View Full Version : POP...put-put

10-26-2005, 01:14 PM
That's my mag at this point. First shot is strong, follow ups lag unless I give a second or two for the system to charge up. There's 2000psi+ in my tank, regulator is putting out 800-900psi to the mag. It's a level 7, nothing fancy but it's sat for some time. Any idea why it's not recharging?

10-26-2005, 03:38 PM
whens the last time you oiled it ....?

10-26-2005, 03:43 PM
take the internals out check your orings and make sure your not missing anything also check your hose from the asa to much if its pinched it could be restricting air flow or there could be dirt in the gun once its all checked put 2-3 drops of oil in the asa and try it out

10-26-2005, 03:47 PM
I just aired it up last night for the first time in several years. Ended up re-using some of the older o-rings because the new ones from AGD didn't seem to fit right. I'll go ahead and pull out the internals and oil up everything. Could it be the on-off pin sticking? Thanks for the help.

10-26-2005, 04:43 PM
make sure your tank is screwed in all the way. that can cause it.

10-26-2005, 04:45 PM
Check the regulator seat for damage/correct installation.

10-26-2005, 09:25 PM
I took everything apart again, oiled and reinstalled. There seemed to be a slight improvement however it still doesn't give constant shots after the first. Now it sounds as though there is a leak from the power tube. I guess I'm working my way forward from the velocity screw on up.

I checked the trigger spacing which seemed a bit tight so I adjusted that to give the 1/16th" gap. Now my tank is out and the locale shop was having it's compressor serviced so I'm not going to get a chance to continue the troubleshooting until Friday. Is it possible the severe shoto down is from the trigger spacing?

I'm solid at 850-900psi to the regulator. I've reaplaced most of the components. Everything is well oiled, extremely well oiled. Screw Pack is greased, Regulator Seat looks good (same result with the 3 that I have). It feels like something is sticking. Is it possible one of the little teflon o-rings is causing the on/off pin to hang up? Are there any tricks to installing the big-little o-ring pair at the base of the on/off assembly?

Thanks for all the help. I'm hoping to get out this weekend as long as my mag comes around.

10-27-2005, 10:43 AM
Several things could cause your recharge problems.

- check that you bottle is fitting into the ASA properly. Too far or not far enough can starve the mag for air.
- trigger/trigger rod spacing could have had an effect. If the trigger was touching the rod it could have prevented the on-off from fully opening.
- replace your regulator seat oring with a new one (definately do this if it is old and if you have had the valve apart). Do not recycle an old one even if it looks good.
- A leak from the powertube usually indicates a bad powertube oring or a spacer that is too long. Try a new oring first.

10-27-2005, 01:55 PM
one other item that I noticed while I was trying to discern the leak from the power tube...I would fire once and hold in the trigger. A few seconds later a small burst of air would pop out. Is this an indicator for something?

10-27-2005, 03:26 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong (I could have the cases mixed up) but I think that when the trigger is held and a leak still occurs then the leak is in the on/off area, but when the trigger is held and the leak stops it is in the power tube. If you hold the trigger and there is a pressure release later I would guess that there is a problem with your on/off. They're not so expensive, try replacing it if you can't figure out the problem.

10-27-2005, 03:45 PM
Yes, if there is a sputter of air from the powertube when you hold the trigger in, then usually the top small oring is leaking. In extreme cases, it could also be the larger outer top oring.

10-27-2005, 04:01 PM
could this have something to do with the shoot down as well? I'm having rough time trying to keep the two top o-rings, little inside big, together. Is there something I'm missing? I'll try taking the on/off apart and replacing the o-rings once more.