View Full Version : tourney level upgrades for 68 classic mag

12-07-2001, 12:06 PM
About a month ago, i finally saw the light and came out of the darkness by purchasing my first mag. It is a 68 classic mag with subzero expansion, pmi 68cc 3000, all american 12 inch, lapco dropforward, and molded battle grips. I am beginning to play in more tournaments than i have before and am looking to take my gun to that level.

After reading seemlingly hundreds of the posts on the tech forum, i finally am making my first. I am looking into getting the rt valve replacement, the new intelliframe, and possibly the new freak system. Is this the right idea? What specifics would u suggest? I have read the endless debates on the forum about topics concerning this issue and am wondering for the new people like me, can we reach some sort of conclusion.

Help! Please!!

12-07-2001, 12:13 PM
On a mag the following are the best upgrades that you can get:
Faster trigger finger, stronger legs, keen wits and thats about it for tourney level.

Im kidding, kinda....get the freak barrel system if you play at a lot of fields with different field paints. Intelliframe looks like the best double trigger frame out there. RT valve will get you great consistency at high balls per second.

You would also be wise to get the gun balanced, tank vs gun balace. Comfort works wonders especially with snapshooting.

12-07-2001, 05:39 PM
there is no problem though with replacing the current valve in my mag with the rt valve though right? i have heard many people suggest it. can u really feel the "bounce back" from the trigger?

12-07-2001, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by oggbeast
there is no problem though with replacing the current valve in my mag with the rt valve though right? i have heard many people suggest it. can u really feel the "bounce back" from the trigger?

No problem usually. Once in a while you have to get a different size on/off pin, no big deal. And, YES you can feel it bounce. It's pretty cool actually.

12-07-2001, 07:35 PM
Oh, one more thing. I noticed you said that you have a subzero expansion chamber on there. I recommend that you go ahead and loose that. Ex. chambers are designed for use w/ co2, and do absolutely nothing for compressed air. In fact, it has been suggested that the chambers in the thing might actually slow down the recharge rate from your air source to the gun. If you want to keep it as a foregrip, id recomend trying to gut the internals out of it to improve gas flow. Your best bet is to either replace it with gas-thru grip, or just run an airline directly from the air source to the mag.

12-08-2001, 12:23 AM
do you think it is worth getting a regulator if i am taking off the sub zero? or will the regulator do the same thing with the rt and just slow it down?

12-08-2001, 12:33 AM
The ex-chamber will slow down the retro... LOL! IS IT WORTH GETTING THE REG!?!?! LOL! The reg is like 8 times more expensive than the ex-chamber. Of course it's worth it! Just think, the fastest cycling reg out there with reative trigger that can be strong enough to go into runaway mode...

12-08-2001, 09:34 AM
oggbeast: First, Welcome to AO!!!

second, You definitly do not want to add a reg to a pre-set tank with any mag, but especialy an RT. You will experience shootdown like crazy. There is not a reg on the market that can keep up to the recharge rate of an RT valve. And besides, the valve has a reg already built in to it. But don't worry, this is a common question :-)

Foo: Buddy, you need more sleep. Go back to bed.:D :D