View Full Version : Ego, Karnivor, Timmy

10-23-2005, 10:42 AM
I was wondering if there is any major, or minor problem with either of these markers,

WGP- Karniove
Eclipse- EGO
Bob Long- Abomb

Also out of though three witch is, lighter, faster, better eyes, and if they have any ano/milling problem.


10-23-2005, 10:49 AM
I think the ego has the best performance out of all of those. Its lighter and balances very well in my opinion, there all mad fast, they all have good eyes, and the ego in my opinion is a slightly higher quality. I have shot egos, and i like them. I shot a few 2k2 timmys, but havent shot the newer style timmys. I havent shot a karnivore, because autocockers dont appeal to me.

10-23-2005, 11:05 AM
They are all virtually the same. They are all quick, light and don't chop all to often. The anno problem, well, it's rare I would think or I would have heard about some by now. As for the weight, they are all in within at least half a pound, and I wouldn't think that half a pound would be a deciding factor...

Preference ;)

10-23-2005, 11:16 AM
ok i hear things like WGP are great marker, blah blah blah, then i hear they are pos, the break down, eyes suck and everything, so i am confused on that right now can anyone help me with this?

10-23-2005, 02:32 PM
by the way, this is going to be my main torny marker, so i need it to be fast, fast to maintain (dont really care how hard as long as i can do it quick) and light

10-23-2005, 02:42 PM
what about a viking? i have heard good things about them, annything can be fast, and a few balls a second is not gonna make a difference. they are also good on air efficency...

10-23-2005, 02:55 PM
well good luck finding tornys spelled without a "u". If you have the cash, id say go with the EGO. Theres always the threat of the POS 3 way hoses going bad, and stuff happens to cockers unexpectedly. Plus, cockers are still living in reflective eye days, egos have bb if im not mistaken.

10-23-2005, 03:02 PM
ok then

a-bomb timmy, and a EGO, pros and cons

10-23-2005, 03:07 PM
WGP 'Vor is a good gun, solidly built, and works as well as any othe eCocker. If you can't get one eCocker to work, you won't get this one to work either. It's built on a modified Cocker platform with a WorrBlade (E2) as the driving force. Did I mention fast?

Reflective ACE
Magnetic Opto trigger
Stacked closed bolt

The Timmy is just that, a Timmy, a good gun, fast, light, and deadly. Only complaint is the spring return on the trigger give it a very wierd feeling after shooting magnetic triggers for the better part of two years. Set the LPR and run with it, no wonder they're popular. (Personally I don't like 'em for no good reason in particular)

Break Beam ACE
Spring return switch trigger
Stacked rammer open bolt

Planet eclipse's Ego is a Timmy revisited with an eclipse spin. Powered by a modified E2 with QEV's mounted on the Ram and the entire lower pneumatic tube assembly being a single cartrige for easy access to the valve plus a slight powerfeed (feedneck offset 2mm). This gun is truely a paint wand. Trigger allows for some room for improvement (my opinion) with a bit too much of the "break glass" feeling before it'll let go, but this is a complaint I have about the E/E2 as well. Rediculously light and fast. If you like Timmy's but are looking for something a little different, give the Ego a whirl.

Break Beam ACE
Magnetic Opto trigger
Stacked rammer open bolt

10-23-2005, 03:34 PM
ok so now that being say it like a dead lock with a karny and a ego....if anyone can tilt the scale speak up :cry:

10-23-2005, 03:50 PM
another marker i just though of the free style Fs-7, anyone have any imput on this?

10-23-2005, 05:50 PM
I have had all of those markers you mentioned and IMHO, the ego is by far the best. Of of the box ready to play. Air up, load and play.

The karni is really not in the same class as the Ego or the Timmy as far as I am concerned. Don't get me wrong it was a good marker when it came out, but the The Ego, Timmy, DM5, Angel are really your only choices for the top of the heap in tourny level markers today.

Sorry, I am not a big fan of Smart Parts so I don't include the shocker or the nerve in that catigory....some would.

my 2 cents.

Go Ego and you'll be very happy.

10-23-2005, 06:22 PM
ok well i like the ego, never hold one but my friend picked one up so i am going to try that, but anyone have any imput on the fs-7 free style?

10-23-2005, 06:32 PM
If you like the way Autocockers shoot, buy the Karni
If you like the way Timmys shoot, buy the A-bomb
If you like the Karni's frame and the way the A-bomb feels go with the Ego.

I'd personally take the Karni. The milling and 2 tone anno is awesome. They perform awesome and will not break down on you unless you mess with ther settings. The only downside to them is the reflective eye which can be affected by the color of paint.

10-23-2005, 08:09 PM
If you like the way Autocockers shoot, buy the Karni
If you like the way Timmys shoot, buy the A-bomb
If you like the Karni's frame and the way the A-bomb feels go with the Ego.

I'd personally take the Karni. The milling and 2 tone anno is awesome. They perform awesome and will not break down on you unless you mess with ther settings. The only downside to them is the reflective eye which can be affected by the color of paint.


What he said, I think he's right on. I personally love Timmys for their flexibility with parts and the ease of taking them apart which I think should be part of all tournament guns. For example, you can't just drop the insides of the 'cocker out by taking a cap off the back and as far as I know on the EGO you can't pull the trigger frame in 1/2 while it's on the gun and pull the trigger out with a screw in pin.

Also, I really like Angels with space frames. It's not as economical as the Timmy, and it's not anywhere near as easy to take apart, but they require very little maintenance like a Viking.

10-23-2005, 08:44 PM

10-23-2005, 09:17 PM
I would go with the karni, but as a back up tinkerin gun :)

Really you should go with the ego based on your nees description. The one I messed with was easier to maintain, smaller, and lighter kick than the karni or the timmy.

fast, light, prety reliable. ego

10-23-2005, 11:52 PM
I have owned an alias for 1.5 years now and I have no plans on getting rid of it. Maintenance is a breeze. Problems are almost non existent. And the triggers on the newer style timmies can be set up great. I had a critical trigger on my alias, but sold it and went back to the stock. The triggers are flat out awesome on timmies and they are pretty efficient as well. I used to buy at least 1 new paintball gun per year(sometimes two) I would always buy the new things. I owned an angel in 97, quit until early 2001 and picked up an emag, had an imp in early 02, 2 shockers in 03(almost 3) and my alias in summer 04 and I have been playing with it ever since. I used to kind of be a gun whore, but I no longer have a reason to be.

10-24-2005, 08:11 AM
fs7 is the only icd gun id buy, m6 proto would be a good choice, 06 speed would be a good choice. My personal experiances with timmys have been dissapointing. I cant comment on Vikings since ive never held or owned one, but I've heard good things about them. Ego would also be a good choice although it is a little more expensive compared to the others. What it all comes down to is personal preference. All of these guns are fast, light, reliable, and efficient. Reflective eyes are not bad like some play them up to be. Sure break beam is a surperior technology, but its not that much of an improvement. I can still shoot 25 bps in my karni with dark paint and not chop.

My personal line up would be

06 speed

10-24-2005, 08:55 AM
If you have to choose between a karni and ego go with ego. If it looks like a cocker, shoots like a cocker, and smells like a cocker, then it breaks like a cocker. :ninja:
I love my eblade, but I have to do a ritual dance and sacrifice a goat to make it work right all day. I am cursed with cockers though, so take my opinion with a truck load of salt.

10-24-2005, 10:50 AM
I'd forget the Karni off the bat, and that's coming from someone extremely knowledgeable with cockers.

Between the Ego and the Abomb, I like the Ego because I think they're made better... but I also love Abombs. And I've heard (because there's not many Egos around here) that Egos actually have problems... teammates have told me how they often see Egos working fine at the beginning of the day and then develop problems. The timmies I've seen on the alias/A-bomb platform have been much improved over the 2k2s in terms of reliability and ease of use.

Take your pick...

10-24-2005, 11:28 AM
ok so now that being say it like a dead lock with a karny and a ego....if anyone can tilt the scale speak up :cry:
Judging from that post, it seems like you're just taking what people say as they're personal opinions, ie "I just don't like them, no particular reason" and going off that. Don't rule out a timmy just because some guy told you over the internet he didn't like how they shot.

Cockers are dead. Forget the karni.

Go to a proshop. Shoot the timmy. Shoot the ego. Decide. Period.

10-31-2005, 05:48 PM
well i own a karni and i have to say its light, fast, and extreemly efficient. i have no complaints becides the stock reg is a piece of crap i colapesed the spring in it in like 3 weeks of moderate play. But as soon as i put the gladi on it i havnt had a problem since. I say go for the karni, not to mention they come with a kanor.

10-31-2005, 06:44 PM
If I had to keep them stock, I'd actually get the ABomb (and I'm not a fan of Intimidators). The only reason I'd do so is I hate having to deal with opto switches and Planet Eclipses odd filters. If getting a new board were an option, I'd get the Ego and drop in a new board.

11-02-2005, 01:13 PM
I can only speak from experience about the karni but mine was fast, very effiecent, and reliable. With cockers once you get them set up right just leave them alone dont do any tinkering or you will be kicking yourself later. As far as the eyes go, no, reflective are not the best but they worked good for me. If I'm not mistaken the new karni boards (zero b) are compatible with break beam eyes. With that being said I just traded my karni for my buddies dm4 with alot of ups and like the dm4 more. Just my 2 cents.