View Full Version : Whats left in Upstate NY?!?!

10-13-2005, 03:58 PM
Hey everyone...just like younger brothers tend to do, I'm back. For those of you who don't know me I'm HardR0ck68's younger brother. Anyways after a three year hiatius (sp?) I'm trying to ease my way back into the sport so I'm wondering whats left in the Rochester area and since I'm now going to school in Buffalo whats the PB scene here? Any help would be grand :cheers:

10-13-2005, 05:13 PM
This is a sweet place, http://www.nvp-proshop.com/

10-13-2005, 07:24 PM
That place is all snazzy and stuff :-P Do you know if Propaintball or Compete still in business?

10-13-2005, 07:27 PM
That place is all snazzy and stuff :-P Do you know if Propaintball or Compete still in business?

Or you can just go to rickz, my home field


10-13-2005, 07:52 PM
wow, rickz is CHEAP. my local field charges $75 for 2000 balls, and thats not even the really good stuff!!!

10-13-2005, 08:11 PM
I before E except after C...it's Field :p The field does look pretty tight...not sure what the average prices are anymore but thanks for the heads up

10-13-2005, 08:59 PM
Hey, another Rochesterian... can't wait to get out of this hell hole. Anyhoo! NVP is probably the best field I've ever played at next to GRC. Pro has closed and so has Compete indoor. Compete's woodsball/scenario field is still out in Ontario if you want to make the 45min hike.

Try NVP, it's really great. I'll be there sometime in mid to late November to try out my electro mod on my Logic frame. Probably won't have eyes yet, but meh. Rightnow I'm on a paintball hiatus myself trying to get college apps in. Oh yeah, and I'm taking 3 AP courses, on the crew team, and applying to the Naval Academy and NROTC... damnit I have no time for having a life! But seriously, check out NVP.

10-13-2005, 10:42 PM
Yeah my parents actually live 5 minutes from Jacks outdoor field, back in the day me and my brother we pretty well known there...I still need to get my gun out of storage...and hear from some airsmiths about prices to put mag internals into a old school 98

10-14-2005, 12:11 AM
LOL you actually wanna play paintball again? well good luck, i traded your m98 for a 6 pack at the IAO a couple years back :p (j/k)

Instead of paying, i dunno $10,000 for an impossiable mod, why dont you bug haveblue to finish my old mag, you can use that till i feel like playing again!

AGD Mech Pride
10-14-2005, 01:09 AM
Or you can just go to rickz, my home field


That website hurt my eyes

SOOO crapy it's not even funny.

10-14-2005, 01:51 AM
HeadRush Extreme -
great facilities, good prices.


call and ask for Mike. He's chill.

10-14-2005, 08:18 AM
AHHHH Hard0ck I knew it wouldn't take too long before you were pissin' on my parade again! As the person that has spent more money on a hyperjunk then any sane person would admit to I figured you would embrace my frankenstein idea! Here's a new question thou...is there any shop in the USNY area that is staffed by people that aren't a bunch of gooners?

10-14-2005, 08:23 AM
That website hurt my eyes

Hey even thou it looks like a clown exploded all over the web page all the Z's make in cool! :p

10-16-2005, 01:42 AM
Well it feels like that after I got out of paintball (started my own business) that paintball places just died after the new field came into town. I haven't played paintball in over a year, about the time after i finally got my x-mag. I am wanting to try getting out to a field sometime, though I am pretty busy.

Oh btw, if you are looking for something to do in Rochester try out Arena 51. www.arena51.com


10-16-2005, 09:08 AM
I've heard of a place called Headrush but nothing more then the name....anyone got any details???

10-16-2005, 01:08 PM
yeah headrush laughed at the Oswego paintball club guys when we asked if they would offer us any discounts. To bad really cause now that the club has 60+ members and bring about 15 to the feild every other weekend or so. If your gonna drive all the way out to 'cuse to play hit up hyperson or Fury (their indoor was just bought by someone else, i cant remember the new name).

But yeah, i will never play at headrush.

10-16-2005, 09:58 PM
im in the albany area...not a hell of alot goin on over here far as i can tell. there is a pretty decent place in amsterdam far as a shop goes...lots of stuff back in the day when id go there. but they gotta make the pennies like everyone else so it always felt expensive. thats quite a ways from where you are though...bout 2.5-3 hours drive.

10-16-2005, 10:07 PM
Thats odd they let the RIT team practice there for free...all they have to do is clean up there mess...I guess that shows what happens when the bussiness does declines. Or maybe they just don't like you Rock :p Speaking of playing how is my $1000 98 doing....ok in today's market it's the $5 and a half off a CO2 fill 98 but I still love it.

10-17-2005, 10:05 AM
uuniversity at buffalo's paintball team practices at NVP its a really upstanding place..we practice there every tuesday night starting at 6pm we trekk out there...as far as buffalo the only decent place i guess to play is clubpbwny...check on pbnation on the northeastern regional threads about them..they post all over the palce...

but yes thumbs up to NVP paintball...we play there for free we just clean up the palce

10-17-2005, 04:28 PM
I go to UB is there a carpool to get there?? Do you guys get SA money as a club??

10-18-2005, 03:53 PM
yeah headrush laughed at the Oswego paintball club guys when we asked if they would offer us any discounts. To bad really cause now that the club has 60+ members and bring about 15 to the feild every other weekend or so. If your gonna drive all the way out to 'cuse to play hit up hyperson or Fury (their indoor was just bought by someone else, i cant remember the new name).

But yeah, i will never play at headrush.

It's too bad, because you're missing out. HeadRush has great facilities, the staff is pretty chill, and the regulars are all decent guys. They've got a PSP Team and a local team, and the pro-shop is well stocked. Paint runs around $40 a case, or $35 for white box. There's a reason that HeadRush is the biggest name in Syracuse Paintball.