View Full Version : Bunch a slack jawed sissies...

10-27-2005, 05:48 PM
I think I have become one of those players that are "bad for the sport"....lol Allow me to explain.

It has been a subject of late that many new players are turned off from the sport because of the speed of todays game, IE the rate of fire, the "overshooting", the skill level that is required to stay on the average field longer than the break.

I have gotten into the habit since playing more advanced ball that I will generally shoot a volley of balls rather than one shot. Unless I am in a rec game I will shoot at least 3 balls at a target rather than just one. This eliminates "bounce factor", and makes sure that you get an elimination, not to mention making it harder for the cheaters to wipe off.

When playing woodsball, because of the obstructions I tend to shoot even a few more like 5 balls at a time so that the inevitable leaf, twig, vine , etc won't cost me an elimination.

This past weekend I played some long awaited woodsball at a friends local. We have to wait for cool weather to knock down some bugs and the poison Ivy and such. I had a few encounters where I was accused of overshooting people on the field.

I am of the mind that if you don't like getting hit by a few paintballs then maybe you should consider another sport, like knitting....

Agree? Disagree?

10-27-2005, 06:21 PM
I wouldn't consider 3 to 5 balls overshooting necessarily. I usually consider overshooting when someone knows they will get a hit and then pound out some more paint. At a moderate distance 5 balls could spread out over more than a yard unless your shooting a laser gun of a marker, so the chances of hitting someone with all of your paint is much less. I freak out when someone is 10 yards off or trying to bunker you and they cut loose with 10 balls or more.

Heck, I reffed at a field I worked at for over a year and wasn't surprised when a hail of paint came my way. I think overshooting should be considered more on closeness and the number of times you INTEND on hitting someone rather than the number of balls you fire. If I'm 30+ yards off, feel free to dump a hopper on me because I think it's just a waste of paint.

I think it should come down to a case by case basis, while looking first and foremost at how safe the exchange was.

:headbang: :shooting: :wow:

the larch
10-27-2005, 06:38 PM
imho, overshooting is defined by the game, it's not an absolute.
One extreme....you're playing in your backyard with your kid and his friends. Shooting one of your kids friends more than twice is excessive.
The other extreme....you'r playing in some kind of "world cup" and it's go time.

There are no set rules on what's excessive. What constitutes "overshooting" is defined by where you play and who you are playing with.
If you pissed enough people off that you feel you must justify how many times you shot someone to us on this forum....you probably overshot them in the context of the game you were playing with the people you were playing with.
I've played on fields that the people REALLY looked down on you if you couldn't do it with one shot.

10-27-2005, 06:53 PM
If you pissed enough people off that you feel you must justify how many times you shot someone to us on this forum....you probably overshot them in the context of the game you were playing with the people you were playing with.

Don't confuse trying to justify with ranting.....

The person whom I had "incident" was on one occation shooting well more at me, it just happened to go over my head. And it really wasn't as if they really made an issue of it, just more an insinuation. If the tables had been turned and his aim true it would have changed the entire situation. (and I don't knit)

10-27-2005, 07:20 PM
Sounds like the place you played needs some concrete rules. A local field out my way defines "hosing" anytime someone has more than 3 breaks on them; the offending player is forced to sit a game out for first offense and can be asked to leave if it happens again.

Pretty clear cut and most people I know just learn to shoot in 3 ball bursts because of it.

10-27-2005, 09:05 PM
I really cant stand the guys that get really pissed off about bonus balls in tournaments. I mean, really, if your playing at that level of play, with guns going that fast, expect ~10 balls in the back leaving the field. Hell, it came down to a 4v1 at a event not long ago, and the 1 guy tried a run all the way across the field in the open, with all 4 of our guns right on him. He probably took 20+ shots and flipped his lid, threw his gun, went crazy. But really, thats what, a 1/4th a second of shooting from each marker (we were all out and just staring at his sorry behind when he tried the run) Freakin suck it up. I have never once complained about bonus balls, i mean, really, i walk slowly to encourage them when i can at events, because, if the other team is still shooting me in the back, at least theyere not shooting my live teammates.

10-27-2005, 09:12 PM
It isn't the 3-5 that you hit me with. Its the 8 others that you hit me with after I put my arms up and said out.

I think it's subjective as well. If you're putting a lot of paint trying to grab a guy behind a bunker ok. But if he's out in the open, I see no reason to put half your hopper on him. Obviously, you don't go for a single shot. But more than 5 hits on a person is overkill and irresponsible. Chances are, that if they were that open to begin with, they're new at paintball. And if you light em up like that, they're gonna end up with some pain and not want to play again.

Think about it like this: If you played football and you ended up with a lot of rough bruises when you first started playing, you'd probably not wanna play again.

10-28-2005, 12:36 AM
I agree witht the case by case basis. I saw a guy round a bunker completly blind-sideing this other guy, the guy making the move and lit the guy in the bunker who didn't even see it coming 7 times up the back at point blank, and this was a rec game! that is uncalled for in every sence. that is a blatent overshooting to the Nth degree. and you can't blame that on "ramping" either. with great power comes great responcibility and if you can't control your marker, don't use it.

I can understand gettting numerous shots off the break or making a big move, and scaring each other - that is funny; quick story - I was creaping around the x-ball field and I knew it was 1 on 1 casue every one was out and neither of us knew where the other was. I was in the X bunker and was standing up to look over it, and so was he, we scared the bejesus out of each other and just covered each others goggles with paint. but we laughed at it.

and with bonus balling, i can understand snaping out and seeing the wrong jersey and just shooting cause oyu are shocked, I did it, but when you are there and somone is walking away from you witht he wrong coclr, thats a duh.

10-28-2005, 01:03 PM
I think I have become one of those players that are "bad for the sport"....lol Allow me to explain.

It has been a subject of late that many new players are turned off from the sport because of the speed of todays game, IE the rate of fire, the "overshooting", the skill level that is required to stay on the average field longer than the break.

I have gotten into the habit since playing more advanced ball that I will generally shoot a volley of balls rather than one shot. Unless I am in a rec game I will shoot at least 3 balls at a target rather than just one. This eliminates "bounce factor", and makes sure that you get an elimination, not to mention making it harder for the cheaters to wipe off.

When playing woodsball, because of the obstructions I tend to shoot even a few more like 5 balls at a time so that the inevitable leaf, twig, vine , etc won't cost me an elimination.

This past weekend I played some long awaited woodsball at a friends local. We have to wait for cool weather to knock down some bugs and the poison Ivy and such. I had a few encounters where I was accused of overshooting people on the field.

I am of the mind that if you don't like getting hit by a few paintballs then maybe you should consider another sport, like knitting....

Agree? Disagree?
Agree. Change with the times. Embrace the 21st century. Slack jawed sissies...............

10-28-2005, 01:58 PM
Sounds like the place you played needs some concrete rules. A local field out my way defines "hosing" anytime someone has more than 3 breaks on them; the offending player is forced to sit a game out for first offense and can be asked to leave if it happens again.

That rule is complete crap, I've been called out because of that rule 8 years ago before there were electos. I was pinned by 2 guys around 20 feet away I pop up shoot 3 times all 3 break on the same guy I get called out. Earlier that same day I shoot 3 shoots at one of the fields biggest jerks, one on each elbo and 1 in the chest from about the same distance, none of the balls broke, but he calls himself out because he's out in the open and sees me just waiting to shoot more. Paint doesn't always break, it has to be taken on a case by case bases, if your refs can't tell the difference then stop hireing idiots.

10-28-2005, 02:45 PM
That rule is complete crap, I've been called out because of that rule 8 years ago before there were electos. I was pinned by 2 guys around 20 feet away I pop up shoot 3 times all 3 break on the same guy I get called out. Earlier that same day I shoot 3 shoots at one of the fields biggest jerks, one on each elbo and 1 in the chest from about the same distance, none of the balls broke, but he calls himself out because he's out in the open and sees me just waiting to shoot more. Paint doesn't always break, it has to be taken on a case by case bases, if your refs can't tell the difference then stop hireing idiots.

I think this is the exact reason why the rules exists, to teach you control. Yes, you were pinned by two guys and popped out and got three breaks on one of them (which is legal at my field, 4 is overkill) Sometimes balls break, sometimes they don't, but at least no one has 4+ welts from one encounter. That's the way rules are meant to work: sometimes the call goes your way and life is great, sometimes the call goes against you and life sucks but at least its fair, easy to make a determination and you avoid the "shoulda, coulda, woulda, he said/she said" arguments due to overshooting.

10-28-2005, 03:03 PM
Respect the other players.
Realize the sport that you are involved in.
Hold yourself responsible.
Play within the rules.

What else needs to be said? There are unwritten guidelines that most paintballers should be able to recognize. If you're the kind of person who tortured puppies as a child..this may not be the best sport for you. Ultimately once on the field the rules of play and goodsportmanship should apply. You don't have to be nice or cutesy-wutesy but try not to cause your field or team any additional discomfort. Take a couple extra shots, tell the horror stories of the field and enjoy the day. Let the refs take care of the renters who decide to baby down and yell about "what's not fair".

10-28-2005, 03:20 PM
Chicks dig welts, the more the merrier.

10-28-2005, 04:29 PM
Well punkincat you can shoot at me as much as you like but when the single ball comes out of my phantom on to your lens of your mask I would say there is no need to continue shooting. lol just playin bro I think that you are straight we have dealed with each other in the past and you seem like a nice guy I trust your judgement and say you are within limits.
- The now single shot tippmannhunter, bring on your propane powered pieces of junk, dont complain when youre eating paint because when I gogged you and paint got through in by balls are in your mouth!

10-28-2005, 06:22 PM
Tournament: good on you for holding fire

Rec: be an ambassador of the sport

10-28-2005, 10:43 PM
I generally say sorry if I hit someone more than 3 breaks just to maitain friendly feelings.

10-28-2005, 11:19 PM
Chicks dig welts, the more the merrier.

not when you have hickies on your neck. or bruises on your jaw.

10-28-2005, 11:57 PM
We have probably all "overshot" another player at one time or another. For all kinds of reasons. Sometimes because adrenalin won out over trigger discipline, sometimes to "get even" with a wiper, poorsport, or a guy that bonus balled you.

I used to fight competitively (I have been involved in martial arts for over 20 years now, armed and unarmed). A punch, kick, or chokehold makes a paintball look very mild. But there is a solid culture of respect in sportfighting that doesn't exist in paintball. Every competiton starts with a bow, a handshake, a salute, always some show of respect.

Paintball doesn't have something like that as a part of its etiquette. Too bad, we need it. This is a combat sport.

Since the display of sportsmanship is lacking, go out of your way to make that connection yourself. If you lit someone up, apologize. it isn't hard to say "Sorry man, I got you more than I meant to." It gives the guy you shot the opportunity to think of you as more than an overshooting jerk.

About a month ago there was a fellow I was just owning. We always ended up on oppsite sides of the field and I sent him to the deadbox 4 times in 6 games. Well he finnaly got a good look at me and lit me up. After I left the field I counted 12 distinct hits on my body and gear. the ref got to the player before I did and gave him a earful. By that time I had a few minutes to calm down. He apologized. I accepted. I kidded him about the fact that he was trying to make up for the first 6 game all at once. He laughed and told me "yeah, Imade sure I didn't miss you that time". Right there we both felt better about situation.