View Full Version : autococker help...

12-07-2001, 10:55 PM
i realize that this is a mag forum, but it is stil the best place to ask questions concernig almost any gun on the net...
i traded my mag for a cocker, for speed reasons, and i knew the cocker was mistimed, but im afraid that im in over my head with my newly recieved used autococker. the main problem right now is this: when i pull the trigger (gassed up)the back block goes back, and stays there. i have to actually pull the trigger forward again to make the block go forward. what is causing this sticking? also, could someone enlighten me on how to adjust the timing rod, and when to. i read ravi chopra's page, but i still dont understand. thank you in advance for your help

12-07-2001, 11:26 PM
Is it a 2k+ cocker?

Or an earlier one?

The earlier ones had a non threaded timing rod, so you had to just use a set screw. The new ones have a threaded timing rod... and the set screw just keeps it nice and snug.

I think Ravi's page has good troubleshooting stuff on it, maybe try www.customcocker.com

They have some good stuff, too.

12-08-2001, 09:32 AM
sounds like your plate is dirty, if ya get the plate dirty then it'll sometimes stick back on ya. so just take it someone who knows what there doin, and ask'em to clean the trigger plate....

12-08-2001, 10:54 AM
Does it have an aftermarket grip frame? If it has a screw under the trigger to take out the slack then it may be in too tight. Also try taking off the grip frame and see if there is anything binding in the grip frame. It may also be a burr on the sear or trigger itself. Just a few things to get you started.

12-08-2001, 11:14 AM
it is a 2k1 or 2k cocker. i gassed it up agian today, the backblock is stuck sometimes but most of the time its ok. the triggerframe is stock, when i pull back the trigger it feels a little sticky, so i think t is the trigger plate being dirty that is responsible.

12-08-2001, 01:44 PM
yea clean your triggerplate and 3 way(sometimes gets sticky) and make sure everything is lubed up well(bolt, etc) Also your trigger plate spring may not be strong enough so you may have to get a slightly stronger one

12-08-2001, 02:08 PM
Lower your re-cock pressure. Do you have an adj front reg?

12-08-2001, 02:56 PM
yes i do- its an ans jackhammer. how will lowering the recock pressure help, out of curiosity?

12-08-2001, 09:04 PM
Once you have checked to see if your grip frame and plate are not binding, and are clean. Ensure that the three way is lubed. Oil is ok, and a couple of drops are recommended prior to use, but grease is recommended for the three way it will last longer. Three ways tend to dry out very quick if just oil is used. Battle lube is what I use on my three way, it is designed specifically for pneumatics. I purchased mine at a venders booth at a scenario game, but you cuold call the manufacturer at 1-877-950-3337.

To add to the recock pressure. If it is to high you will chop paint. The bolt will slam forward before the next paintball is completly in the chamber. An easy way to check is to air up your marker and pull the trigger, hold the trigger in the rearward position. with the trigger held back, use your other hand and try to push the back block and bolt forward. If the block and bolt won't move foward with slight pressure, your reg is set to high. adjust the reg untill you can push the block in about half way with just a little pressure, it shoul feel like your pushing against a stiff spring.