View Full Version : greg hastings anyone?

10-18-2005, 08:31 AM
Is anyone here getting greg hastings? I am still trying to figure out who is going to have it, because all of my local stors are telling me tomorrow but sites (even the officail one) are saying today. If anyone picks it up today let me know, and let me know what store it was. Post your gamertag up so we can get some ao games going. :shooting:

10-18-2005, 08:34 AM
I have heard this discussion several times, and if I'm not mistaken, today it ships to the stores, and they are not allowed to sell it to the public until tomorrow (Wednesday). I believe that's the official word. People got confused because the stores will have it today, but they are not supposed to be able to sell it until wednesday. Just wait a day....

10-18-2005, 08:46 AM
I am fine with whatever date it is, I just wish they would clarify. Some people say their store had it yesterday and it would be released today, others say it is shipped and released today, while everyone I have called says shipped today and sold tomorrow. Call your store and see whta they tell you, I am just trying to get a straight answer.
I just want to check out the new breakout mode and field creator.

10-18-2005, 02:18 PM
Some places told me they have games weeks before they can actually sell it. They have to wait for every store that ordered it to have it before they can sell it. That way not one store will make a crap load of money while another store is stilling waiting for the shipment.

10-18-2005, 02:25 PM
Wha... ? Is there another one?

All I know is Blitz: The League comes out tomorrow, and that's definitely going to be my birthday present to myself. Hell yeah. :cool:

10-18-2005, 03:10 PM
Wha... ? Is there another one?

All I know is Blitz: The League comes out tomorrow, and that's definitely going to be my birthday present to myself. Hell yeah. :cool:

yes its called greg hastings tournament paintball maxed. it is going to be better than the first. it has real multi player modes, breakout manager, and some other goodies.

10-18-2005, 03:34 PM
still for regular XBox? is there going to be another like 360 version once it comes out?

10-18-2005, 06:16 PM
Wha... ? Is there another one?

I second that. Thanks for letting me know guys, I'll be picking it up as soon as I see it!

10-18-2005, 07:15 PM
there will not be a xbox 360 for a looonnnggg time. They just got finished with this one.

10-18-2005, 08:57 PM
Here's the word for you all.

The game is available today... but since 'generally' games come out on Wednesdays a lot of retailers did not ship it to their stores last week so they are recieving them tomorrow with their normal 'this weeks releases'. So you should be able to find it at all locations tomorrow, but there are some selling it today (a walmart near me has it on the shelf already, but EBGames said its coming in with their weekly shipment from their warehouse tomorrow).

Either way... you'll have it in your hands tomorrow at the latest, but you may wanna call your local Walmart/Target and see if its in stock there yet cause they were sent the items in time for it to be put on shelves today which is the 'official' release day.

10-18-2005, 10:30 PM
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE CONTROL STYLE OPTIONS! I am one of those who uses the dreded legacy style. Which carrpy enought, Hastnings didnt offer but one controll stick setting, rather sad if you ask me. Let me know if there are more, then i would go out and buy it.

10-18-2005, 10:31 PM

Im so pumped for this game...4 peeps on one xbox...design your own field...Im gonna design fields and transfer them to my real feild if I like them
And the new team aspect sounds cool

10-19-2005, 06:09 AM
gets your thumbs ready....release day for everyone else is today!!!!!!!!!!

10-19-2005, 03:45 PM
Its for everysystem I think, Ps2,Xbox, and gamecube.

Head knight of Ni
10-19-2005, 07:20 PM
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE CONTROL STYLE OPTIONS! I am one of those who uses the dreded legacy style. Which carrpy enought, Hastnings didnt offer but one controll stick setting, rather sad if you ask me. Let me know if there are more, then i would go out and buy it.

Legacy is long dead, it died with GE & PD. It won't kill you to adapt.

10-19-2005, 09:28 PM
Legacy is everywhere, DOOM 3 Halo's, but yeah im trying to adapt i hate trying to bunker someone and accidently look into the sky.

10-19-2005, 09:48 PM
Holy field editors Batman!

I just picked it up, and it's awesome guys. They really answered a lot of the complaints from the last game.

Sorry Phantom, the controller options you're looking for aren't there.

The hip hop music is extrememly annoying, so thank God for custom sountracks. I'm also annoyed by the trash talking Ice-T wannabe voice overs like "Get back to the dead box, foo."

Team control: SO much better. Before the break, you can selct each player with one thumbstick and select which bunker you want them to go to with the other thumbstick. You finally get to call the plays, and I finally know what the hell is going on with my team. You can also preset who's shooting off the break, and who you want to burn lanes and where. Once the action starts, you can call out positions using the white button, or your communicator if you have one. Another big help is your AI players call out positions for you too, which has saved my *** several times already during game play. There's other commands you can give too, like move up, and all out attack. All of this makes the AI characters actually useful, and the whole game experience is more engrossing and enjoyable.

Map Editor: Just as beautiful as the team control. You can pick a bunker, rotate it, AND change its diminsions, bigger or smaller. At least with air bunkers you can. Haven't tried it with other objects yet. I've already made a replica of the field I manage. It's actually going to be a useful tool when we decide to change our real field up.

Equipment: My biggest praise is that Air tanks actually matter now. If you have a small capacity tank, you will run out of air on the field, and then you're SOL. My biggest gripe is that the marker selection doesn't seem much different. Just a lot more spyders, a couple tippmanns, and probably another cocker or two once I advance. They also overdid the tippmann 98 thing again. They have a model 98, 98 custom pro-e, and then another 98 looking model that's just called "Tippmann". Dont ask me why.

That's all I've got for right now, and I'm anxious to play again anyway so the heck with you guys :D

Oh, and if anyone wants to know my gamertag is ShellStorm

10-20-2005, 06:37 AM
I played it about 6 hours yesterday, about 2 on live. The game should have been a $10 add on disk similiar to halo 2. Only real features added are breakout and online tourney play. Only 2 new guns that anyone will ever use, no new gear, and a ton of new fields. The map editor is nice, but glitchy.


10-20-2005, 10:40 AM
I forgot to mention this earlier since I haven't had a chance to do it, but there's a CO-OP CAMPAIGN MODE as well!

10-20-2005, 10:54 AM
I tell you what I wish it had (keep in mind I haven't played it, this is just based on what I read)... I really wish it had Xball, or included Xball fields I could make.

How cool would that be? I could recreate the fields for upcoming tournaments I'm going to attend in real life and check out all the angles! Hell, you could virtually play the fields before you step foot onto it!

10-20-2005, 11:38 AM
u can make just about everything except for the x. Kids have already made the fields from every single nppl event this year.