View Full Version : Wow, I have changed (my first day of paintball in a few years)

10-30-2005, 10:21 PM
Hey all. Today was my first day back playing paintball in like three years. Why did I quit? Simple. Didn't have the money. Then when I got money, I didn't have the time. Now I have a little of both :)

So today, I headed out to Pevs @ AG here in Northern VA. I shoot a hopper left, powerfeed, Level 10 mag. Gassed up, chronoed, and took the field.

I don't know of anyone I hit, lol. I shot about 600 paintballs, but can't say, for sure, that I hit anyone. Oh well, I still had fun.

What suprised me was how aggressive I was. When I last played, I remembered being pretty timid. I'd jog around a little, but usually end up somewhere towards the rear. Plunk some balls down range and slowly work my way up, but usually too late to do anything.

Not anymore. It seems that playing football, training for the Marines, blowing out my knee, rehabing my knee, re-training for the Marines, and studying much military history (mainly Napoleon, Jackson, and Patton :D Especially Patton ;) ) has really changed my perspective. Now I take off at the break and usually head right trying to flank em.

However, it seems I'm not quite as small as I used to be. Nor as fast :D I don't tuck in behind bunkers well anymore. And I cannot snap shoot to save my life anymore. Not that I was an expert or anything, but now, well everything feels . . . . slower. Well, I feel slower, the game still speeds around me.

My aggressiveness didn't stop at the break. I kept trying to move up. Well, it seems my judgement isn't up to par either. I kind of underestimated both distance and the abilities of the opposing team. I specifically remember one game where I ran forward, got to where I wanted, then tried to get farther. Oops :D Got lit up.

Actually, I think I was eliminated every game. Most hits were to the hopper. So getting a warp feed :D

At the last game before lunch, my hopper stopped feeding. It was odd cus the batteries were new. Shook it, and kept going. Same thing. Weird. Shook again and fired. Well, I think my Level 10 is outta tune, cus I pinched a ball pretty good. It fired, but distinigrated in the barrel. Shortly after that, I was eliminated.

Went back to my car, feeling sore from running and getting hit, and a little frustrated with my beloved mag. And since I needed to study, I decided to pack it in and go home. As I was packing up, discovered that a paintball had gotten jammed under one of the paddles of my Revy. As a result, the paddles weren't spinning. That explained a lot. Packed it up and headed home.

All in all, I had fun. Still, it would have been nice to shoot SOMEBODY :p Oh well, I'll be there next Sunday :D

10-31-2005, 06:50 AM
Yeah, the feeling of being an experienced player, with lack of experience kinda blows...Just reminded me of the first game I play with my SC phantom...I ran further, I was more aggressive etc just like you, I got lit up a few times, and I am not sure if I hit anyone....

It's all about the fun :eek:

10-31-2005, 08:43 AM
Sounds like you could really use a change up and go pump!! :-)

10-31-2005, 02:13 PM
You should come out to OA in Bowie - you'd have a blast there too.