View Full Version : Crossfire or stay adjustable?

Carbon Blue
10-22-2005, 03:55 PM
Hey i was wondering if any of you guys have any input or reviews on preset crossfire tanks? So far ive heard nothing but good from them. I currently have the dual stage sp max flo on my xvalved mag and so far its been a great tank. The only downside is that it weighs my gun down and i cant take the tank off with ease unless i unscrew two screws which is so much more of a hassle when you can just unscrew the tank. Plus storing my gun isnt really a pain but the tanks just always attached to the gun. I was wondering if the crossfire can handle high rates of fire without any drop off?how are the recharge rates? I dont bounce the trigger at all and run my mag right around 875psi with my ULT setup. But i think i may plan on upgrading to that mech setup that rrfireblade has in the works which im pretty sure can handle 10bps easy. So what do you guys think? Get a betters/lighter adjustable tank such as a dynaflo or flatline? or should i go preset such as the crossfire?

10-22-2005, 04:21 PM
I'd just stick with the Max-flo.

10-22-2005, 04:28 PM
ID suggest trying out somones crossfire before buying one yourself, there not uncommon at all, should have much trouble having somone lend one to you, if it works well, then, ya have your answer id say.