View Full Version : Spare parts for an Emag

12-08-2001, 10:57 AM
I just bought an Emag and would like to know what spare parts I should have onhand. I looked at the o ring kits and such and they are all listed for Automags. Also, should I pick up a spacer kit? Any other suggestions?

Load SM5
12-08-2001, 01:02 PM
Get an RT parts kit. The valve is the same as the e-mag valve. I would'nt mess with getting a spacer kit.

12-08-2001, 01:06 PM
As said before, the RT parts kit will have all the parts youd need for your E-Mag valve. As for the spacer kit, you probably wont need it unless you plan on switching the valve into another 'mag or installing a new bolt etc, the spacers are really just there to fine tune how the bolt seats into the power tube o-ring, changing some parts will cause things to vary, the PT spacers just allow you to compensate for such variations.

12-08-2001, 03:56 PM
I will be getting a Superbolt to replace the stock one. Other than that the only other thing I will be doing is removing the site rail and rigging it up for intellifeed. Any ideas on if I should pick up the PT spacer kit for the Superbolt?