View Full Version : X-mag Questions

10-13-2005, 10:58 PM
I am getting an X-mag :clap: Yay, my absolute dream gun of all time. But I have a few questions.

The guy that is selling me the gun tells me not to use Macroline on it. I dont have a problem with using SS hose, but could someone explain why I am not supposed to use Macro?

Are there any aftermarket grips or anyone on these forums that makes grips for the X-mag?

Is it ok to use a preset tank?

And lastly, are there any aftermarket triggers?

I probably wont replace anything, but its always good to know. Thanks for the help.

10-13-2005, 11:22 PM
Talk about untrusting...

Don't use Macroline because unless I am way off the mark very little of it is actually rated for Paintball use. And most of the time it is used on LP guns. I will take care of you if at all possible don't worry.

I believe "luke" does and you may want to talk to "GADevil", I think he may do custom FryMarker grips. Both are the in the Dealer's Thread.

Use a Preset, I did, just make sure it has at least an 800 psi output.

Three aftermarket triggers I know of. On is out of production, Logic Paintball ("Coolhand") sells Fireblades, and Tunaman just came out with a new one. Both are in the Dealer's Forum again.

10-13-2005, 11:37 PM
Untrusting? Never, I trust you completely. I just didnt understand why.

And man, this is off topic. But you are really friggen close to me! If you still live in Kennewick that is, if so, it shouldnt take long to get the gun at all. Because Im in Moses Lake.

10-13-2005, 11:42 PM
RE: Macro line
I use it with no problems whatsoever. Make sure that you buy good quality such as what Tunaman sells.

RE: Grips
As Duzzy stated, Luke sells a couple of different types.

Re: Presets
A good, fast recharging tank/reg is a must. The higher the output, the more 'reactivity' you will have in the trigger. For simplicity, use a high output such as a Crossfire or a PMI. For adjustable I had great performance with Flatlines. Note: I am using presets now (both PMI 68/5000 and Crossfire 68/4500 -(smaller guage)) now because of the ease of interchangeability.

Re: Triggers
Again as Duzzy stated, Logic and Tuna both sell aftermarket triggers. I have used the LT 3 and teh TL 63. The TL63 seems to be much faster for me.

10-13-2005, 11:46 PM
Duzzy, answering to the statement about the tournament, its a small tournament at a local field, so it shouldnt be a big deal as long as the gun has a semi setting. And thanks for hookin me up with a hose. And I just remembered that you were at college, so therefore, you wouldnt be in Kennewick anymore would you. But if I were to call you, it wouldnt be long distance :D

And for tanks. I have a PMI 68/3000 tank with a high output pressure.

11 Bravo
10-14-2005, 12:03 AM
I use macro line and have no problems. Also luke is coming out with colored grip panels within the next week or so.

10-14-2005, 12:15 AM
I have heard too many stories about bad Macro blowing out of the fittings and whipping people. So I am not worried about the actual line, more the fittings.

I am at college, but it is in Montana so it won't take too long but I can't just drive it over. Heck, had you bought it a week ago I could have hand delivered it because I was in area.

Anyways, that's all.

10-14-2005, 12:26 AM
There's nothing wrong with good macroline and an 850psi preset tank. It's probably the most common set up these days.

10-14-2005, 12:30 PM
Dang, I was too slow then, oh well, 3 day delivery or so, thats not that bad. If you ship it out today, it should get here tuesday or wednesday.

And I was wondering, would aluminum grips mess with the electronics? Because it might be interesting to see if I could make some of my owb,

10-14-2005, 03:46 PM
Dang, I was too slow then, oh well, 3 day delivery or so, thats not that bad. If you ship it out today, it should get here tuesday or wednesday.

And I was wondering, would aluminum grips mess with the electronics? Because it might be interesting to see if I could make some of my owb,

No Alum Pannells will not mess with the electronics at all Infact Luke in the dealer section, His Emag/Xmag Pannels are made of alum
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2115.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2115_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
Lukes Emag/Xmag Pannels

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/14000/Img_0308_1345.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/14000/Img_0308_1345_rs.jpg" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
Frymark Pannels

10-15-2005, 11:35 AM
Those are some nice grips, Im gonna see if I can make some wood ones for my cocker, and then see if I can do the same on the mag.

Another question, how long do I need to charge the battery?

10-15-2005, 12:19 PM
I used to do mine over night.

10-15-2005, 12:27 PM
That's kind of funny, because he bought your old one...

10-15-2005, 01:04 PM
:eek: Man, small world huh. This is kinda creepy now. So an overnight charge should last me approximatly 20,000 shots...at least thats what I read somewhere.

10-16-2005, 02:38 PM
ummm i would just charge it after every day of play...just to be safe i dont know the true # of shots you can get on a charge

10-16-2005, 08:11 PM
On the topic of triggers. I just sent an E-mail to TheBetterOne, who makes triggers for various guns and I have used one on a Piranha, and I was actually quite impressed. So I will let you guys know what he says.

EDIT: It seems that he is gettig out of the trigger business, oh well.

10-18-2005, 01:26 AM
I'd be careful using Steel Hose. I bought an X-Mag on ebay that was all scrached up on the side that had the hose... needless to say i was not too happy that this. I have used Macro line for years on all my guns (5) with no problems. Just make sure and buy it from a paintball place cuz there is stuff that looks the same but is not rated for the pressure. I too have seen it blow. Another thing when you cut the ends use a rasorblade to get a nice clean cut and make sure it is good and square and not at any visible angle. That has a lot to do with how well the fittings can grip it.

10-18-2005, 08:20 AM
Duzzy already has the SS hose set up going back, so it wont scratch. And if I do put it forward, I will wrap the hose in tape or something. Yay, the mag gets here today :cheers: