View Full Version : Whats the Best gear?

10-14-2005, 06:34 PM
Now I can go to the PB store and get a load of S**T or I can ask, whats the best gear to buy now adays? Any better harness's then Ronin Gear? What about hoppers? Anybody use R2K's anymore? I have one of the first and loved it but that was years ago....well I know I'm prolly rehashing old comments but I would love to hear player feedback on best Masks, Hoppers, gloves....Well everything :p

10-14-2005, 07:01 PM
I have no clue on harnesses. All I know is I have a decent dye something or other and it works great. For hoppers most people like halo bs and reloader bs if they want a very fast(~25~ bps) and revys for slower hoppers. And there is the qloader. 40 bps but special pods and only holds 100 rounds. And on masks just buy a thermal lenzed mask that won't break the first time you use it and make sure its comfortable. I really don't know any companys.

stop whining buy a mag
10-14-2005, 07:07 PM
Dye and JT are generally ruling the gear aspect of paintball, but Empire is becoming pretty large also. When it comes to a mask, the most popular is the VForce Profilers.

10-14-2005, 07:59 PM
Masks- vforce
pod packs- NXE
Pants- Dye and JT make great pants
Jersey- Dont care about them

10-14-2005, 09:43 PM
...Anybody use R2K's anymore? I have one of the first and loved it but that was years ago....

Years ago? Like three years ago? They haven't even been around very long.

10-14-2005, 09:56 PM
I've been checking out nxe and I'm not too impressed I think I'll just get another Ronin gear back best pack I've ever had ...but those q-loaders look amazing does this mean that the paintball industry is ready to accent loaders that aren't on top? I remember people burning Warp users at the stake... well not exactly but it woulda been cool :p anyways my sad attempts at humor aside Thanks for the info guys....anyone got a link to a post where hoppers are compaired and contrasted?

10-14-2005, 10:07 PM
I love my NXe pack. Best pack I've ever worn.

can'tthink of1
10-14-2005, 10:09 PM
Nxe are great packs, and are backed by a great company. Much better than Ronin packs could ever hope to be.

10-14-2005, 10:11 PM
I'm pretty sure I got mine decemberish of 2000 maybe early 2001 months before anything but black was available, I had one of the first 500 and I never had a problem with my shells breaking....untill my dip**** brother stepped on it. damn mag users use to think everyone can just back the car up and play after someone ran over there gear ;)

10-14-2005, 10:21 PM
curious not snotty why are Nxe so good? Obviously I have never felt or played with them since I just heard of them so I just went by what I could dig up on the net and that did not impress me so those with experience do share that is why I posted this

10-14-2005, 10:39 PM
....anyone got a link to a post where hoppers are compaired and contrasted?...

Now that we can do:


The great thing is that whenever Warpig reviews a loader they do a test like the ones in the above link. That way you can compare the results to the other loaders.

10-15-2005, 07:33 AM
How could I have forgotten Warpigg?!?!? Q-loader sounds like a wet dream for front players. I guess I'm still waiting for a HALO Lite: all the performance half the fat :-P

10-15-2005, 09:25 AM
The apache is made by ricochet and it uses the same deflection design as the 2ks. It feeds around the same speed as a VL evolution 2 and is pretty durn light. I have one and it's nice.

I use a redz harness sometimes (i usually play hopperball) and its pretty comfortable and I reccomend them.

10-15-2005, 09:43 AM
there is no really "best gear", there is preference.

10-15-2005, 10:09 AM
Packs, I honestly dont know what brand name brand either of my packs are, as long as I have 4 hoppers and the pack doesnt break, I dont care about anything else.

Masks, I like my extreme rage, they are comfortable and look good IMO.

Hoppers, I like my evolution 2 hoppers. I originaly started using them becuse with the feed tube at the front it fit my warp feed the best. Now I just love how they fit and look on my guns, I really like the door to fill it full of paint, I always hated that about the old revys, I dont know how many balls I would spill a game becuse the door would come open. Any hopper that feeds over 15bps is more then fast enough enough for anyone.

10-15-2005, 11:14 AM
Now I can go to the PB store and get a load of S**T or I can ask, whats the best gear to buy now adays? Any better harness's then Ronin Gear? What about hoppers? Anybody use R2K's anymore? I have one of the first and loved it but that was years ago....well I know I'm prolly rehashing old comments but I would love to hear player feedback on best Masks, Hoppers, gloves....Well everything :p
harness: nxe. its comfortable, well built, inexpensive, and has elastics that push the pod out when you release the velcro. that actually helps quite a bit.

mask: v-force profiler. almost all players will say its the best. if you want something cheaper you can go with another v-force, or some people like flex-7s.

hopper: halo b or reloader b. theyre pretty much the best, although some people complain about the weight. qloaders are a completely different type of thing, if it suits your style go for it.

pants: evil pants are good. dye are overrated. ive heard empire are good too.

marker: too many options. its all preferance. there are a lot of great guns out there, just look around and try out ones youre interested in. use the search button, there are plenty of threads talking about it.

10-15-2005, 11:33 AM
I still run my R2K , a cheapo 6&1 harness from I&I ( got it for a buck off ebay stores). GIT R DUN!!! If it works use it.

10-15-2005, 02:39 PM
I like Blackstar Paintball

10-15-2005, 03:59 PM
Thanks for all the help guys...of course it's not asking too much to have a paintball player say what they think the best gear is :p but ify our gonna say something is good it would be best if you said why.

10-17-2005, 02:18 PM
I'm also going to sing the praises of Nxe harnesses. Well designed, and very comfortable.

Vforce profiler is the best mask out there. Period.

I have a qloader and it's great, although it takes some time and effort to set up and figure out. I love it for the low profile more than anything else. Other high-end hoppers are empire reloader, Halo B and Viewloader revolution II.

Creative Mayhem
10-17-2005, 03:38 PM
there is no really "best gear", there is preference.