View Full Version : Thoughts on the 04 Freestyle

10-16-2005, 02:43 PM
Hey guys,

I'm considering a trade of my dear AIM Intimidator for an 04 Freestyle. My timmy shoots flawlessly, and I have no problem keeping up with the DM4s, Protos and Shockers on the field (could be my awesome skills, as well!)

Well, I've been considering a Freestyle simply for a change, and I'm wondering what you all think of this. Any thoughts? Pros? Cons?

Are the gen2 freestyles able to keep up with the newer freestyles? What about interchangeability of parts?

responses from freestyle owners would be great.

10-16-2005, 02:50 PM
If you want a good freestyle get the FS-7's the other Freestyles I have heard have internal problems. but sweet guns none the less

10-16-2005, 03:44 PM
Gen2 freestyles are more or less as fast as the FS-7's. I had one; it never gave me any problems, neither did the other 4 on the team. Don't expect great efficiency though.

10-16-2005, 04:03 PM
I own a Gen 2 04 freestyle with a nox board. Right now itll shoot 23 with paint. That is plenty fast for me.

As for effeciency, im getting about a hopper and 3 pods per tank. And i dont run my tank all the way down. I find it to be allright, its not bad or anything.

Freestyles are all pretty fast, but with a nox its even faster. I suggest nox over any board out there. Its amazingly fast and has all the ramping modes on it.

Freestyles have little to no kick, and are VERY quiet. Only thing i would suggest to upgrade on a stock freestyle is the barrel, regs, then the board. Once you have those upgrades the freestyle will do just about anythign ya need.

Over the chrony i get about +-4 with a CP and stock lpr.

Other than that, the freestyles are really light, and fairly customizable.

10-16-2005, 04:57 PM
well ive had an 05 and now i shoot a v7......

it should be plenty quick, and no doubt keep up. i recommend:

gladiator or sidewinder reg
jds std lpr or palmers microrock lpr
nox board
and naughty dogs trigger.

interchangeable parts:

grips (except for gen 1, or i might be wrong..)
boards are NOT, there is a gen 1 board, gen 2/05 board, and a fsp/v7 board.
www.icdunderground.com has v7 ktis for gen 1/2, 05 freestyles.
there might be some more obvious interchangable parts, but im not very awake.

trust me, you will like it. it shoots like a matrix, but with a size somewhere between a shocker and timmy.

10-17-2005, 01:12 AM
Thank you guys. I was concerned about some of the reported problems with them. You have assuaged my fears!

10-17-2005, 09:17 AM
I've been looking at FS's too. Why NOX it when you can buy an FS7 with Predator code already? They do come with the complete 5.0 code right?

10-18-2005, 05:14 PM
No, they come with Predator Lite

10-18-2005, 06:25 PM
No, they come with Predator Lite

exactly. all you can do with the predator lite board on the fs7 is:

change modes:
true semi
psp 1
psp 2 super fast ramping
nxl mode

maximum ROF


and i think dwell. no custom ramping or anything.