View Full Version : Fantasy Fighting FUN!

12-07-2001, 06:32 AM
Who would win in a fight between 100 Pirates and 100 Ninjas?


12-07-2001, 07:59 AM
on land or on the sea?

12-07-2001, 08:11 AM
For the sake of fairness, the pirates are loctated on a ship currently docked.

Both parties have their assosiated weaponry at hand (cannons, shuriken etc)

12-07-2001, 08:28 AM
if the fight takes place on the ship, or any other close quarter place, my moneys on the pirates. They are best at close quarter fighting, like the deck of a ship. Whereas the ninjas would rule them in say a wooded area, where they could imploy traps, stealth, and long range weapons from concealed areas.

12-07-2001, 09:14 AM
Ninjas, hands down. The pirates might be able to kill 20 of them, but they would be dead in the end. Pirates were usually inept at swordfighting, at best. Ninjas were professional assassins. The pirates would never even see it coming.

12-07-2001, 09:21 AM
Yeah, but ninja's where exactly that, "assasins". When did they ever ingage in a head to head fight. Their strengths where in stealth and surprise.
I would probably still put my money on the ninja's. I'm just saying if they had a well trained crew of pirates it would be interesting (as long as they wheren't all drunk).

12-07-2001, 10:32 AM
Here's another fun one.
A Samurai and a Swashbuckeler.
Swords only katana and rapier.
No armor for either fighter.

12-07-2001, 10:41 AM
Historically, Pirates have always beaten Ninjas when the have have met in combat.

The Chinese Pirates that ransacked the Japanese coast during the Sengoku Period (1500's) must have encountered Ninjas (and samurai) as the ShoGun-ate was a live and well. The shear numbers of battles won by the pirates, and the amount of trade lost, caused the Japanese goverment to enter a period of isolationism. The numbers of Pirates in each battle is unknown, as are the numbers of Ninjas. But the Ninjas did lose.

During the same time period, Japanese Pirates raided mainland China. But since China has no Ninjas, it's pointless to look at this data.

I'll also cite the 1854 encounter of the great pirate Matthew C. Perry, who in this instance had 300 men, forced open the ports of Yokohama, Japan. Technically, Perry wasn't a pirate, and there were no Ninjas involved (that we know of...) But he did win, and opened up Japan to world trade after being closed for over 250 years.

So another Historical conflict between the Ninja and Pirates, would be the Peoria Pirates vs. the New Haven Ninjas (arena football). The Pirates have a 7-9 record from last year and the Ninjas have just started this season... so no meaningfull information can be gathered here. given that the Ninjas have their tryouts this saturday, and the Pirates have completed a building season, I predict that Pirates will trounce the Ninjas next season.

A quick search on Google leads us to the great debate Ninjas Vs. Pirates (http://www.lanceandeskimo.com/journal/ninjaspirates.shtml) which has an in-depth vision of such a battle.

My own research leads me to believe that pirates would defend a ship much better than ninjas could take it. Pirates would be excellent at repelling boarders and the advantage of gunpowder would tough to overcome.

So the winner is, Pirates!

12-07-2001, 04:20 PM
LOL! Has anyone seen "Return of the Killer Tomatoes"!? These guys start fighting, then it results in the coolest fight scene <B>EVER</B>! Ninjas, cowboys, bikers, little kids in karate outfits, and all kinds of people jump out and start fighting!!!! Its the funniest/coolest fight scene <B>EVER</B>!!!


12-07-2001, 06:53 PM
I say whoever attacks first would loose. If the ninjas started attacking the pirate ship from like a roof or something the pirates could get one cannon shot off before the ninjas landed... If the pirates go and attack an assin headquarters then the ninjas have home advantage and could spot the pirates and shoot them down...

12-07-2001, 07:55 PM
Definately Ninja's, Pirates are for the most parts trained in brute strength fighting and any Ninja could take one on. From what I know ninjas where trained in Marshal arts and anyone who has seen a Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, John C. VanDam they can take on the guys with guns, knives, swords, boards with nails in them, and etc.

12-07-2001, 08:00 PM
watch a jackie chan movie.

12-07-2001, 08:31 PM
Well, it still depends on a lot of things... A ninja isn't always the one-man-army type... They usually are packs of assasins. Yes, a ninja could go one hit kill on every pirate but the pirate is much more experience in real fighting situations. The pirate would know the tricks of the trade and be able to predict the moves of the ninja. Especially when that certain group could have had "run in"s with a martial arts group before.
On the other hand the ninja still has the disipline, agility, and finess that a pirate doesn't have. The pirates have brute, cunning, and experiance. You also have to remember that some are very accomplished gunmen...