View Full Version : I got my twist lock off, Instructions inside. Hobo not included

10-20-2005, 11:08 PM
I got my ULE body and really had no appropriate tools to get the twist lock assembly out of my rail.

I've read on the forums that some people used a hammer and just hit it out caveman style. Other people recommended an arbor press. No one really said anything in detail, so I thought I would document what I did. Sorry about not having pictures.

I lacked an arbor press and didn't want to use ye olde sledge. I shoved my rail into a vise with a heavy floor mat to protect the precious rail and starting turning. I didn't bother to protect the twist lock assembly because I was going to trash it afterwards.

Just make sure everything is flat and parallel. If the twist lock assembly gets mangled, it may flare out andnot push through the rail. (I had a valve pin on my Spyder flare out, and just turned the flare down. By turning it down, I mean I used some pliers and a Dremel. If your twist lock assembly flares, just hit it with a Dremel.) After a few tries, the assembly broke free.

I used this setup until the assembly hit the other end of the vise. I then shoved two dowel rods as a spacer between the rail and the vise, with one dowel on each side of the assembly (on the top side of the rail), and finished pushing the twist lock out.

The rail came out without a scratch.

On a paranoid note, it took a bunch of tries to even get the twist lock moving at all. I took it out of the vise multiple times and laid it upsidedown on a piece of glass to make sure everything was still straight and flat.

Creative Mayhem
10-20-2005, 11:19 PM
nippin... i can't believe you didnt know how to take the twistlock assembly out.... :confused: It has been posted several times, not to mention, many people have asked time and again in chat over the years. However, since you were busy saving TNS2k2's viagara conversation, and not paying attention to the subject in chat i will answer your question ;)

Step one: clamp upsidedown in vise, protecting the rail of course

Step two: hammer the TL assembly out from the bottom of the rail.(couple taps should do it)

Step three: grab a beer from fridge, and crack it open

Step four: Enjoy, and revell in your triumph. :cheers:

10-20-2005, 11:28 PM
Hey, I actually did search the forums.

I didn't want to simply bang on the assembly with a hammer. The vise I was using, was GHETTO. It had these monsterous mangled jaws on it. My twist lock was on their SUPER tight. I think Comprado JB Welded it on. Laying it between the vise and having it clamped tight enough to not knock loose was keeping me from that approach.

I actually did try to hammer it out, but layed it over 2 2x4's. (What do you Canucks call them?) But got afraid of bending the darn thing and went with the equally scary vise.

Creative Mayhem
10-20-2005, 11:37 PM
You're just a little gurlyman...

And yes, we call them 2x4's

10-20-2005, 11:54 PM
After removing about 80 of them, I have a found a very easy way also using a vise.
get a chunk of wood.. something like a 1/2" thick x couple of inches wide x whatever length.. Drill a hole through it (about 1/2" diameter.. nothing exact) near the center.
place the wood between the vice and the top of the rail, with the hole above the pin. tighten vice and pin will press out and through the hole (its just there for clearance).


10-21-2005, 04:39 AM

I just flipped the rail upside down, layed it accross my legs with twist lock inbetween them, then hit it with a hammer twice.

10-21-2005, 05:17 AM

I just flipped the rail upside down, layed it accross my legs with twist lock inbetween them, then hit it with a hammer twice.

I second that, except I used the blunt end of a screwdriver...

10-21-2005, 06:00 AM
I took it out with my teeth :argh:

I just think the hammer approach is easier like CM said..

10-21-2005, 07:51 AM
I'm still looking for the damm Hobo!

10-21-2005, 09:09 AM
Step one: clamp upsidedown in vise, protecting the rail of course

Step two: hammer the TL assembly out from the bottom of the rail.(couple taps should do it)

Step three: grab a beer from fridge, and crack it open

Step four: . :cheers:

This is the easiest posted version and pretty close to the way I do it.

But I use a condensed version and slightly different order.

Step one: Grab beer and crack open before entering shop.
Step two: Flop rail over on wooden table top, hang pin over edge and hit with mallet.
Step three: Enjoy, and revel in your triumph.

10-21-2005, 09:42 AM
Mines better,

Place rail over roll of Duct tape
tapp out with rubber mallet

10-21-2005, 09:59 AM
I took it out with my teeth :argh:

Thats the best way to do it!!

10-21-2005, 10:04 AM
Shotgun baby, shotgun :shooting:

10-21-2005, 10:31 AM
Shotgun baby, shotgun :shooting:
the beer, or the hobo?

10-21-2005, 10:40 AM
:dance: the bannana!

10-21-2005, 12:22 PM
I just used the Force :ninja:

10-21-2005, 01:25 PM
Last warning Maggot. Cool your stupid comments, or leave. Army

10-22-2005, 04:38 PM
i held the rail, and smacked the bottom end of the Twistlock Assy on the table

Came out....

Head knight of Ni
10-22-2005, 06:02 PM
I held the rail in one hand and a hammer in the other. I used the rail like a hammer and the hammers head as the contact point. :tard:

10-22-2005, 10:05 PM
wow, i did what everyone said on here before to remove mine. and i wasn't being gentile. my twistlock would not come out.
i had an idea though.
the oven.

i put my rail and twistlock in the oven at around 280 *F for a few minutes, and then proceded with the vice and hammer. poped right out.

then did the same thing to put it back into my new rail.