View Full Version : Timmy Vs Matrix

10-05-2005, 07:38 PM
ok i came to automag for 2 reason

1. you guys are a muturle(spelling?) side that wont give me a biest(spelling? lol) anser
2. the people are nicer here then pbn lol

ok i am chosing between an empire timmmy and a proto 6...

i want the pros and cons please


10-05-2005, 07:55 PM
we speak english on AO, sorry.

10-05-2005, 08:10 PM
haha your hilarious "we speak english" but come on give the guy and answer

10-05-2005, 08:18 PM
haha your hilarious "we speak english" but come on give the guy and answer

Sorry, but I agree, if he can't spend 2 minutes putting some thought and effort into his post and make it easy to read, then I'm not going to spend the 2 minutes to give him an answer.

10-05-2005, 08:28 PM
haha your hilarious "we speak english" but come on give the guy and answer
who are you?

10-05-2005, 08:32 PM
Sorry, but I agree, if he can't spend 2 minutes putting some thought and effort into his post and make it easy to read, then I'm not going to spend the 2 minutes to give him an answer.
I agree. If you don’t know how it’s spelled then type what u want to ask in word and then copy/paste it here. If you want an answer (unlike your anser) then spend some time and type it with some intelligence. We want to help but when you post something with spelling that bad we know u didn’t spend time to make the post so why would we spend time with an answer.

10-05-2005, 08:34 PM
I agree. If you don’t know how it’s spelled then type what u want to ask in word and then copy/paste it here. If you want an answer (unlike your anser) then spend some time and type it with some intelligence. We want to help but then you post something with spelling that bad we know u didn’t spend time to make the post so why would we spend time with an answer.

Make very certain to CAREFULLY proofread your comments when criticizing someone elses grammar or spelling.

/Learned that lesson the hard way
//No longer criticizes grammar and spelling

10-05-2005, 08:35 PM
Wow I didn’t think ao will go down to pbnation level..Thanks you

Honestly you guys acted like a bunch of immature pricks...

Ever thought they MIGHT be a reason that I am not good a spelling..hmmm lets think

I could have an IEP in spelling...do you know what that mean.Its mean I have trouble learning how to spell.....do you know what grade I am in. NO you don’t for all you know I could be a little kid with a question...soo before you start making fun of some one.. Think before you act..

you guys have just killed the one reason i liked coming to the place..it use to be a nice friendly place...thanks alot

10-05-2005, 08:41 PM
Both guns have their pros and cons.

Personally, I don't care for the upkeep on any spool valved gun. If the bolt isn't greased thoroughly and religiously, you can have first shot drop off or the gun may not fire at all.

Yes, their kick is damned near minimal, but for simplicity, give me a timmy.

10-05-2005, 08:43 PM
ok i came to automag for 2 reason

1. you guys are a muturle(spelling?) side that wont give me a biest(spelling? lol) anser
2. the people are nicer here then pbn lol

ok i am chosing between an empire timmmy and a proto 6...

i want the pros and cons please


Apparently his reasons to come here are invalid. Despite not having good english, you all knew what he was looking for and could of helped.

To Gumbe: i appolagize on behalf of everyone else here on AO, and if i had experience with either marker i would help but i dont. i hope you get some real responses...

10-05-2005, 08:44 PM
I love Intimidators, I hated having to sell mine (though it turns out I didn't need to :mad: ). I love the way they are so simple. The ram slides right out the back, the LPR can be completely removed from the block easily, the trigger frame splits in half (except the classic, and sorta on old GZ frames) so you can work on it easier. The trigger pin screws in so there's no need to hammer it out. Parts for it are very cheap and widely available. Boards with all the fancy modes and options are very cheap and easy to get. A lot of people complain about the quality, I think it's great. I've never had one stop shooting on me. All you need to do is take care of it like anything else and it will do you well.

I've owned a couple Matrices, and I haven't been terribly impressed. They have seemed to shoot just like anything else, but without the flexibility of the Intimidator. I haven't tried any DMs or Protos yet (though I did just buy a Proto, we'll see how that goes) so I can't answer on that.

10-05-2005, 08:47 PM
Wow I didn’t think ao will go down to pbnation level..Thanks you

Honestly you guys acted like a bunch of immature pricks...

Ever thought they MIGHT be a reason that I am not good a spelling..hmmm lets think

I could have an IEP in spelling...do you know what that mean.Its mean I have trouble learning how to spell.....do you know what grade I am in. NO you don’t for all you know I could be a little kid with a question...soo before you start making fun of some one.. Think before you act..

you guys have just killed the one reason i liked coming to the place..it use to be a nice friendly place...thanks alot
I'm sorry, I love you.

10-05-2005, 09:01 PM
I always thought the reason this place was so nice is we could have intelligent conversations and still respect on another. Of coarse intelligent also means that you might have to get the spell check out and you might need to look up a word or two, and maybe even reread it to prevent errors. Thats what really seperates AO from PBN. Even when we flame eachother, we do it in a grammatically correct wa(rather than the PBN method which is more along the lines of "U AER TEH MSOT NOT UBAR ROXORZ PERSON EVRE!!"). You are also capable of doing that since you did it in your last post and only made one noticable error. Im not saying your dumb or anything. I just would appreciate it maybe if we don't have to strain our eyes trying to figure out what your saying. So put a smile back on and try asking the question again. :D

10-05-2005, 09:19 PM
ohhh apple pie..you made me smile..i will do it tomrrow it late in canada and i need to go to bed...i have school....i will pull out my spell cheaking skills tomrrow..

10-05-2005, 09:20 PM
Ever thought they MIGHT be a reason that I am not good a spelling..hmmm lets think

Already thought of it... you're lazy.

Odd that you can spell mature in that post, but not in your first. I'm not quite sure what would make someone think that "best" had an 'i' in it either...

I could have an IEP in spelling...do you know what that mean.Its mean I have trouble learning how to spell

Well, sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that you have trouble doing a quick search on google or trying to get ahold of a dictionary.

soo before you start making fun of some one.. Think before you act..

No one is making fun of you. We're just not answering your question. You expect people to put time into an answer, but you yourself refuse to put time into stating the question.

you guys have just killed the one reason i liked coming to the place..it use to be a nice friendly place...thanks alot

If someone saying they won't answer one of your questions because you wouldn't put a little more effort into your post turns you away from an entire forum, you should probably grow a bit thicker skin, much worse things happen later in life.

I love the way they are so simple.

How is that much different than Matrices? The LPR screws right out, honestly, you won't be swapping triggers enough for the pin to be a problem, new boards are easy to get and pretty cheap as well. Lubing a Matrix bolt requires one allen wrench and about 5 minutes. That's really the only maintenance that will need to be done on it. As for intimidators, well, you'll spend at least 10-15 greasing the poppet alone.

They have seemed to shoot just like anything else, but without the flexibility of the Intimidator.

My real question, how are Intimidators more flexible? The only thing I can see is you can pull the bolt out fast... that's about it.

10-05-2005, 09:30 PM
if you want easy maintenance get a timmy, if you want low kick get a proto. i prefer the proto as timmies feel cheaply built to me, also i have never had any problems with bolt stick on any of my spool valve guns. timmies are easy to fix but they seem to break too easily at my feild.
both will be about the same weight, with the proto being slightly heavier but who really cares. both will be about equally accurate(consistant) with the proto winning out slightly due to lesser kick and a better stock reg and barrel. i say proto but its your money.

Load SM5
10-05-2005, 09:41 PM
I've had 2 shockers a DM4 and 5 and an Alias over the past couple of years. The one gun I have'nt gotten rid off is the Alias. The triggers, for whatever reason, just feel flat out great. I've never gotten another marker to feel the same. I baby all of my guns and the Alias has never gone down on me over the past 2 years. During that time I've replaced exactly 1 o-ring in the LPR. My other guns, while they've had their moments, have all failed me for whatever reason, it was too cold for the lube I had, something backed out of adjustment, or I forgot to sacrifice a chicken and spit rum at it that morning. I dunno. Proto's are great but I do find that line of guns to be a bit more labor intensive and finicky.

My opinion is a timmy...


10-05-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by FallNAngel
I'm not quite sure what would make someone think that "best" had an 'i' in it either...

No, cuz that's not what he's saying. He's saying biased.

To answer his question, I'd have to go with the 'trix, although maintenance is a pain. Timmy's are fast and simple...and more reliable. I just like the 'trix more, I guess... :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 12:45 AM
Way to be a douchebag, FnA.

I would go with the Intimidator, simply because of the simplicity and ease of maintenance. Timmies rarely go down when taken care of, and even when they do, they're easily revived!

Matrices are beautiful, wonderful markers as well; however, my experiences have been mostly Timmies, and I will vouch for their ease of use, ease of maintenance and simplicity.

10-06-2005, 01:04 AM
Load couldn't have said it better. In my past years in paintball, I would always buy a new gun almost every year. Sometimes more than one. In June of 04, I picked up an 02 timmy and loved it. I kept it for 2 months and used my friends alias one day and loved that even more. I picked up an alias about a week later and that has been my main gun for a year and a half now. The gun is reliable as hell,fast, light, and accurate. It is simple to maintain and I forgot to mention that the kick is not bad and its pretty efficient as well. The gun has been awesome in the time I've had it and even the most mechanically inept person could maintain it. I've only chopped a handful of times with it and it rarely breaks paint in the barrel. I kept it mostly stock because I didn't feel it had many defiencies. I had a critical trigger but put the stock one in because I could shoot it faster with that one. Matrices have never impressed me. There just as fast, but not as efficient and the kick is not much different between the two. Matrices are a bit tall for my liking as well. The matrix is a good gun too, but I like timmies better.

10-06-2005, 01:27 AM
in all honesty, i would go with the proto, or rather any matrix.

First off, have you shot either? try em out, every one has em, the pm5 will shoot the same as the pm6, so it shouldnt be a problem to find one to get the idea.

The proto is much easier maitinence wise, unscrew a cap, pull out the bolt system, slap some lube on, re insert, and go.

Easy to set lpr

Easy interface.

NO kick opperation

and easy to shoot fast.

The timmy, im not too keen on them, they just dont toot my whistle. they are fast yes, but the proto is just as fast and easy to shoot, i dont like the kick, and in all honesty, i dont like the idea of body extrusions, id rather have something milled.

10-06-2005, 06:11 AM
Spool valves are a superior rapid shooting design to any hammer and valve gun. Timmies are fast but no where as near as smooth as a matrix when you are shooting at speed. I owned around 8 electros so far, most of them the typical high end hammer guns and the only one I feel worth keeping is my Proto.

One thing to consider as well is that you are comparing a $800.00 gun to a $1200.00 + gun. IMO Timmies dont offer anything special or unique over an Angel, Cyborg, Viking, Ego, or even the Promaster.
If you want to spend the amount of cash a Timmy costs I would suggest an EGO or Angel G7, or 05 Speed they are higher quality made markers than the Timmy for around the same price.

In the end it all boils down to personal perferance. Shoot them both and then decide.

10-06-2005, 06:16 AM
Spool valves are a superior rapid shooting design to any hammer and valve gun. Timmies are fast but no where as near as smooth as a matrix when you are shooting at speed. I owned around 8 electros so far, most of them the typical high end hammer guns and the only one I feel worth keeping is my Proto.

However, the Matrix solenoid limits it in the low 20s (like anyone can shoot it anyways) which is enforced by a software cap. That being said I like my Proto better than a lot of different markers I have shot, and maintenance is best cut down by use of slick honey.

10-06-2005, 06:36 AM
However, the Matrix solenoid limits it in the low 20s (like anyone can shoot it anyways) which is enforced by a software cap. That being said I like my Proto better than a lot of different markers I have shot, and maintenance is best cut down by use of slick honey.

I think the cap is 24 bps? Ive used slick honey since I got my Proto about 6 months ago and have yet to change a single o-ring. (I do clean and lube the bolt assembly after every day of play but that only takes about 3 mins tops).

What I dont get is why some people think its heavy maintenance to remove a bolt, wipe off the grease, and reapply with fresh grease? Its the same if not less effort to maintain as a traditional hammer/valve gun. (Pull out Macro or unscrew tank from ASA, add couple drops of oil, remove barrel, fire 20 times, take out delrin bolt, wipe oil off bolt etc etc... )

stop whining buy a mag
10-06-2005, 06:47 AM
However, the Matrix solenoid limits it in the low 20s (like anyone can shoot it anyways) which is enforced by a software cap. That being said I like my Proto better than a lot of different markers I have shot, and maintenance is best cut down by use of slick honey.

The almighty slick honey. Everyone is complaining about maintanence on Matrices but it isn't bad at all. Slide out the bolt every other time you play and put some slick honey on it. Every couple months lube the reg and LPR. As long as it is regularly lubed, o-rings won't go very often.

I've only shot a Timmy so I can't say all that much about those.

Go to the field and explain to the guys that you are looking to buy a new gun. Politely ask if you can take 20 shots over the chrono. They may even be selling it also, so they'd gladly let you try it. If there is a specific gun that you're looking for but is never at your field then just see if any other local shops carry it. As long as you have the $$$ they'll let you shoot it for the chance to make a sale. Last but not least, research research, research.

10-06-2005, 10:28 AM
I always thought the reason this place was so nice is we could have intelligent conversations and still respect on another. Of coarse intelligent also means that you might have to get the spell check out and you might need to look up a word or two, and maybe even reread it to prevent errors. Thats what really seperates AO from PBN. Even when we flame eachother, we do it in a grammatically correct wa(rather than the PBN method which is more along the lines of "U AER TEH MSOT NOT UBAR ROXORZ PERSON EVRE!!"). You are also capable of doing that since you did it in your last post and only made one noticable error. Im not saying your dumb or anything. I just would appreciate it maybe if we don't have to strain our eyes trying to figure out what your saying. So put a smile back on and try asking the question again. :D

Load couldn't have said it better. In my past years in paintball, I would always buy a new gun almost every year. Sometimes more than one. In June of 04, I picked up an 02 timmy and loved it. I kept it for 2 months and used my friends alias one day and loved that even more. I picked up an alias about a week later and that has been my main gun for a year and a half now. The gun is reliable as hell,fast, light, and accurate. It is simple to maintain and I forgot to mention that the kick is not bad and its pretty efficient as well. The gun has been awesome in the time I've had it and even the most mechanically inept person could maintain it. I've only chopped a handful of times with it and it rarely breaks paint in the barrel. I kept it mostly stock because I didn't feel it had many defiencies. I had a critical trigger but put the stock one in because I could shoot it faster with that one. Matrices have never impressed me. There just as fast, but not as efficient and the kick is not much different between the two. Matrices are a bit tall for my liking as well. The matrix is a good gun too, but I like timmies better.

Yah, what they said, or something.

/listen to Lohman, and don't grammar nazi

10-06-2005, 01:04 PM
No, cuz that's not what he's saying. He's saying biased.

Well, that makes a bit more sense... but hence the reason for wanting a post with decent spelling.

Way to be a douchebag, FnA.

Wow, now I'm a douchebag because I wouldn't answer a question :rolleyes:

However, the Matrix solenoid limits it in the low 20s (like anyone can shoot it anyways) which is enforced by a software cap.

Even without the software cap, they're still limited. I believe that's the DM4/5/Proto series though, I believe the DM3's are a bit faster (not that it matters much).

The almighty slick honey. Everyone is complaining about maintanence on Matrices but it isn't bad at all. Slide out the bolt every other time you play and put some slick honey on it. Every couple months lube the reg and LPR. As long as it is regularly lubed, o-rings won't go very often.


10-06-2005, 02:15 PM
Ok, I have shoot a dm5..i liked it but at the same time I disliked it (make any scenes to anyone but me?) I also shoot a ripper 2..i don’t know why but I liked it a lot more. even though it wasn’t as smooth I still liked the over all feel.

So the reason I came here and ask you guys your opinion is just in case I missed something.. that the a-bomb wasn’t as good as marker as the ripper two, and the proto the dm5..

10-06-2005, 02:22 PM
Nope, you're a douchebag because you came in and responded in a crass manner. You state that you didn't want to spend 2 minutes writing a response, yet you've invested more time than that simply trolling around this thread, making assumptions and calling names.

10-06-2005, 02:35 PM
if your going to get a newer timmy, get one thats on the real 2k5 platform (any new one OTHER than the empire) But, id take the proto 06 over any current timmy anyway, its all personal preferance, try guns out.

10-06-2005, 03:07 PM
well i just wanted to make sure i am not going to buy somthing that has a major problem in it..thanks for the help...even if some where jerks about it ;)

10-06-2005, 05:25 PM
Nope, you're a douchebag because you came in and responded in a crass manner. You state that you didn't want to spend 2 minutes writing a response, yet you've invested more time than that simply trolling around this thread, making assumptions and calling names.

1. I did not originally respond in a crass manner.. I actually came in and agreed with what someone else said
2. I did *NOT* call anyone names. The absolute closest I even came to calling anyone a name was when I said he was lazy. There's typo's and small spelling mistakes... but if you know you're making them, why not just look it up?
3. I said I wouldn't give him my thoughts on a Matrix vs Timmy... I never said I wouldn't post at all in the thread. I haven't been trolling, I've responded to several posts that've been made.

its all personal preferance

:clap: Yep, shoot both, pick what you like better. Actually go to PBN and browse around the forums, see what problems people have, read the stickies and pick which you like better. You're the one shooting it, why should we be deciding what *you* shoot?

10-09-2005, 04:55 PM
Personally I think the 06 cyborg sounds better than the choices you gave. I wont have the cash to pick one up though...

10-09-2005, 06:52 PM
Honestly, I would save my money and get one of the new Lasoya or Empire Timmys that will be out soon.
These are my reasons:
-Timmy resale isn't that bad
-Timmys are easier to maintain
-lots of upgrades avalible (but not needed)
-You could easier trade the new Timmy for someone's Proto + cash

10-10-2005, 12:11 AM
timmys are not lower maintainance than a matrix. All you have to do is lube the matrix bolt and occasionally the LPR...nothing more.