View Full Version : Tippmann C-3 Review(Pictures and Movies)

10-22-2005, 02:41 AM
Here is what I got on it so far.

The gun looks well built, there are some plastics around the reciever. Normal Tippmann

when I picked up the gun it felt balanced. The gripframe is a 45 so you can put stickes on it( comes with rubber grips. The pump handle fits my hand very well(flatline feel) It is made o-f hard plastic and feels solid. When holding the gun with a tank attached it feels light and well balanced. The pump action is smooth and when compared to a Phantom far superior(but there is alot of friction while pumping). -

Operation: The marker has no recoil and takes no time to get used to. The trigger is light and short. The barrel is accuratefrom the few shots that I took with blaze. Yes there is a small barely noticable flame that comes on for a short time(out of the tip of the barrel) when the gun is fired.




Test fire:


Flame when you complete 1 and 1/2 of a cycle:


Conclusion: Money well spent!

10-22-2005, 02:49 AM
That is the coolest looking pump marker I ever did seen. Very cool!

Do you think the use of propane will cause any problems, say if the marker is taken care of correctly?

10-22-2005, 02:50 AM
The marker looks like it will last like a mag or a M98

10-22-2005, 07:46 AM
The flame video doesn't work for me...And the first one I had to try it a few times...Just to let you know


10-22-2005, 08:06 AM
There just seems to me to be too many variables using a flammable gas as a propellant.

I am also concerned about the ignition system in general. I used to work on "Impulse" nailers. In a dirty environment there are many things to go wrong. Especially when put into the hands of the average paintballer.

Pyrate Jim
10-22-2005, 08:53 AM
My concern is that it actually combusts the the propane, it could be considered a FIREarm and subject to regulations.

10-22-2005, 09:55 AM
Great review, thanks.

If "impulse" nailers are not considered firearms then this paintball gun won't either since it's the same principle.

I would think that Tippmann has done a little research into the legalities and reliability of this type of marker before investing the time and money required to produce it.

Snake, the trigger is electronic, to just ignite the propane, right?

Does it have a mechanical feel or an electronic feel?

Thanks Again,


Will Wood
10-22-2005, 10:47 AM
Nice ending to the flame video :rofl:

Great review! How light is it compared to the other tippmann guns?

10-22-2005, 10:57 AM
ya that flame doesnt make me feel any better about that gun :wow: :nono:

10-22-2005, 11:00 AM
ya that flame doesnt make me feel any better about that gun :wow: :nono:

but the fact that anyone could easily turn your current paintball tank into a missle, killing anyone infront of it makes you feel any safer? :rolleyes:

10-22-2005, 11:12 AM
ya but i know my gun wont come to me like that stock :rolleyes:

10-22-2005, 11:16 AM
ya but i know my gun wont come to me like that stock :rolleyes:

wtf are you talking about? :confused:

some tech, or you, plug up a relief valve in the threads of your tank regulator by using loctite (common)

you unscrew ur tank, BAM!

deadly weapon.

10-22-2005, 11:21 AM
wtf are you talking about? :confused:

some tech, or you, plug up a relief valve in the threads of your tank regulator by using loctite (common)

you unscrew ur tank, BAM!

deadly weapon.

I have a flatline tank i dont plan on unscrewing it anytime soon

10-22-2005, 11:57 AM
Great review, thanks.

If "impulse" nailers are not considered firearms then this paintball gun won't either since it's the same principle.

I would think that Tippmann has done a little research into the legalities and reliability of this type of marker before investing the time and money required to produce it.

Snake, the trigger is electronic, to just ignite the propane, right?

Does it have a mechanical feel or an electronic feel?

Thanks Again,


It feels like a electronic trigger with a heavy spring.

10-22-2005, 01:22 PM
Lol.. the flame movie is pretty cool. :)

10-22-2005, 05:27 PM
Excellent, thanks.

Mount Prospect, you're only 45 minutes away from me.

I'll be over tomorrow to check it out. :D


10-22-2005, 05:31 PM
I am taking it to a field next sunday 4th i think. so if u wanna c it we can meet up.
what gun do you have?- hehehehe

10-22-2005, 05:43 PM
Great review, thanks.

If "impulse" nailers are not considered firearms then this paintball gun won't either since it's the same principle.

I would think that Tippmann has done a little research into the legalities and reliability of this type of marker before investing the time and money required to produce it.

Snake, the trigger is electronic, to just ignite the propane, right?

Does it have a mechanical feel or an electronic feel?

Thanks Again,

Um, it's a pump gun............

10-22-2005, 05:52 PM
Um, it's a pump gun............

You are correct it is a pump gun.......

Your point being?


10-22-2005, 05:55 PM
You are correct it is a pump gun.......

Your point being?

Asked if it was an electronic trigger.........

10-22-2005, 06:00 PM
Asked if it was an electronic trigger.........

Well, the trigger does not release a hammer or trip a sear like a traditional pump gun. There is a battery that ignites the propane. The trigger will be activating a micro switch of some type to complete the circuit to ignite the propane. It is therefore an "electronic" trigger. My question was about the feel of the trigger if it was more like a mechanical or an electronic which it is.

Thanks for your concern and sorry for the confusion my question has caused you.

10-22-2005, 06:04 PM
Well, the trigger does not release a hammer or trip a sear like a traditional pump gun. There is a battery that ignites the propane. The trigger will be activating a micro switch of some type to complete the circuit to ignite the propane. It is therefore an "electronic" trigger. My question was about the feel of the trigger if it was more like a mechanical or an electronic which it is.

Thanks for your concern and sorry for the confusion my question has caused you.
Oh, I get it now. Just seeing if it feels like electro trigger! All clear now! :)

10-22-2005, 06:06 PM


10-22-2005, 06:12 PM
It feels like a electronic trigger with a heavy spring.

Looking at the owner's manual it would be pretty easy to change springs and soften it up.

Damn Tippmann, I'm probably going to have to get one now.........

Thanks Again,


Recon by Fire
10-22-2005, 09:12 PM
So I gather this new C-3 MUSt run on propane? WTF was Tippman thinking?

Will Wood
10-22-2005, 09:17 PM
If it CAN run on propane, why would you want to use anything else?
I don't see how it not being able to run on C02/HPA is a negative thing.

10-23-2005, 02:56 AM
So I gather this new C-3 MUSt run on propane? WTF was Tippman thinking?
*Sigh* :nono:

Archangel Zer0
10-23-2005, 05:11 AM
It's like all the arguments against CA and HPA all over again.

Recon by Fire
10-23-2005, 08:41 AM
Well, i'm not arguing that propane cannot be used, but unless something has changed propane is a flammable.

So how long will it be now before we see the first propane powered tournament marker? Hmm, maybe we shouldn't call them markers now either. So when will the first tournament level flame thrower/paintball tosser powered by propane be released? :)

10-23-2005, 09:00 AM
Curious, can you just use coleman propane tanks for camp lanterns/stoves that you can pick up from walmart?

also.....shoot some paint on video!

10-23-2005, 11:23 AM
ya. i just got me a "stubby" small grill tank . the green 1

10-23-2005, 11:47 AM
Can you 'autotrigger' it?

i.e. Hold the trigger and just pump it to make it shoot?

10-23-2005, 12:03 PM
I loved autotrighger on my Bloodsucker..............
That might make the C3 a flamethrower! :p

10-23-2005, 01:04 PM
nope cant hold the valve open. the actually pump action is what loads the propane it the chamber. if you hold the actuator down it will flood the chamber like a carburetor and just not work until the gass dispates. we looked on over and through at the store friday!! i was on the no side to begin with and im still very unsure. but the gun as is!!!! is very safe in desighn. the only concern is really the end user of th product!!! and that is still an issure with the markers out ther now look at all the trouble and drive bys up north lately with normaly powered markers . so as long as tippmann has produced a safe marker it still comes down to the yahooos using it are they for the betterment of our wonderfull sport or are the sucidial morons intent on causing discomfort to other poeple and this would happen with or with out propane markers... anyone old enough to rember a lighter and hairspray!!! and guys 2-3 bucks for that is cheaper tha 200-250 plus gas for a marker. so i cant wait till next week when i buy mine!!!!! i might not keep it long but as a gun freak and a tech im currious!!!

10-23-2005, 01:06 PM
Well that's cool about the valve, but what if you want to use CO2 N2?

10-23-2005, 01:54 PM
you cant. the gun was designed specificaly for propane. there are more than enogh guns out ther for co2 or compressed. the whole point of this power source is to look into a cheaper way to power a marker and at 50,000 shots per a 16.4 ounce tank i do belive this is it. will it completely change the spot i very seriously doubt it. will it affect pump play? a little im sure. will it cause people to ask a lot of questions and get tippmann a lot of press you better belive it!!!

10-23-2005, 02:00 PM
I thought someone here said you could use N2, oh well. No biggy for me, I can't use pumps. Damn arm.

10-23-2005, 07:12 PM
Im kinda of curious on how hard is it on paint ? Betcha night play with one of those is going to be interesting

10-23-2005, 08:41 PM
I know there is a small chance of this, but don't we need to be careful about starting a forest fire with this thing? Its not much of a flame coming out of the tip, but if we are playing in the woods in August it doesn't take much to light up that dry grass you're laying in...

Recon by Fire
10-23-2005, 09:03 PM
Nobody has sked the really important question yet; can you cook a hot dog in the barrel for lunch with a few dry fires? :)

Seiously, what about rapid hooting and heating the paintball shells? Is this an issue? I think one of these would be fun and unique but i'm not gonna spend $230 on a Tippy pump. I have now dubbed this clas of marker a "pRump" (propane-pump). I will just suffer with my Series-5.

10-23-2005, 11:25 PM
Does anyone look into things to see how it works or do some research on the matter before saying "What, it runs on propane?!? That will start forest fires, melt the paint and burn your hand!!!"

Give me a break. First of all, if any of those were potential problems, I don't think Tippmann would have brought this to the market. Second of all, if you did do some research and looked into it, the propane combustion process is self-contained. It's not combusting the propane and blowing flames out the end of the barrel. A) That wouldn't work too well with gelatin balls and B) That wouldn't be safe.

So think about it a bit harder and you might come to the realization Tippmann thought about that before you did and made it so it didn't operate as you seem to think it does.

10-24-2005, 12:39 AM
From what i heard from a test place (Hell Survivors, hosts Tippmann World Challenge) is that they were a nice shot, very consistant, however were foul smelling, and made the user smell like propane. In addition to this the prototypes heated up after about 50 shots. Now I'm sure Tippmann has made these better, and I hope to find out at my shop sometime this week. I'm curious to see what they are all about, as is most of the paintball world. I just hope someone with a small amount of knowledge tries making is full auto or semi and killing themselves with "custom" work. Sorry... late and I'm not typing that well.


Recon by Fire
10-24-2005, 11:03 AM
Well, the C-3 is using a dose of compressed propane ignited by electrical power to propel the paintball, correct? The ball is propelled because the gas expands because of it becoming heated. So I think the heat issue is a reasonable question.

I bet you could cook a hot dog with enough dry fires :)

10-24-2005, 11:18 AM
My concern is that it actually combusts the the propane, it could be considered a FIREarm and subject to regulations.

Don't worry about it. In most jurisdictions, paintball markers are already firearms if used in the commision of an assault or other crime.

"Fire" has very little to do with the definition of "firearm" when it comes to the law. Most legal definitions are all about muzzle energy in so far as purchase, ownership, and regulation are conserned. Armed crimes use a different standard to define the weapon involved and the corresponding punishment.

10-24-2005, 12:08 PM
Does anyone look into things to see how it works or do some research on the matter before saying "What, it runs on propane?!? That will start forest fires, melt the paint and burn your hand!!!"

Give me a break. First of all, if any of those were potential problems, I don't think Tippmann would have brought this to the market. Second of all, if you did do some research and looked into it, the propane combustion process is self-contained. It's not combusting the propane and blowing flames out the end of the barrel. A) That wouldn't work too well with gelatin balls and B) That wouldn't be safe.

So think about it a bit harder and you might come to the realization Tippmann thought about that before you did and made it so it didn't operate as you seem to think it does.

Didnt the guy who made this thread put up a vid of a small flame coming out of the barrel when he fired it?

10-24-2005, 12:20 PM
It's like all the arguments against CA and HPA all over again.

Kind of - but a lot of the argument against this centers on the legal ramifications and if using propane and an explosion creating air pressure to fire the ball constitutes a firearm in the eyes of the ATF

10-24-2005, 12:22 PM
Be nice gun for the winter, no more cold hands!

10-24-2005, 12:30 PM
Didnt the guy who made this thread put up a vid of a small flame coming out of the barrel when he fired it?

Not when he fired a paintball. 1-1/2 cycles. WHen paintball are being fired, no flames, combustion is contained in the marker.

Will Wood
10-24-2005, 01:27 PM
Be nice gun for the winter, no more cold hands!
See, why can't more people be positive like him? :p

10-24-2005, 01:36 PM
There is usually nothing negative about the products, its the people that are negative - including the users and perceivers. Yes these people who haven't used the product yet are being negative, but rightfully so.

You know there will be more than one kid who does the pump and a half, then puts the barrel on his friends back as a joke, and fires. Kid will get burned, sue tippmann, politians or lawmakers will get involved, then the whole industry takes a hit.

Is there an age minimum on handling propane tanks, like must be over 18? Would be nice if we didn't have any 12 year olds playing propane torch tag.

10-24-2005, 05:01 PM
Didnt the guy who made this thread put up a vid of a small flame coming out of the barrel when he fired it?

The flame does not come out of the barrel when pumped 1 1/2 times. it comes out of the front of the reciever.
And there is a very small flame that DOES come out of the barrel when fired. But it is so small that I could not capture it with my camera and has to be done in a pitch black room.

10-25-2005, 02:07 PM
how many smokers are gonna try and lite up with that thing....thatll be a sight to see :dance:

10-25-2005, 04:18 PM
I think it will be great to watch several of these going off in the dark. At work I have dubbed it the official "Redneck Paintball Gun" . Mr Hill, Tippmann has done you proud !!!

10-25-2005, 04:38 PM
It all justs seems to dangerous for use. I mean propane...You can just turn that into a flamr thrower can't you? :tard:

10-25-2005, 05:10 PM
nope it has sevreal saftey valves . but on the other side cant you turn a can of hairspray into a flame thrower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

10-25-2005, 08:38 PM
Must resist the ugre to buy new pump! :bounce: