View Full Version : I guess paintball is one of those things you have to do, to "get".

10-26-2005, 06:02 PM
When my non paintballing buddies ask me, "how was paintballing last week?" I kinda feel patronized. I'mean, i'll say the same thing, "I shot foolz, got shot out, practice was heavy ect." and the convo ends there. I suppose at that point any further info about how my paintballing session is either too esoteric or too "you had to be therre" for them to really graps. Its like you can tell the exact moment they will stop registering info and just kinda glaze over.

Its like trying to describe a specific catharsis a that person has never felt before.

Granted i've invited them out to play, to experience it, but you know there is a whole myriad of excuses and lack of effort on their part.

10-26-2005, 06:06 PM
I know exactly where you are coming from.

My gripe is the "guys" don't understand that everyone gets shot at some point or another. They seem to think that if you are good you should never ever get shot.

10-26-2005, 06:14 PM
i feel the same way. some of my friends will make up excuse after excuse not to go. and then...make up excuse after excuse why they cant go and how theyre not scared to get shot.

10-26-2005, 06:35 PM
I talk a lot of paintball with one of my buddies specifically and then the others get pissed because we're always chatting in a language that they don't understand. I can understand but I kind of wish everyone paintballed so that they knew how I felt about it/wouldn't gripe.

10-26-2005, 06:57 PM
"Time Dilation" Carbon? ;)

/can't describe it either
//"So I lane back left off break, cross-up a bit, bump-delay taco-to-doghouse..."*confused look* "Ah, forget it."

10-26-2005, 08:50 PM
My gripe is the "guys" don't understand that everyone gets shot at some point or another. They seem to think that if you are good you should never ever get shot.
too many action movies. paintball has ruined them for me :( instead of enjoying the movie i now just automatically think about how theyre always leaving too much of their bodies exposed, or how amazingly bad everyone is at shooting.

/god, just give me a talon and i could take EVERYONE in this movie!

I talk a lot of paintball with one of my buddies specifically and then the others get pissed because we're always chatting in a language that they don't understand.
just the other day a girl im friends with started speaking in japanese (shes part japanese) and we ended up getting into a conversation about languages. she asked if i spoke any other languages... i immediately thought (and said) "i speak paintball..."

10-26-2005, 08:53 PM
I get that. I feel alienated because the only friends I have are/were paintballers at one point. And now i realize that pretty much all my daily hang out friends aren't as talented as me, or just dont push themselves enough. I feel depressed somethimes, but then i got to the field and shoot a bunch of people and i feel all better :)

10-26-2005, 09:00 PM
It's a paintball thing, you wouldn;t understand...

Not the best way to bring in new players...but explains the situation....

10-26-2005, 10:32 PM
she asked if i spoke any other languages... i immediately thought (and said) "i speak paintball..."

dude, that is exactly what its like.

Sometime i'll meet old friends, get to chit chatting about about our current status or goings on. They will ask, "so what cha been up to these days?"

I will reply, "oh you know same old stuff, work, saving up, playing paintball yada yada yada"

"paintaball huh, sounds fun"

"yeah, its a blast"


and that is it.

10-26-2005, 10:48 PM
My favorite comment to a new player or someone who's interested...

Don't fear the ball.

So many people are afraid of what the ball is going to do. Personally I'd feel screwed if I didn't come home with at least one good welt. It'd be like playing football but not wanting to hit anyone.

Seeing the look after a tough match or wicked shot is what it's all about. That's something you can't explain and will never understand unless you've been there.

10-26-2005, 11:04 PM
Seeing the look after a tough match or wicked shot is what it's all about. That's something you can't explain and will never understand unless you've been there.

I think thats the best part. After you get off the field with some buddies, you start showing what happened that last match saying things like "Oh, that ones gonna be pretty in the morning" or "Oh, look how the green and red mix" Like this one:
yes, thats my neck, from my own team mate from 10ft away

But the thing that really makes me mad is how ignorant people are. How they always talk about drive bys that they did, or the stupid practical jokes that could really hurt someone. And the worst part is when they start talking about woodsball. Now dont get me wrong, playing woodsball is great, but its the people that have no clue about it saying "I want to get a 20 inch barrel and hide in the tree and be a sniper" Its just so annoying on how ignorant they are, you shouldnt talk about something that you have no knowledge on :shooting:

10-27-2005, 03:12 AM
And the worst part is when they start talking about woodsball. Now dont get me wrong, playing woodsball is great, but its the people that have no clue about it saying "I want to get a 20 inch barrel and hide in the tree and be a sniper" Its just so annoying on how ignorant they are, you shouldnt talk about something that you have no knowledge on :shooting:

Thank you. I have 2 guys my age (20ish) where I work that play, and at break its talk about woodsball and snipering(the sniper guy played once and the one game I seen he got shot dead square in the chest) and SpecOps. Its ok but its kinda newbish talking about heavy gunners, light infintry, and snipers. When I go out on the field I am ready for anything and I want to accomplish a goal instead of worrying about a specfic position. I play recball and speedball and I like the fast pace of the speedball and the general confusion of woodsball. SpecOps is a good thing but don't take the positions too seriously. Don't specalize in being a "sniper" or "heavy gunner", just play the game.

10-27-2005, 04:35 AM
Thank you. I have 2 guys my age (20ish) where I work that play, and at break its talk about woodsball and snipering(the sniper guy played once and the one game I seen he got shot dead square in the chest) and SpecOps. Its ok but its kinda newbish talking about heavy gunners, light infintry, and snipers. When I go out on the field I am ready for anything and I want to accomplish a goal instead of worrying about a specfic position. I play recball and speedball and I like the fast pace of the speedball and the general confusion of woodsball. SpecOps is a good thing but don't take the positions too seriously. Don't specalize in being a "sniper" or "heavy gunner", just play the game.

I tend to agree, but dont think all woodsballers are like that :cool:

I havent done any woodsball in quite awhile. My play style has changed so much since then, I wonder what it'd be like now. Not being within striking distance from the whistle (or 5 seconds after) will certainly be different for me

10-27-2005, 06:26 AM
Luckily most of my friends play and the one that doesn't at least know something. We like to mess with people though. At lunch my fellow paintballers will sit staggered about on a table with non ballers on it. We will then proceed to talk about the last game.

We get some odd looks.

10-27-2005, 07:13 AM
You guys get shot out?!


Paintballers have their own small little worlds that we "shoot" each other in. We like playing "war" and want to practice "military exercises" with precision. Or something like that.

10-27-2005, 10:52 AM
Paintball participants per year (mostly one-time-only participants) = $10M in the USA

Population of the USA = almost $300M

You're just going to have to get used to the fact that nobody cares about it...

10-27-2005, 08:13 PM
The best way to tell a story is to first show your battle wounds....after I flash the 5+ year old scars on my chest I then proceed to give some comparisons of pb to other sports....dodge ball at speeds twice what your average assult rifle fires at ect. Ya have to sell it at first but I've had kids from the A1 college sports on campus intreged and wanting to play paintball after I get done telling a story about tourny action.

Death of Rats
10-27-2005, 10:01 PM
Either I want to know what speed your shooting at to be going twice that of an assualt rifle or I want to know what you think an assualt rifle shoots at. 1200 fps for many. 1500 fps for a m4 If i remember right. Sorry had to add that.

10-28-2005, 12:07 AM
i thing he meant ROF

10-28-2005, 05:13 PM
Indeed I did....My Bad, Obviously I spend more time telling a paintball story then I do proof reading a AO post :tard: