Messenger and suf the web. I can sync with my cell phone via bluethoot and laptop via IR. Very convenient, I cannot go without it.

10-05-2005, 02:43 PM
Palm blows to say the least. I have used both and far preffer anything running windows mobile. I have a few year old toshiba e855 running windows mobile 2002. However 2003 is the most common now. But if you can wait another couple months or so 2005 is coming. In fact Sprint will have the first 2005 enable device on the market and of course it is a phone too which may or may not be a plus for you (this should be available in a few weeks).

Things you want to look for:
Make sure it has built in wifi so you can access hot spots (that is why i chose the toshiba because when i bought it, most didnt come with it built in plust it had the typical 64mb of regular memory, but it also had 32 extra of secure built in flash.

Make sure it had a secure digital expansion slot!!! (mine has both SD and compact flash) but the CF isn't as important anymore.

Between an HP and a Dell, i'd say go with an HP, they are far more widely used thus there will be more support for them if you have any issues in the future.