View Full Version : Need help picking N2 tank

10-17-2005, 10:39 AM
Well ive been out of the sport for a lil while now and i am geting back into it and I need a new N2 tank. What i am looking for is a 68ci 4500 high pressure pre set.

My two questions are what are the good brands right now casue when i got out of the sport bout a year back cross fire seemed to be a very reliable tank brand. And also where should i order from, casue pantiballgear.com used to be where i got all of my stuff but they dont seem to have alot of stuff in stock right now.

Thanks for the help

10-17-2005, 10:39 AM
Crossfire still is the best in my opinion in a preset tank. Reasonably priced as well.

10-17-2005, 10:40 AM
crossfire is still a great tank.

10-17-2005, 11:34 AM
Crossfire is definitely the way to go. Excellent performance and rock steady.

10-17-2005, 12:04 PM
Crossfire, the new PMI tanks are decent (I'm using one now) and the spring back can be changed for high or low pressure though its not a fully adjustable tank.

AGD Mech Pride
10-17-2005, 01:11 PM
crossfire for preset and flatline for adjustable.

10-17-2005, 02:02 PM
What's a good online store that carries Crossfire besides PBGear?

10-17-2005, 04:37 PM
Sorry to interupt but I was about to ask the same question....where to you get a flatline for a decent price? And are Nitro Ducks still good?

10-17-2005, 05:36 PM
GO crossfire if your going to go preset

10-17-2005, 06:15 PM
I've had good experiences from www.actionvillage.com . And crossfire tanks rule.

10-17-2005, 06:47 PM
Ive got a crossfire and 2 pmi n2 tanks... both are great.

10-17-2005, 06:58 PM
Cross fires are great, but you really should look into MacDev's LegionAir. They are by far my favorite tank. Light and reliable. LegionAirs are supposed to be the fastest recharging tanks on the market now.

10-18-2005, 05:58 AM
I wouldn't be touching MacDevs right now what with the whole bottle scandal.

Crossfire and Nitro Duck are probably the two best recharging presets on the market. I'd rather go with the Nitro Duck just because of the "plasma" covering on the tanks. I believe they're 5 year tanks also. Other than that, the regs are equal in performance. They're good regs too.

10-18-2005, 04:48 PM
Bottle scandal????? link?

10-18-2005, 05:04 PM
SUMMARY: GCI, the makers of some CARBON FIBER Crossfire, Archon Ignition, and MACDev Legionaire Tanks (not regs, just the tank part) were found to be faulty due to the lack of Carbon Fiber wrapping on the tanks (company trying to make an extra buck so they substituted the quality lag). Now, the owners of these tanks must pay a sum, ship it to their purchase origin so that the reg may be replaced onto a tank of better quality. The regs are still the same, its just that the tanks were not wrapped safely enough, thus, 3000 and 4500 pounds per square inch could be unleashed all at once on the owners, causing the company to be liable, although they say they aren't. Which is why any and all fieldowners, shopowners and bottle fillers will not fill these tanks.

Link to the thread that has article links and semi-factual letters of regard here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=1160672)

Warning: this is a link to a PBNATION thread, and as such, the avatars are not exactly safe for work, or for those Christians and/or children whose parents freak out when any skin is shown. View at your own risk.

10-18-2005, 06:50 PM
MacDev has changed bottles to luxfer which is the same ones as crossfire uses. Either way you cant go wrong. I love both my crossfire and macdev.

10-18-2005, 08:14 PM
It's kinda typical and scary that people don't relise how dangerous 3000 or 4500 psi can be...

10-18-2005, 08:16 PM
Like everyone else has said you wont go wrong with Crossfire, or it seems like people have forgotten Pure energy{ low cost, great performance,consistant] :hail:

10-18-2005, 08:37 PM
oh yeah i forgot to input my thoughts on a tank choice. I have a Centerflag and its never failed me :D Preset to high pressure, hyperflow i think the model is

Carbon Blue
10-18-2005, 09:42 PM
how are crossfire preset tanks at 13bps on up?
how are their recharge rates and consistency?
what output pressures do they offer?

I currently have an adjustable sp max flow on my xvalved mag and the tank is great but it seems to be weighing my gun down alot and having a preset would be nice since all you have to do is screw it in as compared to always having it on the gun and having to unscrew the rail from the drop.

10-20-2005, 12:31 AM
centerflag makes great regs also, they are light and just as consistent as a crossfire.

10-20-2005, 06:22 AM
My crossfire didn't crap out on me at 15ish but then again I really can't tell.

10-20-2005, 01:46 PM
how are crossfire preset tanks at 13bps on up?
how are their recharge rates and consistency?
what output pressures do they offer?

I currently have an adjustable sp max flow on my xvalved mag and the tank is great but it seems to be weighing my gun down alot and having a preset would be nice since all you have to do is screw it in as compared to always having it on the gun and having to unscrew the rail from the drop.

Mags with RT-Pro stlye valves (E-Mag, RTP, Retro, X-Valve, etc) are the only guns that really benifit from an adjustable tank IMHO. Adjustables are nice for any gun but really help you fine tune your Mag. I wouldn't change to a pre-set if I was in your position.

Your other questions:
Crossfire regs have one of the best "recharge rates and consistencies" out there. They will fully recharge well above 13bps. You'd have to be well into the 20's before you started seeing any problems. The HP will be ~800psi I'm not sure about the LP but probably ~450-650psi I'd guess. It'll say on their site.

10-20-2005, 08:06 PM
Well ive been out of the sport for a lil while now and i am geting back into it and I need a new N2 tank. What i am looking for is a 68ci 4500 high pressure pre set.

My two questions are what are the good brands right now casue when i got out of the sport bout a year back cross fire seemed to be a very reliable tank brand. And also where should i order from, casue pantiballgear.com used to be where i got all of my stuff but they dont seem to have alot of stuff in stock right now.

Thanks for the help
there are some good ones out there some are (Max-Flo inline) (evil scion) (dynaflow)

10-20-2005, 10:17 PM
Honestly, there are more good tanks than bad ones. Crossfire, centerflag, macdev, nitroduck, pmi, evil, smart parts, air america......all good.

Bad ones are ones that have horribly drawn fake anime girls on the bottle.

Where to order? I say save some money and hit up the forums.

sidenote: just looked at pbnation, didn't know empire has tanks now.....