View Full Version : Introducing my mag, pics and all

10-29-2005, 12:17 AM
I finally got pics of my gun (thanks to AGD lover) so here she is. I have named it Zorro the Mighty Mag. It sort of came to me when I got the Zgrip. I'm thinking of shooting Z's into bunkers after victorious games...

Here's this side (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=31588)

And now this side (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pGROUP_ID=6&pIMAGE_ID=31587&pSHOW_ME=standard&pUID=)

10-29-2005, 12:22 AM
Awesome!! You like that Q loader???

10-29-2005, 12:37 AM
Ya that mag is awsome dude now I want a Zgrip lol. Next time I'm up at Oddesy Make sure you bring it with I wanna shoot it. :cool: :D :shooting: :headbang:

10-29-2005, 12:56 AM
Yup, I <3 the Q. And the Z, for that matter. The Q loader is a great thing, and the only disadvantage is the ammo capacity. It's not plug and play, you need to learn about it and there's some setup time, but you can't beat the profile. By the way, I'm using ADG's on/off 90* elbow. It's perfect for the Q because you can stop the balls from feeding even when you've got a pod in that wants to constantly feed at well over 30 bps.

Don't worry AGD lover, you can take a gander at it anytime.

10-29-2005, 10:54 AM
I find it kinda funny, how tall the entire setup is but you'll still have less profile than hopper'd markers..

Nice Mag!

10-29-2005, 04:05 PM
dude i want your mag :D

Cow hunter
10-29-2005, 05:06 PM
indeed it is nice, and i am jealous.........im trying to get a z.......how well does that Q feed?

10-29-2005, 05:57 PM
I find it kinda funny, how tall the entire setup is but you'll still have less profile than hopper'd markers..

Nice Mag!

When I had the concept in my head I knew it would be tall. I decided to give in to tallness for the sake of symetry. The profile is worth it. I just need to be careful when superman diving...

dude i want your mag

You already have my name, would you take my mag from me too!? :cry:

indeed it is nice, and i am jealous.........im trying to get a z.......how well does that Q feed?

The kind folks of AO helped me find that Z on ebay. As long as the pods are set up right, the Q feeds great. Higher feed rate than anything out there, so you're not going to misfeed. The only issue I have now is that I think the constant feed pressure is overpowering my ball detent and I'm getting a lot of double feeds. This means a lot of barrel breaks but no chops thanks to the lvl10. Anyone know if you can put more than 2 magnets in killa ball detents?

Thanks for the comments everybody

10-29-2005, 06:13 PM
Its nice,other than the Q placement.

Its taller than it is longer.

10-30-2005, 01:25 PM
i agree with behemoth, i like it but mount the q vert or on the barrel area, it just seems like you cant get it tucked close enough to you with a q at the bottom of your tank. But its your setup, glad you like it, and rock on fellow magger :headbang:

10-30-2005, 07:08 PM
I've mounted my Q-loader on the foregrip of my Tac, and it's just downright awesome... until I get on to the sup'air or speedball field. I've gotten into the habit of throwing on my Ricochet Apache on them lately, and reserving the Q primarily for woodsy and hybrid fields. Not to say it doesn't perform well in such an environment, I just find myself out of balls too often and end up tossing 3-4 spent q-pods in the mud. (they don't like this)
Perhaps I should learn to actually be skillful on the smaller fields and not need to shoot pod after pod of paint. ..nah :D (besides I like being asked how good the board is in my mech rt... it's fun to be the only 'mag enthusiast at my local field)

Also possible purchasers of it, MEMORIZE THE MANUAL, READ IT OVER AND OVER! Can't stress this enough. I've lost count of how many balls I've broken at various stages of use over the first week of owning it.

Even still, just today I had a particularly embarrassing incident involving my Q-loader. On a hybrid field I was doing decent, and sprinted to advance on the opposing team. I was one of the few left on my team while there were many on the other, so to cover myself I just walked the trigger as I ran to the next bit of cover I could find. I used up the pod on my gun and had one left, I went to pull it out of my harness and grabbed the cap of the pod having it come off and all the balls fly out. I had to wipe the tears from my eyes on that one. :cry:
I've done many stupid things, but that just sucked.

It's been established but I will state it again... that Z-grip is sexy