View Full Version : Dune

12-07-2001, 07:01 PM
has anyone ever read this book? Its so good, probably the best book series i have ever read. Im right now on the third book. Any thoughts on it, likes/dislikes?

12-07-2001, 07:03 PM
I read a couple of house harkonnen before I had to go home... I like the dun series.:D The movie is pretty cool too...

12-08-2001, 02:06 AM
I own the newer sci-fi version movie but havent seen the old one from the 60's. Has anyone seen the older one? Worth seeing?

12-08-2001, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by Minimag4me
I own the newer sci-fi version movie but havent seen the old one from the 60's. Has anyone seen the older one? Worth seeing?

I've only seen the new version...

12-08-2001, 10:22 AM
God I feel old, I saw David Lynch's Dune in the theaters. But it wasn't the 60s. It was 1984. Silly children. ;)

12-08-2001, 01:49 PM
oh i thought it was older than that, oops but anyway how was it?

12-08-2001, 01:51 PM
I've seen the old movie... rather weird movie but good... specially for the time. I've played and beat the old Dune realtime strategy game. And I'm working on the NEW Dune... but my geforce can barely handle the graphics.... grrr....

And there's a new Dune soon to be in the theaters.... it should be pretty good. But I've never read the books.....hmm....

12-08-2001, 02:03 PM
I saw the "old" version and the new one.... I preferred the original. But I can see how the new one would appeal to younger people.... but Sting still makes a much better villain. ;)

12-08-2001, 02:10 PM
ive heard the new one follows the book better, for example who is sting?

12-08-2001, 02:13 PM
LOL Sorry... I believe Sting played Fade(sp?) in the original Dune.... and Sting is the singer. :D

12-08-2001, 02:14 PM
The new dune is actually the next installment of the book series done with the same actors from Sci Fi (and will air on Sci Fi).

I like both versions. I think they both offer something different to the Dune world. The Sci Fi version is longer and gives a better feel for the scope of the book Dune. Tho neither really captures the grand scale of the struggle going on. I thought David Lynch's version had a better look and feel. For example the stil suits in the book are black rubber, just like in the David Lynch version. I think when the Sci Fi chan was working on their version they changed things just to change make their production different from David Lynch's. Tho I also think that David Lynch went a lil too far with some of the stuff in his version. The heart plugs were just a distraction. The Harkkonens were evil and generally all around bad folks, but nothing that sadistic. Tho, they were prob added to get away from some of the more homosexual tenancies of the Baron. I gotta run, I could type for hours on this subject.

BTW, the "House..." books are prequels written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson. They are good, but far less complex and epic than the original series by Frank Herbert. However, I highly suggest both. In fact the prequels can be a nice intro to the sometimes overly complex Dune books.

12-08-2001, 02:28 PM
I think its spelled Feyd(or something like that) I see now i thought another character was made(im dumb)

When you say the next installment do you mean the 2nd book Dune Messiah? if so i would love to see that in movie form(id like to see all of them in movie form)

I have never read the prequels but i probably will after i get finished with the real series, i also think i will go and find the old version to see it

12-08-2001, 02:34 PM
are the stillsuits black in the book? i never picked up on that because i saw the sci fi movie first and sortof pictured it like that(i should have read the book first but maybe it was better becuase i probably wouldnt have understood what was going on with out the movie)

12-08-2001, 04:37 PM

It's actually based on both Messiah and Children.

12-08-2001, 10:39 PM
i went to blockbuster and rented the old dune and really didnt think much of it(im biased and like the new one)

here is what i didnt like
-The human shields were stupid, they looked like dumb blocks and i couldnt see what was going on
-Paul wasnt as cool, neither was anyone else
-It strayed so much from the book(skipped a lot and added things).
-Paul was too easily accepted by fremen
-spent too much time before dune and not enough time telling the on dune story
-what is with the sound wierding(not in book at all)?sound hand module=dumb.
-no crysknives
-no mention of paul and chani's son
-i dont recall heart plugs in the book(they are annoying and stupid)
-No paul thoughts of stopping his jihad
-it rained at the end
-baron didnt die like in book(sort of but not at all)
-water of like that paul took made everyone bleed(also took in a different way)
-alia was scary
-navigators were dumb in both

did like:
-fighting machine in beginning
-Baron's nasty face(didnt really like it but it was nasty)
-sting was good(but i also liked the other feyd so thats a tie)
-larger worms
-fedaykin training was shown(but in a crappy sound module way)
-the stillsuit nose tubes were too small(impossible to exhale out of them if they were real)

new movie
-Chani was better
-Better worms
-Alia was better
-paul was cool
-i like the white stillsuits, with hoods and face covers
-fremen wore robes not just stillsuits
-better blue in blue eyes
-to stop spice production was guerilla raids(poped out of sand was cool)
-crysknives were better than crappy sound guns
-i liked the thopters better(they sisnt even say the word thopter in the old one
-awsome knifefighting scenes

this is so long sorry but i just picked these things off the top of my head(i probably have more opinions)

ps i tried to make the part of the still suit that you breath into, it worked temporarily, ill keep working on it

thanks for the websight too

12-08-2001, 11:18 PM
I agree with shartly, I think the new one is more for a new generation, personaly I'm finding very few movies I like recently, what ever happened to the SCRIPT? why is everything special effects?

Back to the future
Edward with scissor hands
the "Old" star trek
star wars
my girl

you youngins don't know a good movie from special effects
and that's coming from a 22 year old

12-08-2001, 11:27 PM
im very picky, i have to disagree though i like all of those movies u mentioned except startrek(never really watched it just didnt like the concept), and dune(because there is a longer more in depth one and the stupid sound things)

ps-the new dune has crap special effects(look at the fake mouse) it just followed the book more and i love the book

Low Down
12-08-2001, 11:50 PM
I've read the series and think the books are awesome.

As far as the movies go i like the first one. why? I saw it in the movie theater and they handed out little booklets that explained the things that were going on behind the scenes.

All my friends who haven't read the books and didn't see it in the theaters think it's stupid and i can't really blame them. It's really hard to follow if you don't already know what's going on.

12-09-2001, 12:14 AM
my friends think its stupid too

the cool thing is once you get whats going on you will fall in love(not really but you get what im trying to say) and want more

12-09-2001, 06:37 AM
A lot of things are like that (stupid until you know what is going on). I know many times my wife and kids have come in on the middle of movies (older ones... even back to Black and White) and thought they were stupid. But I would then make them watch it from the beginning and it is amazing how they get interested in the characters and what is actually happening.

If people like interesting plots, and twists of thinking, they might like to check out the Thomas Covenent Chronicles by Stephen R. Donaldson.

<img src="http://members.aol.com/WrldofFant/donald1.gif">

Book 1: Lord Foul's Bane
Book 2: The Illearth War
Book 3: The Power That Preserves


Book 1: The Wounded Land
Book 2: The One Tree
Book 3: White Gold Wielder


Book 1: The Mirror of Her Dreams
Book 2: A Man Rides Through

"In terms of quality and significance, the work of Stephen Donaldson has been compared to the "Narnia" series of C.S. Lewis, the "Middle-Earth" stories of J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frank Herbert's "Dune" trilogy." - Ballantine Books

I did not find them challenging to read, but they were so well written and interesting that it DID make it hard to put them down. You get so involved with the character that you want to see what he will do next. He is not the classic "do no wrong" character, and in fact really messes up... after all he does not believe anything is actually real. Needless to say, he REALLY messes up at times, he is the perfect "real" character.

Just thought some of you would would like to take a read...

Low Down
12-09-2001, 09:06 PM
I read The Real Story. it was just a bit too cynical for me. i work with too many people who believe that being a decent person is a handicap. i like to get away from that when i read.

12-10-2001, 11:30 PM
there is just something about the book, i sometimes have to stop reading just to take in the awesomeness of what is happening, i love that, i dont know how im going to like the convert from Muad dib to his children

12-11-2001, 06:26 PM
I think I read all of em years ago and enjoyed them alot. The series gets sort of stranger and stranger as it goes along and I think later books in the series were less interesting than the first couple.

If you like that series you should hook up with Issac Asimov's Foundation series as well. Those were good too.
