View Full Version : College (and High School) 2002 Tournaments - National League, Recball Prices

12-07-2001, 12:06 AM
Editting the pricing - thanks to Diablo's (http://www.diablodirect.com) participation as a NCPA Gold Contributor, all of the NCPA events just got $10 cheaper. Thanks to Diablo for their support of college and high school paintball. This means that Nationals is now $30/team. Yes, $6 per player. At Challenge Park Xtreme (http://www.challengepark.com). You can't even play recball for that much - well, actually you can, because the $6 includes free field fees at CPX the next day. Back to the original post.....

Alright, we have 7 events on the schedule (so far) for the spring semester. All of these events count for College Team Ranking (http://www.rankings.college-paintball.com). Here's the info:

February 9 - ISU Invite at Total Paintball in Davenport, Iowa - www.gpic.college-paintball.com - $110/team + $65/case
February 16 - SACC Tournament at Regulator's Outpost (http://www.regulatorsoutpost.com) in Dalton, Georgia - www.sacc.college-paintball.com - $65/team + $65/case
March 16 - SACC Tournament at Regulator's Outpost (http://www.regulatorsoutpost.com) in Dalton, Georgia - www.sacc.college-paintball.com - $65/team + $65/case
March/April - GPIC Tournament in Kansas/Nebraska - www.gpic.college-paintball.com
March/April - NEIC Tournament at West Point (http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/4152/index2.html) - www.neic.college-paintball.com
April 6 - MICT VII at Sniper Jack's (http://www.sniperjack.com) in Villa Grove IL - www.mict.college-paintball.com


April 27 - College & High School National Championships at Challenge Park Xtreme (http://www.challengepark.com) in Joliet, IL - www.nationals.college-paintball.com - $30/team + $65/case

Yes, that's $30 per team and $65/case for the national tournament. At Challenge Park Xtreme (http://www.challengepark.com). Try playing recball at those prices, anywhere. All prices are subject to go down.

Teams of all skill levels are encouraged to attend. These tournaments are designed to showcase the best in paintball competition while also providing the best environment for new players to get into tournament paintball. (Translation: The college teams want a friendly, but competative, tournament that their new players will enjoy playing in.)

Leave your poor behavior at home because it won't be tolerated here.

- Chris

12-07-2001, 12:08 AM
Now that is cool

12-07-2001, 12:12 AM
Sniper Jacks , I will be there can't wait

see ya there :D

12-07-2001, 12:13 AM
You guys should hit the Davenport event too at least, not that far, good experience, and might pick up some points to boot.

- Chris

12-07-2001, 12:17 AM
good idea, I will have to mention that at our next team meeting.

12-07-2001, 12:35 AM
who confirmed the NEIC at West Point in Spring???

12-07-2001, 12:37 AM
I asked West Point if they'd like to do a tournament, they said yes. Still have to decide when they want to do it.

- Chris

12-07-2001, 12:45 AM
sure let them do it. i am now officially done with college ball

12-07-2001, 08:44 AM
Hey Raehl,
I am interested in getting a team together for the Feb/March tournies in Georgia. What are the divisions, team sizes, etc. I can get a 3 or 5 man team together to play, at the least. Are there different levels of play (Novice, Amature...)?

I did check out the website, but found little more info than dates and such. Any info that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


12-07-2001, 09:34 AM
If there is a tourny at west point I'll be there with the RPI team.

12-07-2001, 11:19 AM
Good point - I suppose that just because I know that all college events are 5-man, that doesn't mean everyone else does. ;)

Anyway, all college events are 5-man events. Everyone plays everyone else in the same division (college). The events are cheap and there isn't any big prize packageon the line (we encourage tax-deductible contributions in lieu of donating prizes and prizes at most events will be raffled) so we think it's better to give the new teams a chance to play teams of a variety of skill levels.

I'll get the conference pages updated soon - the nationals page has more verbose information that should give you a better idea of college paintball as a whole. What college would you be coming from? If you're not on the college list already you should list yourselves - we use that to send out information and the like.

Gimp, you should really get RPI listed on the college clubs list as well. It's at www.collegelist.college-paintball.com.

- Chris

12-11-2001, 02:54 PM
I editted the original post to incorporate new lower pricing courtosy Diablo Direct (http://www.diablodirect.com). The details are there.

Three more Gold Contributors and Nationals is free entry for everyone.

- Chris

12-11-2001, 03:37 PM
can a Jr. highschool student join with highschool students

12-11-2001, 04:24 PM
Junior High players may play on high school teams with advanced approval. The tournaments are specifically designed for all levels of experience, so we encourage people to get other students to fill out two separate teams (one hs and one junior high, which can play in the HS tourny) as opposed to combining across schools. You'll need advanced approval to have a team with players from more than one school. Email me the particulars of the situation at [email protected].

As for Texas, we run tournaments where there's interest for them. As it stands, I havn't pulled together enough teams in the south yet to do something, but I'm working on it - probably something in the E. Texas/Arkansas/Louisiana area. If you know of other colleges in your area who could get teams together, let me know. In any case, you should start a club and get on the college clubs list at www.collegelist.college-paintball.com - it's the easiest way for us to keep track of everyone.

So anyway, we're working on a tournament in/near Texas, just have to see if we can pull togther enough interest.

- Chris