View Full Version : Hyperframed minimag

10-10-2005, 06:41 PM
First off I'd like to say hello and introduce myself a little. I know many AO members personally but finally have taken the time to join the community. I usually am involved with unofficial woods events in the northern NJ area. While using mostly low-end mechs my whole life (except for my ATS AT85 :D ), I finally purchased my first mag a few months ago. ....I also promptly started dumping money into it. I have a Tac-One with Q-loader, Freak kit, ULE trigger and PMI 88/4500 tank. Needless to say, I've become a mag freak and don't much care for anything else.

Second, I sincerely apologize if this has been an overdone topic, but I've just finished doing 2 hours of searching and haven't found the information I need!

I wanted to start on my own little project mag. A rough idea of what I would like would start with a Minimag body, adding lvl10 and Xvalve internals. Also, I'd want to get my hands on one of the more recent hyperframes. I was thinking of a warp feed, but I'm trying to keep it as compact as possible. My barrel of choice would be another freak kit with a flashpoint tip. (I'm a sucker for freak barrels) I'd probably want to run it remote to a PMI tank. I'm not into flashy annodizing, the stock grey body is good for me. Possibly with some shiny stainless or black pieces, but that's about it.

Again, I'm sorry if this is a played out topic, but just couldn't find what I needed. Any information on how to go about this, tips on a better setup, or direction towards a thread that has some good pointers would be greatly appreciated!

PS: Hope to see many of you at AONJ; I just happen to live in West Milford (unfortunately), so I will definately be there the 22nd! :cheers:

10-10-2005, 07:08 PM
This is my suggestion to you.

Find a Micromag body. They usually go for about $60-80 and they have an intergrated rail. They arn't very flashy, but I hear are still decently light, and have cocker threads (which means you won't need another barrel kit). Then find someone out there with either a 13bps or 20bps boarded hyperframe. They go for around $150. Then get yourself a X-valve. You can pick these up as a cheap as $160 but they are usually $190ish. Make sure it has ULT. I didn't have a problem with my RT hyperframed mag running on a stock on/off assembly, but I have heard many people complaining about having problems unless they have ULT. From personal experiance I say skip the warp...but that is opinion.

Lastly you could possibly get a foregrip of some sort, or a vert asa with a gutted regulator or gas through hooked up.

10-10-2005, 07:17 PM
Warp feeds dont just make the feed rate faster, it puts the hopper in a new and better place. (pretty much no hopper hits anymore when snap shooting.) So i think that wouldnt be a bad idea. Tunaman probley has everything that your looking for too. :)

10-10-2005, 07:22 PM
Warps are all preferance. Too me I found it kept the hopper out of the way...but it made the gun very heavy, and threw it off balance.