View Full Version : Glad that mags are low key

Carbon Blue
10-29-2005, 08:36 PM
Am I and few selected others glad that mags are low key and not on the mainstream side? I find that getting stares and being asked questions on the field about what kind of gun I own is alot more gratifying than seeing almost every 12 year old kid with a dm5. I could care less ( i do care but im not all about having 50 other companies produce the same product) about our aftermarket support because I think that all the dealers eg;tuna, nicad, logic products and so on are enough to support our needs (obviously for some its not). Oh well just thought id throw something out there. I mean being a few of the many has its benefits :) go AGD!

10-29-2005, 08:54 PM
I agree with you, it'sgreat having people complement my mags, or ask what they are, but I noticed lately I have a lot of people asking me about the proto too. I think the -what kind of gun is that- question is in a dead heat between my emag and proto.

sol tank
10-29-2005, 09:27 PM
i get more compliments from my mag than the kid with the DMC and shockers do at the field. The only people who knew it was a mag where the ppl running the field.

10-29-2005, 09:34 PM
:D Couldnt agree more!!! Mags have ruined me, I like mine better than any other semi I have played with .

sol tank
10-29-2005, 09:35 PM
the best part is tat everyone thinks my mag is electro. I love shooting ropes with my mech...sure i cant last that long but i can get a nice rope off for a hopper worth. after that i get sluggish

10-29-2005, 09:37 PM
I notice when im at the field, im usually more interested in the guy with the retro mag with all the sight rails and fore grip extenders. I allways loved the looks of that. And i asked a kid if i could play a game with his classic :tard:

10-29-2005, 10:05 PM
:rofl: :dance: Love classic mags :dance: :rofl:

Recon by Fire
10-30-2005, 08:20 AM
Yep, last time I was at the field I had about 5 of the "Agg Kidz" hanging around going crazy over my Xmag. I swear to God, they had no idea what a Mag was! LOL

How can so many be so lost? :wow:

Creative Mayhem
10-30-2005, 08:45 AM
So true... just yesterday I had people mobbing me over my Warped Xmag. It's cool, but a bit annoying if you want to just play and not sit there answering questions...

10-30-2005, 09:16 AM
I get told by the electro kids at my local field that my Tac One with Q-loader must be an "awesome sniper rifle", and for some reason they think it hurts more than any other gun... (????)
Not to discriminate against our newer players, just bothers me a little bit I suppose.

On the other hand I have a red/black annodized Proteam micro with wood-grain grips that everyone seems to loveeee, as they should :headbang:

10-30-2005, 10:21 AM
There's always lot's of ooh's and aah's about the emags and xmags that A-Tach-One and I bring to our local field. For some reason the kids there seem to think that the electro-mags are very fast. :)

10-30-2005, 10:34 AM

Ref: "Is that full auto?"

Me: "Are you joking?"


Me: "You tell me. *holds trigger down*"


I walk over to the field owner. with that ref.

Me "Gary, she says i'm shooting full auto"

Gary: "are you retarded?"

I laughed.

10-30-2005, 11:27 AM

This thread cracks me up. Mostly because it's true all over the place.

People always want to shoot my X-Mag, then I pull out the other one...

The best is people that think you're shooting electro, when you just have a ULE Triggered RT-Pro!!!

Cow hunter
10-30-2005, 11:56 AM
couldnt agree more with any of you...... i did once get booted from a game because they thought it was full auto......

10-30-2005, 12:28 PM
In my case, i knew they owner, so i was going to be a dick about it.

And, it was the ref's first day. She was nervous, trying to do everything right.

Then at the end of the day, decided to complain that she got paint on her new kakhi capri's :tard:

10-30-2005, 12:44 PM
I have to admit, theres something about mags....I'm sure its in almost all of our blood. No matter how high end/expensive of a gun I own, I always dream of building some super unique automag.

Once I get a real job (hopefully in a few months) I'm going to have a little side part of my budget to tinker money.

10-30-2005, 01:38 PM
I love walking to our field, pulling out my nearly bone stock mini mag and having kids oogle over it. I was amazed last time i had about 5 people come up and compliment me on it talking about how it was one of the best guns ever made, and how their friends shoot them...the way they talked about it, i almost wanted to say "well...wheres yours?...go sell your ion, or your tippman custom and buy one..."

10-30-2005, 01:47 PM
Yea, my mag is effectively considered "old school" now. I'm kinda liking it. Its like having an old mustang :)

10-30-2005, 06:14 PM
When I was using the Warped Mag, kids used to complement me on the "chain gun".

The only other marker make I have ever used that has drawn so much attention was autococker.

10-30-2005, 06:24 PM
Yeah...Ive had three kids go out of their way to be on my team once because they didn't want to get shot by "that autococker" that I had...

They werent terrified by my mag though...quite intrigued really...especially when i ran around with the minimag in my left hand and the cocker in the right...both running off of HALO's and n2...then they and everyone else ran...fast...

ahhh....memories...of last week...

10-30-2005, 09:26 PM
Behemoth you play at paintball village? im gonna be up there for the paul spooner memorial game with my rebelmag. i love mags with a passion, its got a whole diehard subculture behind it like punk music did

10-30-2005, 11:48 PM
:cheers: YAYYYYYY for Mags :clap: Whoped d do :confused:

10-31-2005, 06:49 AM
Behemoth you play at paintball village? im gonna be up there for the paul spooner memorial game with my rebelmag. i love mags with a passion, its got a whole diehard subculture behind it like punk music did

I hadnt heard about that.

We're going to be playing over Thanksgiving vacation.

10-31-2005, 08:18 AM
When I was using the Warped Mag, kids used to complement me on the "chain gun".

The only other marker make I have ever used that has drawn so much attention was autococker.
I had a RT-Pro warped with an 18" barrel, 9" drop, and 92ci tank. Ive had it called everything from chain gun, to chain saw, to BAR, to BFG 2000

11-01-2005, 02:58 PM

Ref: "Is that full auto?"

Me: "Are you joking?"


Me: "You tell me. *holds trigger down*"


I walk over to the field owner. with that ref.

Me "Gary, she says i'm shooting full auto"

Gary: "are you retarded?"

I laughed.

I do not get it. Where you bouncing or shooting fast with a e/xmag?

On another note, why would a mag not get attention at the field? A lot of rec players and woodballer play with mags, as well as current "mainstream" players have them in their gearbag or used them at one pint in time. AO thinks that just beause there is not a new mag no one knows about them. There have been countless threads stating the same thing, a mag is not a ufo. It is good to see them getting respect so be happy.

11-02-2005, 04:49 AM
I had a guy, the typical eletor tourni player with all sponcered gear, give me the weirdest look when I pulled my mag out, and he kept looking at me. so I finnaly asked him if he wanted something...

him: "what is that? (refering to my mag)"

me: "automag so-n-so"

him: "is it new?"
(i tryed so hard not to laugh)
me: no, been around for a long while."

him: "can I shot it?"

he pops off a few rounds, the a rope. note it is a stock rt-pro w/ ule

and he is just lived, he loves it and wants one over his nerve.

we get off the field and start talking again and he is wondering where the eyes are....

me: "dude, it is a mech."

his jaw hits the floor, "no way man"

I open the grip to show him, I wish I had i picture of his face :eek:

he askes does it chop alot then, i go no, and ull off the hopper and take out the balls and stick my finger in the lvl-x and pull the trigger a few times. i still want a picture or his face when I pulled my whole finger back out - LOL!

11-02-2005, 06:08 AM
I love it, the first game I play - Phantom...Stock class and alll....The kiddies just say "we'll take it easy"..After the third or so game, I am usually on par with the recballers themselves, and I get some respect....

Few more games pass - Take out stock (intellied...) classic Mag...Then they ask how old is that. I tell them it's older than I am, and they laugh usually andsay alright we'll take it easy on you..After the first game, they ask Where can I get one??/!

Few more games - Out with the warped Emag...Oooh, those comments I love. First they ask if they can hold it, and it is completely non ule so I warn them it'sheavy... 10 pounds later they say "alright, we'll take it easy, you go in the back".,..I sprint off the break, go to the snake etc....Flank most people sometimes.... Then they ask "where can I get onee??!"....

I love the unusual set ups...