View Full Version : wat king of backrounds r the nicest?

10-25-2005, 06:35 PM
GOTM contest is not only based on the kind of gun, but also the pic angle, back round, lighting, quality, and placement.

im trying to make the nicest picture i can with wat i have. (that is a crappy a** digital camera, a flash light.

After like playing around with my camera for an hour, these were my best pics.

its up to u now to rate the picture(not the gun) from 1 to 10. i guess im getting ready for the next gotm :p <a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/CLTW000003.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/CLTW000003_rs.JPG" width="684" height="512"> </img></a>

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/CLTW000002.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/CLTW000002_rs.JPG" width="684" height="512"> </img></a>

P.S. also expect teh quality to be better...im getting a new camera soon.

10-25-2005, 06:59 PM
Looks fine. As you said. Just needs better pic quality.

Target Practice
10-25-2005, 07:01 PM
d00d tahts 1 ph4t g4t

10-25-2005, 07:14 PM
d00d tahts 1 ph4t g4t

omg dood. lol u r such a noob tp, u mak me laff.

10-25-2005, 07:24 PM
Try using a background that is less shiney.

Glints cause less sophisticated cameras to try and refocus, which usually just gives you a fuzzy picture.

Also, try to pull back some, and let the camera focus. Unless it has a macro setting, you're just going to end up with out of focus pics if you get too close.

Also try to go with a neutral color, or one that compliments your marker's colors. (IE if it's red, take the pic on a green or white background)

10-25-2005, 07:32 PM
Muahaha! You have competition!

10-25-2005, 07:45 PM
that mag is bent! :eek:

10-25-2005, 08:52 PM
coolhand thanx for the advice, ill try that on my new camera...and no mag88888 the mag isnt bent, lol its just the angle and the camera. trust me when i saw the picture i was like :eek: wat the.... and then i quickly looked at my gun n it was fine lol :clap: so ya thanx a lot guys

10-26-2005, 08:41 AM
while the set up and precentation of the subject is good. you should work on the lighting or at least the placement of it.

if your looking for a picture where the gun looks tough and you are wanting to show its bad *** characteristics, hard direct lighting(such as what you got going on) is prob the way to go.

but if your wanting to show every last detail in your gun, and create the least amount of shaddows possible, they you'll want to soften up the light and change the angle a bit so that its not directly inline with the camera. otherwise you'll get a totally white gun as the chrome and other shiny surfaces are washed out with light.

oh btw, nice set up dude. me likie ;)


10-26-2005, 09:21 AM

Kinda like these? WWA took these...You will need to ask him about the camera and what tools he used.

10-26-2005, 09:36 AM
Hey i won gotm and alot of times its angles a little bit of an artists' eye, heres a winning picture. Also cropping can be nice aswell.
Heres one of my favorite mags i created a year ago i love the picture and probably my favorite, and i hate to say it but its going to be hard to win gotm with a pic quality like that.
PS i also enjoy y gripped minis :D :D
Another tip. Natural lighting (outdoors), its White not yellow.
Compare which to you prefer
Good luck, i love your mag.

10-26-2005, 10:01 AM
I take it you're planning this for use as a desktop bg right?
Well if you are your going to need to put more thought than normal into your composition.
If your using a pc with windows i'm guessing your icons default on the left hand side of the screen and in that case you need the background to be very simple and plain in that area to allow you to view the shortcuts and such without to much clashing.
Personally I prefer a simple, usually quite dark bg so I would use a dark wall or cloth as the backdrop for the photo and try to find a nice angle. As for lighting, you want something soft and diffused so try to stay away from direct light sources and go more towards a bounced or diffused light source (you can diffuse normal camera flash with some tissue paper). If you want to minimise shadows then usually a couple of lights positioned at about 45? will do the trick.
Experiment with angles and try to keep the subject (your marker) away from the backdrop this will give the image more depth.
Don't forget to leave space at the edge of the frame for your icons.
Hope this helps

10-26-2005, 10:15 AM
Angle is fine. Do not use the built in flash in the camera. Get three lights with the same type and watt of bulb. Shine them from three directions to prevent shaddows. Use a satin backdrop (sheets work well). And get a higher quality camera. The quality of those images hurt my eyes.

10-26-2005, 03:20 PM
ok 2night im getting my new camera...so well hope quality gets a lil better. + ill try being as far as my gun as i can so that the camera gets good focus. Ill use three lamps to try and avoid shadows, and ill change my backround to a colour which will "compliment " my black and chrome colours. (ye try helping my out on that im really kinda bad with my colours :tard: ) i was thinking maybe nice green grass on a sunny day (goddammit its almost snowing here :mad: ) but i unno, lots of ppl have that.

Phantom_Mag: Wow i idolize that silver blue mag. to be frank with u...i started on a minimag just cause of yours. I should of been real proud.

Crimson Ghost: wow man i love the green branch backround. Lots of creativity in there. and also ur mag :eek: (speechless)

SpitFire1299: wow thats just dissapointing to my picture :p but i guess its true its a bit on the dark side :rofl:

All the rest: thanx alot for ur help ill be testing out my camera 2night. Ill send a pic if i get something spectacular :D

10-26-2005, 03:45 PM
another thing, if the camera has a white Balance setting, use it.

10-26-2005, 03:53 PM
Tripod, tripod, tripod. There is nothing that will help sharpen up images more than getting away from a hand-held camera. The best bet is to use a cable release/remote or self timer to minimize vibration as much as possible.

10-27-2005, 05:27 AM
Tripod, tripod, tripod. There is nothing that will help sharpen up images more than getting away from a hand-held camera. The best bet is to use a cable release/remote or self timer to minimize vibration as much as possible.

i haven't seen any recent decently priced cameras (digital, SLR, or digatal SLR) that still use the old cable shutter releases. as someone else noted, use outdoor lighting, it's a lot less yellow, unless you have those GE blue bulbs. and most of the angle is preference. to me, i think the picture is more interesting and draws more attention to the subject when there are other things in the frame. wether it's the walkway in the one picture, or the grass in another, it kinda adds more contrast than you will get with just a plain black backdrop. although that can look cool with some lighting effects.

10-27-2005, 10:34 AM
The last DSLR I remember with a normal cable release was the Nikon D100. Canon is all IR remote based (some ways good, some ways bad). The self timer trick works for still things (like paintball guns) where you have all the time you need to let the timer go.

The color of the light is easy to deal with with a whitebalance setting. Just don't try mixing different types of light. Stick with one and you can balance for it, add a strobe flash to incandescent and you will see just how yellow incandescent is (or how blue strobes are).

The nice thing about a tripod is you don't need a huge amount of light to take a good image. Just take a longer exposure.

10-27-2005, 10:53 AM
The Canon SLR's are not IR. They are also not the old style mechanial releases, they are a wired electronic release.

10-27-2005, 11:06 AM
Ahh, a wired remote, that's right. My mistake.