View Full Version : I want an RT pro but am confused. help!

12-07-2001, 06:38 PM
Okay, after Christmas, I'm gonna get a black RT or RT pro. I have a few questions tho. I have shot them many times before but never owned one so how are they in the long run? Alot of people are selling mags and RTs and I also hear alot of people talking trash about RTs. Is there anything real bad about the RTs that I should know? If so, would it be wiser to save for an E-mag? I just want a good fast gun that I know(I have built/milled a new stock valve so I know exactly how they work). Thanks.:)

12-07-2001, 07:01 PM
Its pretty hard to "talk trash" about the RT, being as it is the fastest marker in the world today. The "people" you speak of are greatly mis-informed.

12-08-2001, 08:09 PM
I've also heard some wierd explanations of how they are chronoed. In my reffing experience, I have never had to chrono one before and it's kinda intimidating. Anyone want to brief me on how to do it correctly? Thanks.

12-08-2001, 08:14 PM
RT Chronograph procedure (http://www.airgun.com/rtchrono.html)

That's the link to the AGD site describing the process, it's really easy once you know how to do it.

12-12-2001, 07:22 AM
RT's are great so no worries. The have all the durability that mags are known for, fast recycling and the RT valve makes your trigger feel great. You will need to get used to the trigger a bit but that is no big deal. Once you get used to it you will keep up if not pass any electro in rate of fire and while they are charging up their marker or cursing some malfunction you will be out on the field tearing up the opponents. I think the reason you see a bunch of RT's for sale is that lots of folks are upgrading to Emags. If they were not happy with their RT to begin with they would probably be buying Angels or something else instead.

You can go with an RT or RT pro or you can look into finding a regular mag with a Retro valve on it. The performance should be the same with any of them. The original RT uses a slightly different diameter of valve so it is not able to be dropped into other mag bodies. The RT pro uses a valve that is the new standard diameter and it will fit into any standard mag body. The RT pro has the added benefit of being able to be upgraded into an emag (at least for now) if you want to some time in the future. AGD is not offering this on the original RT's yet.

I hope that helps!