View Full Version : wat happened with the "hair" project

10-23-2005, 01:08 PM
the name says it all lol. Wat happened to that hair project everyone was tlaking about. i KNow this was a long time ago but i never understood wat happened to it :tard:

10-23-2005, 01:18 PM
PTP ate it

Temo Vryce
10-23-2005, 01:39 PM
To save a lot of grief the HAIR project was stoped when PTP announced they had a patent for Pneumatic triggers. If you search you can find more detailed information on this.

10-23-2005, 02:28 PM

10-23-2005, 02:31 PM
the name says it all lol. Wat happened to that hair project everyone was tlaking about. i KNow this was a long time ago but i never understood wat happened to it :tard:
It wasnt that long ago. mb a year or too but deadlywind had a sick phneumatic trigger that had a less than 1mm pull that wasnt electro.

10-23-2005, 05:26 PM
see "the PTP choke" thread

10-23-2005, 05:56 PM
ya, if ptp couldnt have it nobody could. And they never even produced it thumbsdown for Ptp

10-23-2005, 06:29 PM
PTP supposedly had a patent pending for several years. Nothing was really done with it.

Deadlywind makes and releases a protoype after several months of development, and plans to mass produce it.

Everyone got excited and wanted one.

PTP said "Hey, why cant we make money off this", rightfully so.

PTP developed their own, and beat DW in a patent war. PTP is simply a larger company, and a part of an even larger company. DW didnt have the money or lawyers to fight back, so they quit.

After PTP beat DW, they kept giving us teasers of the medusa frame and stuff, then it just slowly faded away.

10-23-2005, 06:33 PM
PTP supposedly had a patent pending for several years. Nothing was really done with it.

Deadlywind makes and releases a protoype after several months of development, and plans to mass produce it.

Everyone got excited and wanted one.

PTP said "Hey, why cant we make money off this", rightfully so.

PTP developed their own, and beat DW in a patent war. PTP is simply a larger company, and a part of an even larger company. DW didnt have the money or lawyers to fight back, so they quit.

After PTP beat DW, they kept giving us teasers of the medusa frame and stuff, then it just slowly faded away.

so...so true

10-23-2005, 06:45 PM
Nice to know that we have reputable Aoer's in here giving us accurate information!

10-24-2005, 02:26 PM
Deadlywind makes and releases a protoype after several months of development, and plans to mass produce it.

You mean they were going to release 2 of them! I kid I kid, it's just that poor DW is so tiny!

10-24-2005, 08:04 PM
Nice to know that we have reputable Aoer's in here giving us accurate information!

Im a reputable AOer now? Thats an accomplishment

10-24-2005, 08:57 PM

10-24-2005, 09:13 PM
ya, if ptp couldnt have it nobody could. And they never even produced it thumbsdown for Ptp

Second on that one. Boo to PTP for shutting down a product, then not even selling their own version. Perhaps they'll have a change of heart...but I doubt it.