View Full Version : WOW! its here!

10-21-2005, 02:00 AM
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=7D-f-3Zt7uyfeDU1fTBfU3zLE9IGKNnCnUo=?ProductID=cjzAqArb 8g4AAAEHVVQPTApk

rifleman wi
10-21-2005, 02:29 AM
yea.. im goona stay away from anyone with one of those...still dont think using propane in a paintball gun sounds safe..

10-21-2005, 02:39 AM
I think of it like a car. its all there just think of what can be done!
If anything you should be scared of your HPA tank

10-21-2005, 02:54 AM
I bet Crossfire, PMI, Nitro Duck and others are crossing their fingers this doesnt work its way into the semi/electro market.
Love to see a propane 12 gram too! :shooting:

Thumbs up to Tippmann for being innovative.

10-21-2005, 04:37 AM
There really isn't a real safety concern with it. But I do foresee politics seeing a propane powered paintball marker as instant fodder if they wished to launch an anti-paintball campaign.

Let's just hope noone does anything really stupid with one of these.

10-21-2005, 05:52 AM
There really isn't a real safety concern with it. But I do foresee politics seeing a propane powered paintball marker as instant fodder if they wished to launch an anti-paintball campaign.

Let's just hope noone does anything really stupid with one of these.

LOL! too late, holding a flame at the end of the barrel then firing has already passed threw my mind!

but if they were smart they would have put something in there that would prevent people with not enough brain power to say "do not do that."

10-21-2005, 05:56 AM
In a corky, twisted way I almost like the way that looks... :eek:

I wonder how long it'll be now that these are selling, that crossfire+other tank companies will sell propane tanks...

10-21-2005, 07:12 AM
Personally i think this is great, the ability to play all day on the same airsource, heck all summer, is fantastic!

This gun isnt for most of the people on this forum, its for the woodsballer who needs to drive an hour to get air and paint, now he/she/it can grab the gun and go no matter where they live, and know they won't run out.

on the side, I just reread a couple of the 13 Propane paintball threads people started, and we are pretty sure the heat generated is due to gas expansion friction right?

Will Wood
10-21-2005, 08:57 AM
Yea, the tank will get warm when in use. But that's about it.
And just like you can't light the end of your muffler on fire, I don't think you can light the end of your barrel on fire. *shrugs* I dunno.

10-21-2005, 09:05 AM
I'm buying one. Not so much to use but more because I honestly see the idea dying in a few years and these things becoming rare in the next 5 :)

Sorry, it's the collector in me.

10-21-2005, 09:15 AM
someone needs to rig a match to the barrel and see what happens when you fire ;)

10-21-2005, 09:19 AM
Get a Ti Boomstick cut down to fit and just wait for the ball to cause a spark :)

10-21-2005, 10:22 AM
This poses the statement, "A True Fire Arm."

Being that propane is petroleum based I think it would be harder on internal hard parts, than compressed air as well.

I wonder if our sport can sustain the potential risks? Co2 is trouble enough.

************************************************** **********************
Everything below the Asterisks was taken from http://www.frontierpropane.com/about_propane.htm

What is Propane?

Propane is a hydrocarbon, and along with other liquefied petroleum gases, is a component of both natural gas and crude oil. It is obtained through the refining of crude oil or the processing of natural gas.

Propane is normally transported and stored as a liquid in specially designed containers. It is important that only those containers approved and prepared for use with propane be used to store and transport propane.

When you buy propane, it comes in a liquid state in the tank. When liquid propane changes from a liquid to a gas, it will increase in volume approximately 270 times. The liquid boils and changes to a vapor. This is what you use in your home. Propane vapor is heavier than air (about 11/2 times), yet it still mixes with air quite rapidly.

Propane burns and gives off a relatively large amount of heat, about 92,000 BTU's per gallon of propane.

Propane in its natural state is both colorless and odorless. For these reasons and because propane is flammable, a chemical malodorant with a distinctive smell is added to provide a method of detection in the event of a leak.

10-21-2005, 10:50 AM
that could be my first tippman. my only concern is how well do paintballs handle the blast and temp of it. wich i think it would be minimal, probably not even enough to seriously hurt someone. that and accuracy.

but hey i kinda dig it


10-21-2005, 11:06 AM
someone needs to rig a match to the barrel and see what happens when you fire ;)

It will blow out the match.

The the gun runs on propane from the tank and oxygen from the air - when the propane burns it breaks apart, and recombines with the oxygen, producing water vapor and CO2 as exhaust gasses.

10-21-2005, 11:20 AM
It will blow out the match.

The the gun runs on propane from the tank and oxygen from the air - when the propane burns it breaks apart, and recombines with the oxygen, producing water vapor and CO2 as exhaust gasses.

You guys have a review up yet?

10-21-2005, 11:38 AM
It will blow out the match.

The the gun runs on propane from the tank and oxygen from the air - when the propane burns it breaks apart, and recombines with the oxygen, producing water vapor and CO2 as exhaust gasses.

that makes it sound like the gun actually has a combustion chamber, so maybe the heat is generated not by friction but due to combustion?

so who tech's this gun for me, my local hardware store?

10-21-2005, 12:04 PM
Hmm, so Bill, you are saying that it actually burns the propane?


Oh, and anyone else find it funny that they have as a "Popular ad-on" a tank selection and not one of them is a propane tank?:)

10-21-2005, 12:10 PM
From what's been observed from the exploded diagram, the combustion chamber apparently drives a cylinder which in turn provides the driving force for the paintball. From what I can see the combustion chamber is vented and filled through the pump action so burning propane isn't actually exiting the barrel. In short, it works like a convoluted Airsoft gun, instead of a spring driving the plunger which shoots 6mm ball, it's a small ammount of propane which shoots a gelatine capsule filled with goo.

EDIT - I'm suprised Tippmann didn't try and model it after a SPAS 12 or something similar...

10-21-2005, 02:04 PM
I am pretty sure the explosion directly acts on the ball.
I have derived this conclusion from looking at the diagrams too, as well as from what others have stated.. including Manike: http://www.network54.com/Forum/message-9013-1129743789-hhmmm...

10-21-2005, 02:12 PM
Doesn't this make it a firearm, won't this marker be subject to firearm laws and regulations?

fire·arm (frärm) n.

A weapon, especially a pistol or rifle, capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.

10-21-2005, 02:14 PM
Hhhmmm, a 4bps backyard fun gun for $230? I mean, that's what it's being marketed as. A marker for backyard/woods players who have to drive 45mins-1hr to get a fill. Way too expensive for that kind of thing though. I know speed doesn't matter as much in woodsball, but 4bps? Why is it so slow?

10-21-2005, 02:22 PM
4bps is because it is a pump gun, and that's the safest they see it running at right now. The way it works (or at least from what I saw posted on another forum by a supposed Tippman rep) is that the combustion chamber pushes a piston, which pushes forward compressing air which pushes the paintball. It is a very revolutionary idea. There should not be a lot of heat acting on the paintball, as it is just compressing air, but the body of the gun and that piston will get warm. Propane is a clean burning fuel, so when it ignites it does go back to water and air like mentioned above. The only fumes you will probably smell are while connecting a tank or disconnecting a tank. The reason it is set at 4bps is because even while testing and trying to rapid fire the pump gun it would get warm in the testers hands. If this was on semi it was estimated that a pod or two through a halo on automatic or semi would be enough to make the gun too hot to hold without burning yourself. Their current claim is something like 55,000 shots off of a 16oz propane bottle, which is really impressive. For people in remote areas who can't get HPA or CO2 tanks filled easily, this is actually a great solution. I'm not a big tippman fan, but I do applaud the new technology.

10-21-2005, 02:27 PM
but 4bps? Why is it so slow?
Um, because it's a pump gun, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :rolleyes:

10-21-2005, 02:40 PM
mmm, i kinda want one, seriously, a case of reballs, and a marker that gets 50k shots per fill.......snapshot practice to the max

10-21-2005, 02:56 PM
Crap, missed that. It being a pump would explain things lol.

10-21-2005, 03:19 PM
yea.. im goona stay away from anyone with one of those...still dont think using propane in a paintball gun sounds safe..

Just wait until the Big Game. I'll lay money on it that there will be atleast 2 or 3 on the field.

10-21-2005, 03:57 PM
Able to get 50,000 rounds per 16 ounce propane can
wow thats damn efficent! more efficent than this excal i got which will get 1000 from my 68/3k( dont worry the excal isnt mine)

10-21-2005, 04:02 PM
Crap, missed that. It being a pump would explain things lol.
We all miss stuff, feces occurs!(everyone break out the thesaurus).

10-21-2005, 04:31 PM
I picking one up. Im not going to argue with anyone here because most people who are responding are being very closed minded about the whole thing.

11 Bravo
10-21-2005, 04:43 PM
Its ingenious :headbang: way to go Tippmann. I wont be buying one, but it makes you wonder what markers are going to be like in a few years. Will a big game sound like a weed eater convention?

rifleman wi
10-21-2005, 05:25 PM
well then, we'll just have to shoot them right away wont we? :p

Just wait until the Big Game. I'll lay money on it that there will be atleast 2 or 3 on the field.

10-21-2005, 05:38 PM
How would this marker impact field insurance???? Anyone who gets one please post an honest review here at AO. I am very interested , but I've turned into the type that buys a second or third generation marker after having major issues with the A5 when it first came out.

10-21-2005, 10:48 PM
I got 1 today its nice. Paint goes in a nice line. pump stroke feels good. it feels light!

10-22-2005, 12:29 AM
Whats involved with gun maintenance??

10-22-2005, 06:18 PM
One of the first things I wondered about when I saw this thing was how much of an issue "fouling" on the spark plug will be. We all know how much of a pain BBQ ignitors can be after a year or two of use.

The maintenance manual for the C3 says the spark plug does need to be cleaned, but no maintenance interval is discussed.

I don't see anything else in the design that would create extra maintenance. They even mention to use WD-40 on the piston for cleaning.

Overall, I like the design. I think I'll buy one so I can take it apart and mess around with it.

10-22-2005, 06:28 PM
I think I'll buy one so I can take it apart and mess around with it.

That's what I was thinking too. There's definitely a coolness factor to it that just makes me want one.


10-22-2005, 07:37 PM
Just wait until the Big Game. I'll lay money on it that there will be atleast 2 or 3 on the field.

And I bet both of the people using it only take it on the field once. I usually use my X-Mag at big games, unless they are really good, 4bps isn't going to keep up...