View Full Version : Yum! Leftovers!

10-10-2005, 02:29 AM
so i just turned 21 last thursday, and well after numerous cases and cases and various varieties i have leftovers! YAY FOR LEFT OVERS! all the money I spent....$20 :p

<a href="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01592.JPG"><img src="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01592.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

<a href="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01593.JPG"><img src="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01593.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

<a href="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01594.JPG"><img src="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01594.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

<a href="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01595.JPG"><img src="http://www.trevjkett.com/Pictures/Leftoveralchohal/DSC01595.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Will Wood
10-10-2005, 02:38 AM
If we drink long enough we won't get hung over, here is a toast to the ones F**ked up! :cheers:

10-10-2005, 02:47 AM
If we drink long enough we won't get hung over, here is a toast to the ones F**ked up! :cheers:


i have found, that if you take a shot of anything strong first thing in the morning when you wake up, that you are pretty much buzzing in about 15 minutes :D

call me an alchy if you want, i had 5 days to be crapfaced and nothing was going to stop that :D

Will Wood
10-10-2005, 02:54 AM
No I know what you mean man.

I took a shot of 151 in the morning once. (It was on my night stand, guessed I passed out before I could finish it) And wowza! Heh.

10-10-2005, 07:40 AM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?

10-10-2005, 08:13 AM
happy b-day. i turn 21 on oct 21st. :clap:

Will Wood
10-10-2005, 09:14 AM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?
I was assuming they weren't even for him..
And what's wrong with Coors Light? That is good stuff.
And any rum is good rum.

10-10-2005, 10:09 AM
mmmm vagina...... oh wait beer right.

beer is good, but I like the darker side of beer. Has anyone tried Full Sail? pretty decent. At any rate, any beer made in an old shoe will taste like crap ( most of your cheaper beer like PBR bud and such) or crap rolled in crap.

anyways, thats my.02


Will Wood
10-10-2005, 10:16 AM
I'm slowly starting to taking a liking to local breweries. At first most of it is usually way to bitter for my tastes, but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it for the casual drink. Now I probably wouldn't plan to get smashed off it, but I'm definately developing a taste for the local stuff. It's good.

10-10-2005, 10:43 AM

Stupid college kids...

10-10-2005, 12:21 PM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?

so true so true.

10-10-2005, 12:27 PM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?

ok well here is my argument on the whole vagina drink thing. By sayiing that it is a vagina drink you are saying there is somethign wrong wiht it casue it tastes good, and that you dont drink it casue its reputation of being a vagina drink. Which would mean that you drink beer becasue of the fact it makes you feel more manley not becasue you like it. So whose the vagina now....

BTW i enjoy those "vagina" drinks but perfer norm beer anyday, they are a lil too sweet for me most of the time

Will Wood
10-10-2005, 12:29 PM
A b**ch drink is a b**ch drink, that's all there is too it. You drink it, you're a b**ch.

10-10-2005, 01:03 PM
its called a malternative, and yes they are b*tch drinks, but who cares? Crap, they are easy to get smashed off of, and are super easy to down. Im sorry, but seagrams candy apple rox. It is like jolly rancher in a bottle, that gets you messed up after taking multiple bottles in at a time, because you dont realize you are drinking. Now, i love beer, heck, im going to beerfest this weekend, its just, for cheep, fast drunkeness, grab some malternatives, and down them as fast as you can and dont look back.

10-10-2005, 01:10 PM
ok well here is my argument on the whole vagina drink thing. By sayiing that it is a vagina drink you are saying there is somethign wrong wiht it casue it tastes good, and that you dont drink it casue its reputation of being a vagina drink. Which would mean that you drink beer becasue of the fact it makes you feel more manley not becasue you like it. So whose the vagina now....

Say what?

Good beer tastes ten times better than those sugar-laden alchie-sodas. I love the taste of beer, from dopplebocks to IPAs. Those things taste like sugar water at first and then later on you get a sore throat from all the damn citric acid in most of them. Not to mention the fact that a hangover is worse when there is a lot of sugar involved. I used to drink hard cider when I was younger but it gives some wicked hangovers so I gave up on it.

I don't drink beer because its manly. I drink beer because it TASTES GOOD! Whoa, surprise surprise. If all you are drinking is coors light and miller lite, no wonder you think beer tastes bad. Those beers taste like piss. Coors light tastes like a weak real beer, mixed about 50/50 with water.

Go out and get yourself some guiness. Some spaten optimator. Some Magic Hat Blind Faith.

Then talk to me. Right now your knowledge of alcohol could fit in a thimble.

10-10-2005, 01:19 PM
Say what?

Good beer tastes ten times better than those sugar-laden alchie-sodas. I love the taste of beer, from dopplebocks to IPAs. Those things taste like sugar water at first and then later on you get a sore throat from all the damn citric acid in most of them. Not to mention the fact that a hangover is worse when there is a lot of sugar involved. I used to drink hard cider when I was younger but it gives some wicked hangovers so I gave up on it.

I don't drink beer because its manly. I drink beer because it TASTES GOOD! Whoa, surprise surprise. If all you are drinking is coors light and miller lite, no wonder you think beer tastes bad. Those beers taste like piss. Coors light tastes like a weak real beer, mixed about 50/50 with water.

Go out and get yourself some guiness. Some spaten optimator. Some Magic Hat Blind Faith.

Then talk to me. Right now your knowledge of alcohol could fit in a thimble.

I do have to agree, coors light, bud light, miller light, they all suck, but alteast it isnt the crappy college way of buying natty and stones, or *shudder* beast or beast light. Go drink some Rogue if you can find it, or some Dunkel, maybe a wheat beer, or something to that effect. Heck, even breakfast beer is better than that crap. In all honesty, if you are going to drink beer, go out and buy something that is good. If you are looking to get messed up, then buying beer is the wrong choice anyways.

10-10-2005, 02:17 PM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?

I was gonna say the same thing. There are some serious girly drinks in there.

Oh, and you wouldn't be drinking Rolling Rock if you saw the steams they get their water from. A new York City sewer is probably cleaner.

Big'n slo
10-10-2005, 02:22 PM
You've had a little captain in ya, eh?

10-10-2005, 02:25 PM
like the title says guys.... LEFTOVERS! the guiness and honey weiss i personally drank. its just everyone wanted something else so i made them all give me a list and money and i just went and got it. but when you are playing that River game were you go up and then down (card game) you want something that goes down easy, hence girly drinks :) either way, i still have my Turi's and that is some good stuff straight!

10-10-2005, 02:58 PM
Say what?

Good beer tastes ten times better than those sugar-laden alchie-sodas. I love the taste of beer, from dopplebocks to IPAs. Those things taste like sugar water at first and then later on you get a sore throat from all the damn citric acid in most of them. Not to mention the fact that a hangover is worse when there is a lot of sugar involved. I used to drink hard cider when I was younger but it gives some wicked hangovers so I gave up on it.

I don't drink beer because its manly. I drink beer because it TASTES GOOD! Whoa, surprise surprise. If all you are drinking is coors light and miller lite, no wonder you think beer tastes bad. Those beers taste like piss. Coors light tastes like a weak real beer, mixed about 50/50 with water.

Go out and get yourself some guiness. Some spaten optimator. Some Magic Hat Blind Faith.

Then talk to me. Right now your knowledge of alcohol could fit in a thimble.

Thats fine,, i wasnt tryin to get personal. That is jsut a joking rant i go on whenever someone brings up the topic og girly drinks, dont take it to seriously.

10-10-2005, 03:04 PM
I drink natty light.

It taste like piss.

10-10-2005, 03:20 PM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?

Actually... I think I liked Turi. I could have mistaken it for something else, however. Not really a vodka guy.

/Grey Goose 4 lyfe

10-10-2005, 03:24 PM
Go out and get yourself ... Some spaten optimator.

Can I get an Amen?

Duck Hunt
10-10-2005, 03:45 PM
I don't see any single malt scotch in there... you said you turned 21... weres the alcohol???



PS-Don't EVER put single malt in your fridge.

10-10-2005, 03:59 PM
Actually... I think I liked Turi. I could have mistaken it for something else, however. Not really a vodka guy.

/Grey Goose 4 lyfe

Turi is another 4X distilled Vodka from Estonia... it was about $4 cheaper then Grey Goose but its still very good.

i like to get Skyy for my mixed drinks... sometimes absolute. otherwise for straight up Vodka, its usually Grey Goose but i also like Vox, Stoli, and Finlandia... ive never had Turi so i made the GF pay for it

Soopa Villain17
10-10-2005, 05:07 PM
i like budweiser , got drunk the other night , puked all over myself , boy what a fun time , cant wait till its legal for me :rolleyes:

10-10-2005, 05:24 PM
Check out my website www.xxxchurch.org !

10-10-2005, 05:49 PM
If we drink long enough we won't get hung over, here is a toast to the ones F**ked up! :cheers:
Arent you like 19? lol :rolleyes:

10-10-2005, 05:57 PM
I See one thing only worth drinking in that fridge. Captain Morgans. You seem to be lacking the coke, so, I assume you were driking rum on the rocks for the entire evening. What is with people and these foo foo drinks? Smirnof ice? what the hell are you, a beer snob?

go now to your local bar. youre pennance is a pint of guiness, a pint of sams (light or regular, you choice), and some Killians Irish Red. Go now, repent.

10-10-2005, 06:27 PM
Check out my website www.xxxchurch.org !

Hmm, should someone report this as spam?

10-10-2005, 06:49 PM
I See one thing only worth drinking in that fridge. Captain Morgans. You seem to be lacking the coke, so, I assume you were driking rum on the rocks for the entire evening. What is with people and these foo foo drinks? Smirnof ice? what the hell are you, a beer snob?

go now to your local bar. youre pennance is a pint of guiness, a pint of sams (light or regular, you choice), and some Killians Irish Red. Go now, repent.

theres pepsi ;)

and you missed the point where i said i had some Guiness and Leinenkugels Honey Weiss (http://www.leinie.com/home.asp)

10-10-2005, 08:05 PM
theres pepsi ;)

and you missed the point where i said i had some Guiness and Leinenkugels Honey Weiss (http://www.leinie.com/home.asp)

Nothing wrong with Leinie's. Gotta love the Big Butt ale.

10-10-2005, 09:19 PM
i like budweiser , got drunk the other night , puked all over myself , boy what a fun time , cant wait till its legal for me :rolleyes:

Um, I think you're doing it wrong. All of it. Wrong.

Will Wood
10-10-2005, 09:30 PM
Arent you like 19? lol :rolleyes:
Who are you? This is probably the first post I've seen by you here.
That was a line from a song first of all. A good one www.pscmusic.com (plays as you enter the page) /plug
And not that I'm touchy about my age, but what, can you tell me, does my age have to do with anything?

And about Guiness, meh, I don't think I'll ever be able to aquire a taste for it.
I totaly forgot about Sams. Summer Ale is good stuff!

And Bofh, do what most of us here do. Just add him to your ignore list :clap:

10-10-2005, 09:42 PM
Where's the Old Grandad?

Eric Cartman
10-10-2005, 10:41 PM
Check out my website www.xxxchurch.org !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now that's funny!

10-11-2005, 01:09 AM
Coors light is good cheap beer, but my faves are heineken,yuengling, and the normal spaten. I remember the first time I drank spaten I was downing them and after 5 of them, my face was numb and I lit the wrong end of my cigarette when I used to smoke. Usually it would take me 10 or 12 before I would start lighting the wrong ends of my cigarettes. Me and my drinking buddies used to buy coors light or hard lemonade to give to the women. Most girls I knew at the time would drink 2or 3 and be buzzed enough and the night would be REAL fun then unless you got some beer slut that would start puking all over someones parents house.

10-12-2005, 06:13 PM
You havent had a beer until you tried my breakfast beer. Those who had it a couple years ago, well, blueberries arent exactly a good beer taste. Good on pancakes though.

coors is what you buy when you have $10 in your pocket, and wanna urinate every 1/2 hr. Microbrews are by far my favorite. Guinness, I can drink, but not in large quantity. Bass is my poison of choice on any given night (silence Thor, I've heard your griping about it far too much already ;) ).

Getting drunk and puking on yourself is only reserved for cheap beers. Its your body telling you you dont know jack about drinking. Good beer, you dont (normally) hurl up. One, because you dont wanna puke up all that $$$. Two, beer can be a pleasure to drink, IF ITS GOOD STUFF!!! Bud, coors, natty, isnt good stuff. Ever. Not going down, not coming back up.

As far as the rest of the, er, "malternative" (who came up with that term?!?!?!), yeah, dont touch it normally. NEVER ordered it. Drank the twisted tea at BBQs a few times...thats about it.

10-12-2005, 06:51 PM
A b**ch drink is a b**ch drink, that's all there is too it. You drink it, you're a b**ch.

I like the ***** drinks. If I'm drinking alcohol to get drunk, it might as well taste good.

10-12-2005, 09:12 PM
Who are you? This is probably the first post I've seen by you here.
That was a line from a song first of all. A good one www.pscmusic.com (plays as you enter the page) /plug
And not that I'm touchy about my age, but what, can you tell me, does my age have to do with anything?

And about Guiness, meh, I don't think I'll ever be able to aquire a taste for it.
I totaly forgot about Sams. Summer Ale is good stuff!

And Bofh, do what most of us here do. Just add him to your ignore list :clap:
Lol.. this is Need4speed1299, i had my name changed a while back. I bought an Xvalve from you awhile back also.

10-12-2005, 10:02 PM
There isn't anything good in that whole fridge.

Whats with the upper shelf vagina drinks?
*Automaggot68 on Her username

10-13-2005, 12:56 AM
you gotsta get yourself some whiskey!

10-13-2005, 07:26 AM
do you poeple not read anything? or are you all just lazy bastards that just scroll to the bottom and hit reply?

now to make it easy for you lazy people go to this time and date on this thread
10-10-2005 06:49 PM or post #31 and read.... and now go to the title of this thread wich can be found at the top of your frickin screen! eesh......

10-13-2005, 09:38 AM
I think our point is, if those are your leftovers, throw them away, don't be displaying them proudly on the Internet.

10-13-2005, 09:56 AM
I think our point is, if those are your leftovers, throw them away, don't be displaying them proudly on the Internet.
Maybe he just forgot teh disclaimer that 'the leftovers' is just bait for inviting over teh hotties so the next party is not a sausagefest...

What ya need is:
Guiness or Murphy's Irish
Some good Octoberfest like Ayinger or Spaten
Maybe some Duringer(sp?) Dunkel-Brau

or go domestic with RedHook, Full Sail, Sierra Nevada or even Sam's.

Mass quantity, Leinies sampler packs, like 4 12s do nicely.

10-13-2005, 10:32 AM
do you poeple not read anything? or are you all just lazy bastards that just scroll to the bottom and hit reply?

now to make it easy for you lazy people go to this time and date on this thread and read.... and now go to the title of this thread wich can be found at the top of your frickin screen! eesh......

Oh, we've been reading alright.

10-15-2005, 07:08 AM
Oh, we've been reading alright.

wsa god readin to? :wow:

10-25-2005, 11:57 PM
I like the ***** drinks. If I'm drinking alcohol to get drunk, it might as well taste good.

You just have to drink 47 of them. dont forget to cross your legs when you sit down.

Meanwhile all the girls are wondering where their drinks went.

If you wanna get drunk and have it taste good stick to...dun dun dun good bear ( Guiness, Bellhaven, Pacifico, Negro Modelo, Stella Artois, Spaten to name a few)

If you wanna get drunk to get drunk get yourself a 40 of St. Ides or the classic.....OE. It'll getcha drunk. Don't like the taste? Chug faster.

10-26-2005, 08:01 AM
ok well here is my argument on the whole vagina drink thing. By sayiing that it is a vagina drink you are saying there is somethign wrong wiht it casue it tastes good, and that you dont drink it casue its reputation of being a vagina drink. Which would mean that you drink beer becasue of the fact it makes you feel more manley not becasue you like it. So whose the vagina now....

BTW i enjoy those "vagina" drinks but perfer norm beer anyday, they are a lil too sweet for me most of the time

Thordic is the last person you want to argue with when it comes to drinking.
