View Full Version : Lost

10-19-2005, 11:40 PM
well, i was reading the paper this morning and there was a huge article in it about lost. it is really interconnected. i will see if i can find it online, or scan it or type it or something so all can read.

annyway if you watch it you know about the numbers, 4, 8, 16, 23, 48.

i was looking at my scedule today and i see that my class room numbers are 4, 8, 16, 23, and i had written that i have a soccer meeting (right below) in room 48. that is wierd. well another number that is interconnected on there is 815. we were averageing our grades out in history (my only non ap-class, more or less blowoff) and out of 8 daily grades, 800 points, i had 815 points. that is really wierd.

the past scores for our football games have been 4-8, 16-23, and 48 to 0. and also one of the teachers from another class came in with a paper from 4-8-(04) on workbook pages 16, 23, and 18. that was wierd too, and yes, he did have an ungrade paper from last year.

how wierd is that? and im not a lost freak who pours over it every day... i was just readint the article.

comment/share a story.

10-20-2005, 12:09 AM
Hate to burst your bubble but those arn't the actual numbers from Lost. Actual numbers are 4,8,15,16,23,42. I do watch and love the show so I know what you mean but you were a bit off on the numbers. It is easy though once you do have those numbers in mind to start to see them everywhere. Still wondering how they will pan out.


10-20-2005, 12:15 AM
The show is one of very few that has snagged my attention and not let me down.

I'm excited for 3 weeks from todays... who's going to be "lost" for good? :wow:

10-20-2005, 04:17 AM
Being a brit we're about halfway through season1 on terrestrial tv, so a few weeks ago i broke down and downloaded it all, and the ending to season1 annoyed me so much that I now hate the show... but I still watch it, how crap is that?

10-20-2005, 10:27 AM
Anyone else catch the I Ching lines around the Dharma station symbol ?

10-20-2005, 12:30 PM
Yes the Dharma logo is an exact copy of that logo.

Im am so far deep into backstory, and hidden meaning in this damn show its not funny. LOL I usually end up watching every show 2-3 times ... I record it to DVD and then watch it to find the little things.

I dont want to give spoilers or anything ... but if anyone wants to discuss theory's and such feel free to send me an PM.


10-20-2005, 01:18 PM
Which is Jin's father in laws company logo as well.

10-20-2005, 11:39 PM
well, they arent the real numbers, just noticed that.. but it is pretty wierd.

another thing i found out is that my locker number is 666, the devils number. there is way too much symbolism im finding and its freaking me out... (more or less atleast)