View Full Version : What is AGD up to?

10-15-2005, 09:12 PM
Does anyone know what AGD is doing? I never hear anything about what they are doing, I only see things like y-frames going out of stock everywhere and also warp feeds (I hope I get mine soon) Does AGD have any plans for the future? Or are they just going to wait until there is nothing left and shut down? It's sad because AGD has been such a pioneer in the paintball industry.

10-15-2005, 09:25 PM
No one knows. Dave Z hasn't been nearly as involved with us, the customers, as TK was.

10-15-2005, 09:26 PM
Does anyone know what AGD is doing? I never hear anything about what they are doing, I only see things like y-frames going out of stock everywhere and also warp feeds (I hope I get mine soon) Does AGD have any plans for the future? Or are they just going to wait until there is nothing left and shut down? It's sad because AGD has been such a pioneer in the paintball industry.

Ok, you're new, so I'm hoping people will cut you some slack. You might get some :mad: people griping about this being the 100th or 1000th time this has been posted and that you should read past posts or search or something, but to save all that and maybe put this to an early rest...

AGD is in what I call "relaxation" mode. They are sitting back, watching the waters clear, waiting for their "perfect wave" of the paintball market to come in. Maybe I'm an optimist... They are starting to make a wave in the sea of recreational and scenario markers again with the Tac-One, and for now that seems to be their strongest product.

One of the company VP's purchased all of the paintball inventory that was remaining, but no one knows how much inventory was remaining. No news has been released about any additional items being manufacturered if the inventory is depleated completely. I would hope that there has been some capital set aside for that, since Special Ops seems to be advertising their "long bow" pretty well.

So, for now, sit back, have a Corona :cheers: and see where things go...

Oh, yeah, and if you feel the itch, buy another mag! :bounce:
I'm feeling the itch, I think I want an eQ-Bow.... :dance:
In Special Ops Digital Camo.... :dance: :shooting: :dance: :shooting: :headbang:

10-15-2005, 09:44 PM
Sorry if this has been posted a million times, guess I shoulda searched, but I want to buy a warp feed and I am afraid stores will run out before I get one. And I don't like buying them from people on b/s/t forums, maybe ebay....and the y-frame is like no more and I love those. I just really hope AGD makes a comeback, they're awsome.

Will Wood
10-15-2005, 09:53 PM
Just curious, why you're against buying on the forums?
do whatever you want, but if the reason detering you is the possibility of getting ripped of, I'd highely suggest rethinking getting something on here, you'll save a ton of money.

11 Bravo
10-15-2005, 10:01 PM
You can also buy directly from AGD.

And they may be manufacturing products, because I emailed them the other day about getting something annoed by them and they responded that they sent out for anno and they could send my item out with theres when they get it done. So they are doing something.

11 Bravo
10-15-2005, 10:02 PM
You can also buy from the magsmith and also from Tuna.

stop whining buy a mag
10-15-2005, 10:25 PM
Right now at AGD, everyone is sitting there picking their noses.

Like JR said, it's relaxation time. The more I think about it, I don't see them letting themselves drift out of business. They are probably working on something. Tonight I got to thinking of then next steps in paintball. One of them is getting rid of the power source-your tank. I know another company has produced a gun that operates off a battery but it has limitations. Maybe AGD is working on something a little more revolutionary and experimental.

Excuse the bad grammar. It is late for me.

AGD Mech Pride
10-16-2005, 03:36 AM
Right now at AGD, everyone is sitting there picking their noses.

Like JR said, it's relaxation time. The more I think about it, I don't see them letting themselves drift out of business. They are probably working on something. Tonight I got to thinking of then next steps in paintball. One of them is getting rid of the power source-your tank. I know another company has produced a gun that operates off a battery but it has limitations. Maybe AGD is working on something a little more revolutionary and experimental.

Excuse the bad grammar. It is late for me.

Hate to burst your bubble but if they where working on something THIS big. We'd have heard something. Nothing concreate mind u but there would be at least one rumor going around.

There main staple right now is the tac-one and will probably stay that way for a year at least.

And dont take this the wrong way, I'd love to be wrong on this one but theres way to many mag finatics to not at least know if they are working on "something"

10-16-2005, 07:45 AM
Sounds like you guys think that AGD won't be completely gone anytime soon, which is good to hear. I should give them a call sometime, I hear they have awsome customer service. Again, sorry about the thread, I did a search and it has been posted more than a few times, my bad. :D

10-16-2005, 10:41 AM
One of them is getting rid of the power source-your tank.

Does anyone really want this?...I think its the stupidest thing since brass eagle wanting to make guns. Because you know what that gun (w/o the air sourse) would be...airsoft.
Then you know what would happen next, people would complain it takes too much energy to shoot the paintball so it would be resized to about 6mm and then everyone would complain about the innconsistency of shape, so then it would be changed to plastic.
I personally think that isntead of getting rid of the airsource make it better and mae guns better. Because if you get rid of the tank you'll replace it with a stock, further casting a military stereotype onto paintball.

Just my rant, I just woke up im cranky... ;)

10-16-2005, 03:25 PM
This thread gets my seal of approval.

10-16-2005, 03:28 PM
Does anyone really want this?...I think its the stupidest thing since brass eagle wanting to make guns. Because you know what that gun (w/o the air sourse) would be...airsoft.
Then you know what would happen next, people would complain it takes too much energy to shoot the paintball so it would be resized to about 6mm and then everyone would complain about the innconsistency of shape, so then it would be changed to plastic.
I personally think that isntead of getting rid of the airsource make it better and mae guns better. Because if you get rid of the tank you'll replace it with a stock, further casting a military stereotype onto paintball.

Just my rant, I just woke up im cranky... ;)

not a very good rant.

brass eagle used to make good guns back in the day.
They've been around forever.

10-16-2005, 04:17 PM
not a very good rant.

brass eagle used to make good guns back in the day.
They've been around forever.

Well think what you want but if there is any more of a stereotypical "crap gun" it is brass eagle... thats just the stereotype the name has been given

11 Bravo
10-16-2005, 05:27 PM
brass eagle used to make good guns back in the day.
They've been around forever.

Even back in the day everyone knew there guns sucked.

10-16-2005, 05:58 PM
I've posted about this on other sites as well...

The argument for BE is that they made the sport mainstream enough to survive and made affordable products. While I see their point, and I don't think all of their markers are junk if you work on them a little bit (didn't Rainmaker win AO?), my biggest gripe with BE is that they could have made small fixes to their products and "chose" not to. BE knew that their products were junk, but figured (rather than fixing them) they could just sell them for cheap and still make a ton of dough in volume.

Again, I like some of their markers...and for the price, hey...ya get a marker for $5...it's not upgradable and won't last more than a season...but ya got it for $5. It won't be tournament grade...and it won't be upgradable...and people will laugh at you...but I've taken the silver eagle out on occasion...done well with it. What BE lovers can't defend is BE paint...that stuff is plain garbage and BE should get charged with robbery or fraud for selling it. :shooting:

10-16-2005, 05:59 PM
I've posted about this on other sites as well...

The argument for BE is that they made the sport mainstream enough to survive and made affordable products. While I see their point, and I don't think all of their markers are junk if you work on them a little bit (didn't Rainmaker win AO?), my biggest gripe with BE is that they could have made small fixes to their products and "chose" not to. BE knew that their products were junk, but figured (rather than fixing them) they could just sell them for cheap and still make a ton of dough in volume.

Rainmaker OG won because of their players, not their markers.
Half the of the time their markers were down, and they were using replacements.

10-16-2005, 08:14 PM
does CVS or right aid make cough syrup or headache medicine? no....does brass eagle have their own gelatin encapsulator manufacturing plant? i doubt it....im betting its just generic paint that some other name brand manufacturer makes for them and they put their label omn it. i could be waayyy so so wrong...but im puttin my bet there.

also, wheres agd goin? i cant wait to find out. Tom seems to have hinted more than just a few times in the threads that there are in fact things happening in agd home base. im excited to what great minds like his have come up with


oh yeah, on the topic of paint. what i used to think was really good for a low price was a paint called Steel. had a local dealer givin us a great deal percase and i thought it worked great

10-16-2005, 08:41 PM
Even back in the day everyone knew there guns sucked.

So have you ever shot a Nightmare? Or a Ghetto Duck? Or even know what they are?

Oh, and I love how people assume that if something was going on they would know about it...

Anyways, to add something constructive I have no idea what AGD is up to, but I don't see them just giving up and keeling over just yet.

10-16-2005, 09:06 PM
BE paint is garbage. I can't ever think of a time when I used it and didn't have a broken ball in the container or have them break in my barrel. The shells were just way to brittle....

11 Bravo
10-16-2005, 09:12 PM
So have you ever shot a Nightmare? Or a Ghetto Duck? Or even know what they are?

:wow: I have. When they first came out a team mate of mine bought one. It spent more time in the shop than it did on the field. One of the first times he used it - he was pumping and the whole front half of the gun fell apart. Worst gun I have ever seen. It was a nice looking marker but thats all I can say for it. He never got thru a day of play without it going down.
I am talking about the Nightmare and it lived up to its name.

Oh and yeh you were about 2 or 3 years old when the Nightmare came out. How did you hear about it? Did your grandfather tell you about them? :D

10-17-2005, 01:08 PM
I heard from my buddy's brother's girlfriend's hot sister's friend's uncle that AGD is secretly creating a SUPER DUPER DOOMSDAY WEAPON that targets fools that keep asking what they are doing!

Big'n slo
10-17-2005, 01:22 PM
I heard from my buddy's brother's girlfriend's hot sister's friend's uncle that AGD is secretly creating a SUPER DUPER DOOMSDAY WEAPON that targets fools that keep asking what they are doing!

Can i get one in blue?

10-17-2005, 01:35 PM
Can i get one in blue?
Only bead blasted and black.

Big'n slo
10-17-2005, 01:57 PM
Only bead blasted and black.

i'll take a red one then

10-17-2005, 03:10 PM
:wow: I have. When they first came out a team mate of mine bought one. It spent more time in the shop than it did on the field. One of the first times he used it - he was pumping and the whole front half of the gun fell apart. Worst gun I have ever seen. It was a nice looking marker but thats all I can say for it. He never got thru a day of play without it going down.
I am talking about the Nightmare and it lived up to its name.

Well, that's good to know. Most people don't even know that Brass Eagle made markers before the Stingray and the Talon. So I am glad that you are basing this off actual experience and not just some kid who thinks he knows everything about nothing.

Oh and yeh you were about 2 or 3 years old when the Nightmare came out. How did you hear about it? Did your grandfather tell you about them? :D

Nope, Gramps didn't even know about paintball until I let him shoot my Viking. The trigger pull was too much on my Phantom and my 007 unfortunately otherwise I think he would have enjoyed it. He loved the looks of both over the big gun with the funny attachments, but no he didn't. I am actually quite interested in the Old School stuff. I would love to own a KP or some sort and a Vector with an Intimidator but I alread have too much... It would be really neat though...

As to the actual Nightmare I have seen them and dry fired them but never shot or played with one. I would like to but I don't want to buy one. However, I have never really heard bad things about them on the forums where the majority of the members know what they are so I am wondering why yours was so bad... Oh well, such is life I guess.

Have a good day.

10-17-2005, 03:22 PM
i'll take a red one then

Expect it in six to 8 weeks.

10-17-2005, 04:40 PM
I just have to ask: How much extra would it cost to have it splash ano'ed??? :D

10-17-2005, 04:52 PM
not a very good rant.

brass eagle used to make good guns back in the day.
They've been around forever.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. I owned a Posion and my buddy had a Jaguar, worst gun I ever owned. Should have spent the extra $50 and got the VM-68 back then.

10-17-2005, 05:10 PM
Just curious, why you're against buying on the forums?
do whatever you want, but if the reason detering you is the possibility of getting ripped of, I'd highely suggest rethinking getting something on here, you'll save a ton of money.

I would rethink that. You need to be really uber fbi cia cautious when buying from anyone. People get ripped off let and right from every forum, not just pbnation. I would higly suggest that you use a third party to do anything over $100 from anywhere.

Big'n slo
10-17-2005, 05:35 PM
Expect it in six to 8 weeks.

Its been two hours!?!

Werz my gaT??l111ii

10-17-2005, 06:59 PM
I just have to ask: How much extra would it cost to have it splash ano'ed??? :D

Damn, you're really funny.
No really. You are.

10-17-2005, 07:05 PM
Its been two hours!?!

Werz my gaT??l111ii


10-17-2005, 07:10 PM

Oh jesus christ.


/oh snap
//yes, i went there

10-18-2005, 01:29 PM
*scratches head*




Big'n slo
10-18-2005, 03:59 PM
/oh snap
//yes, i went there

oh no you didnt :ninja:

Mmmm kaiser rolls ;)

10-18-2005, 04:35 PM
oh no you didnt :ninja:

Mmmm kaiser rolls ;)


10-18-2005, 07:00 PM


/what did I do again?

10-18-2005, 07:07 PM

/what did I do again?


/actually it was me
//I'm eating some crackers

pimped mag 01
02-09-2006, 12:04 AM
or is it??

