View Full Version : gun jacked from house :(

12-07-2001, 06:34 AM
i just got back from gettin some new paint and went up to my dresser to check out how the paint when thru my boomstick and my gun or tank wasnt on my dresser. i searched the whole house and i kno my gun was their before i left. then i found someone's keys in my sink and no on in my house has seen them in their life.and my first tourny was the 31st of dec.

12-07-2001, 06:39 AM
If your gun was the only thing stolen, it was probly one of your friends. They knew what they were looking for and where to find it.

Sorry man :(

12-07-2001, 06:43 AM
well my gun and tank where the only thing on the dresser, all my other gear was in my box downstairs.he could have takin my brothers stereo cuz his room is next to mine.

12-07-2001, 07:41 AM
wait for someone to mention that their keys were missing...you might have a suspect...


just take the MOST WORN key off the key chain, and put it on yours...this way, they wont recognize their set of keys...

then, when you are at your friends house, try it in the front door lock...

its important that you get the most worn key, because they use that one the most, and it will PROBABLY be for their front door...the most worn key has the least sharp edges...

course you could just go make a copy of the keys, and ask your friends if they left em at your place...give em the original, then go try the copies...a friend of mine did this...he said his front door key fit the front door to city hall...so he had us trying our keys in EVERY lock we could...you could make up a story like that too, and that way, you could try all of your (his) keys in all of his locks...

i REALLY hate it when people get ripped off...ESPECIALLY by someone they think is their friend

was that too much information?

12-07-2001, 08:07 AM
sorry to hear about the stolen gun .... people really suck sometimes

I worry sometimes about my stuff getting ripped off because I am not the most organized person looking around my room right now I see my emag 2 micros a mutant pgp/rainmaker a line si bushy and a bloodsucker and a p.n. storm
oh whoops and i am standing on a hammer
I should really clean up

12-07-2001, 09:03 AM
Im really sorry to here about that, I think we should all create a "get your mag back fund". Do you have any pics of it you could post on the Stolen Equip. Sticky Post? That way everyone in the area could look out for it. Make sure you give the police the Serial Number so you can prove its yours. That really pisses me off that someone would do that.

12-07-2001, 12:03 PM
Uhhh hello? The front door key was a step in the right direction......are there CAR keys on the ring??? Usually factory car keys have the makers symbol on it! 2+2=thief

12-07-2001, 03:16 PM
People like that piss me off. I hope you find the low-down drit bag who did this and he s punished to the full extent.

12-07-2001, 03:26 PM
yeah, if they had a car key on that keyring, it would be easier to find them.

It would be funny if they had one of those alarm clickers on it. Walk around your neighborhood pushing the button and listen for the alarm beeping.

That sucks about stuff getting stolen, though, sorry dude.

12-07-2001, 03:28 PM
"You tell me where my gun is, and I'll tell you where your car is buried."

12-07-2001, 03:47 PM
i have an old pic but its out of date, i was waiting til i get my warp to take pics, but its a unique mag. its black to silver fade, blade intelli, 10inch boomie, pmi drop forward and thats about it.

12-07-2001, 04:05 PM
Very sorry to hear of your loss. Here is a little word to the wise...
If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and hurts someone with it BEFORE you tell the cops it was stolen, and they run the serial number and it comes back to you, then YOU(WE) go to jail! In a world of crazy, semi-violent kids, you MUST keep ALL guns locked up when you are not home. It is YOUR(OUR) responsibility to make sure no one gets hurt. If whoever took it is Thief, no telling what else he might do....

12-07-2001, 04:32 PM
get your serial number, report it to hte police if you haven't, pictures are good to, post it in the lost/stolen equip thread.. and if it is sold and someone sees that SN# then they will know who stole it.

12-07-2001, 04:54 PM
Tell your local field operators and paintball shops. Check ebay from time to time and your local newspaper classified ads(usually under sporting goods). You know, this may not be the time to praise Angel but I feel that the lockout codes are such a great idea. Anyway the car key will identify the guys car. The house keys will also tell you a lot because of the name on the key vs the name on the lock. i.e. the locks on my house are made by schlage. The color of the key matches the color of the lock too. Just one question, if his keys were in your sink, how did he get home? How did he get in? If there were car keys then obviously the car must still be around somewhere unless he has a spare. Do some footwork around the block or so. Then call the police and have them run a check on whose car it is and you have the culprit. I should start carrying peanut shells in my pockets like columbo.

12-07-2001, 06:11 PM
may want to interrogate your brother:)

12-07-2001, 06:19 PM
It's most likely someone you know, but anyway..
Notify local paintball stores, check ebay, etc,.

12-07-2001, 07:23 PM
Miscue beat me to the car joke...darn.

Sorry about the loss of the gun I am always checking ebay so if u just post an unupdated pic that would give me an idea I could probably help.

12-07-2001, 07:56 PM
get a dog

12-07-2001, 08:41 PM
Dude.. that sucks

12-07-2001, 09:02 PM
did you call the POLICE? Mags have a wonderful little piece of identification on them, it's called a serial number, call the police and report it stolen, get a case number and notify your insurance company as well, hope you get it back in one piece.

12-07-2001, 09:44 PM
the exact same thing happened to my friend about 6 months ago, he had his shocker 4x4 stolen right out of his unlocked basment. He hasn't played since but has finally saved up enough for a new one that he should get anyday now. We've never seen the gun again, and who ever took it knew what they were looking for because it was sitting right next to an impulse which was still there or maybe they didn't know what they were looking for seeing as how there was no barrel or tank on the impulse like on the shocker? what do you think

12-07-2001, 09:49 PM
too bad.. but it almost seems as if someone wanted you to find out,cause afterall, he did leave the keys (maybe dropped, but besides the point) but on the bright side...... "hey mom!!!! time to get a new gun!!"

...........i know its torture.. but u just might hafta speak to those cops (grr)...

12-07-2001, 10:07 PM
Leave the cops outta this one, if it is one of your friends, you take your spare gun and your full pods over to his house and show him what's up. Don't stop until he tells you where the gun is, and hope that you have the right man.
On another note, you're jumping to conclusions. Those keys could easily have been planted, and might not be the real culprits, but you still should interrogate all the possible suspects and jump on any leads.

12-07-2001, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by pumpamatic
Leave the cops outta this one, if it is one of your friends, you take your spare gun and your full pods over to his house and show him what's up. Don't stop until he tells you where the gun is, and hope that you have the right man.
On another note, you're jumping to conclusions. Those keys could easily have been planted, and might not be the real culprits, but you still should interrogate all the possible suspects and jump on any leads.

Bad Idea... If it takes too long someone could have sold it on ebay by the time he finds out who stole it... I say inform the cops and get that person busted... Even if it is your friend, he/she still doesn't have to right to break in and steal your paintball gun...