View Full Version : Onward and....upward?

10-06-2005, 06:10 PM
Our team has been offered (real) sponsorship. We are negotiating between two sponsors. The offer we have been given so far works out nicely for us. There are no placement requirements, we just have to make and play in as many events as we can, and represent the sponsor(s) in a positive way.

The guy who made this all possible has asked me to captain the B team.

This comes at an odd time for me really. I have a lot of skepticism about my future in paintball. Not so much as to whether I want to play, but what level I wish to continue with it. It takes a lot of time, hard work and dedication to excel in paintball at this level. Its a lot more than just going and shooting every weekend. Its training, its drilling, shooting pennies at the top of a broomstick while running and switching hands. Spending time away from home to train and compete.

Its learning to play within the ethical grey area surrounding the rules and "honor" of the game. Knowing that every moment you are on the field you are representing more than just yourself. Your team, the shop, the sponsors.

I asked my teammates if they wanted to win at all costs or to lose honorably? And be happy and good sports about it? We have always been , and were chosen based on our sportsmanship and good demeanor on the field.

This is an amazing opportunity for me. I suppose there are a great deal of people who wouldn't think twice about doing it.

10-06-2005, 06:24 PM
what all is entailed (sp) in your "real" sponsorship?

10-06-2005, 06:50 PM
what all is entailed (sp) in your "real" sponsorship?

Probably a cofidentiality agreement :D

10-06-2005, 07:00 PM
I am not sure I am at liberty to discuss it to be honest. Lets just put it this way. We have local sponsors that help with the team fund, but much of our expenses come out of pocket. This offer is not a "ticket to ride" but will make our out of pocket expenses minimal.

10-06-2005, 07:19 PM
If it was me i would take it,but as we know its not me.How old are you? Do you go to school or have a steady job? Just some of things you may consider while deciding.I mean if you like paintball and your already playing tounaments and such and your paying for most of it..why not give it a try while its coming out of someones elses pocket?
Is it the length of the contract your skeptical about? I dont know but whatever you do best of luck to you.

Just thought of some other stuff... when you and your team mates formed a team what where you intentions? Does this deal help you meat or exceed those..or will it lead to what you want...idk some things to think about maybe? :cheers:

10-09-2005, 07:08 PM
Relax and take a deep breath, ok good. first off it is a high level of prefomance yes but if someone offered you a sponsorship you must be up to par for them. second there is no wrong in honor, win lose or draw, play honorably. As for your family and travel, there is no substitute for being there, but the internet and phone will alow you to keep in contact. You should ask your family there honest opinion about what they want. To represent them all right all you have tyo do is play with honor, rmemeber that

10-10-2005, 06:47 AM
Sponsorships can be (and mostly are) two-edge swords. It is great to get free equipment and other items, but you better hope the entire team likes the product. I've seen instances where teams fall apart after accepting sponsorships - mostly because certain members of the team aren't comfortable with the products they have to use (boots, markers, loaders, etc). And since you are required to use that product and that product only, it can cause some major headaches.

One of the reasons we are extremely leery as a team to accept sponsors....

10-10-2005, 07:30 AM
At this time the sponsor will not be covering our markers, so at least in that we get to use what we want. I suppose eligibility for that will come as we gain exposure. Details are still being hammered out, and I may already have said too much...

Pump Scout
10-10-2005, 11:09 AM
Its learning to play within the ethical grey area surrounding the rules

That right there is one of the bigger reasons I left tournament ball... and I only played at the local level! Accepting a sponsorship and a captain position are pretty personal decisions (and if you're B-team captain, you might not have a huge say in sponsorships), but I can offer this: If you're not 100% comfortable with any part of it at any time, get someone else to do the job. If you find yourself questioning whether or not to play on, if you should do a mod to sneak in an extra ball or two per second, if it's not fun anymore, and if you're not happy, walk away from it. I can honestly say that I never have more fun than when I'm playing recreationally, with "nothing" on the line. If I cheat (and I don't), I'd only be cheating myself. In tournament ball, if you call yourself out when you know you've been hit, but nobody else saw the hit, you may have cost your team places, points, and money. Is it worth it? Again, personal question and personal decision. I'm back to being a rec-baller, so that tells you which path I took.

You're definitely at a fork in the road of your "paintball career". Just remember that there's always side trails off each path anytime you need them. Do the right thing for YOU, that's what matters here.

10-10-2005, 06:29 PM
In tournament ball, if you call yourself out when you know you've been hit, but nobody else saw the hit, you may have cost your team places, points, and money. Is it worth it?

That is exactly the reason why I am second guessing the whole thing. I love that level of play, but hate the WAY its played. Honorable players are few and far between at that level. The results of honesty are loss.