View Full Version : Very touchy velocety adjustments.

12-08-2001, 03:26 PM
I recently bought a used mini mag, while at the grand finale scenario game at waynes world this year. I love the way the marker looks, feels and shoots but I'm having trouble adjusting the velocity. An 1/8 of a turn on the velocity adjuster can cause the crono speed to vary as much as 100fps. This is the first mag that I have used. So is it just me and that is typical for a mag, or is their some thing that can be done? the gun does have some upgrades done. It has an ANS velocity screw, a shocktech cover for the back portion of the valve assemble, dye barrel, benchmark grip frame, new bolt (not sure whos )and a few other things. Could this be a problem, or could it be a barrel bore size and paint size problem? Thanks for any help.


P.S. this is for ARMY. Scouts Out!!!!

12-08-2001, 03:35 PM
Sure... tiny adjustments will change the velocity quite a bit.

12-08-2001, 04:30 PM
also once you make an adjustment to the veloicty... turn the marker on its side so no more paint can go in fire about 5 or 6 shots then take a shot or 2 over the chrono.... this is to allow the regulator portion to reseat/reset itself to the new pressure.....
if not done then you will see what you have been getting....

and miscue is right a sm adj can change it alot.... once you chrono in a few times, it almost becomes 2nd nature