View Full Version : Can I use Break Free CLP on my mag?

10-31-2005, 05:30 PM
So I'm running low on oil. I'm kicking myself because I was just in the shop today and didn't get any. Doh!!

But then I realize, I have real guns. I use CLP on them. Why not a mag? So, I ask thee, can I use CLP on my mag?

10-31-2005, 08:28 PM
So I'm running low on oil. I'm kicking myself because I was just in the shop today and didn't get any. Doh!!

But then I realize, I have real guns. I use CLP on them. Why not a mag? So, I ask thee, can I use CLP on my mag?

you run the risk of degrading the o-rings. WOrst case go to Home Depot, etc. and pick up some synthetic, non-petrolium air tool oil.

11-02-2005, 06:54 PM
Any type of oil with solvents in it ( like penetrating oil or a "cleaner" oil ) will cause your O rings to break down, then you will need to replace them all.