View Full Version : Fun (but rainy) day at Top Gun!!

12-08-2001, 05:01 PM

It was an overall fun day at Top Gun today. Got to play speedball with Amy Low!!!! That was totally kick a$$! (I think I got her POed at me cause I dident know the speedball lingo! But I learned! Sorry Amy!! :( :) )

Thordic, Spacemanspiff, Riotz and a couple of thier friends and one of my friends came. The day started out bad for me (Polar Ice is CRAP btw) but once I got some Team Colors Miami I dident break one ball the rest of the day. There was only about a 1/3 of the normal size crowd though, but all in all it was a good day. It was a slip and slide speedball afternoon!! haha

I heard Riotz was breakin lots of paint in his R/T though, I dont know what was up with that.

Thordic dident have any probs as far as I know.
Oh, Tunaman, that shocker is SICK!!! :) :) :)

Ok, thats all for now!

12-08-2001, 05:10 PM
Where was this held at?

You were able to meet the legendary Tunaman?....

12-08-2001, 05:20 PM
yep, Miami is good.

12-08-2001, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
Where was this held at?

You were able to meet the legendary Tunaman?....

Top Gun, in NJ and Tunaman and his son and I usually play there all together, but this time they couldnt make it. So Thordic was field testing his shocker.

12-08-2001, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by udtseal
It was an overall fun day at Top Gun today. Got to play speedball with Amy Low!!!! That was totally kick a$$! (I think I got her POed at me cause I dident know the speedball lingo! But I learned! Sorry Amy!! :( :) )

nah, its all good i wasn't po'd :)

12-08-2001, 08:55 PM
:D :D

12-08-2001, 09:57 PM
Man, what a day.

I still reign supreme as the King of Bunkering Little Kids. I picked up 3 more victims today, including one barrel tag when I felt a momentary pang of pity.

I have 30 welts on me right now, John, you missed it. After you left, we went to speeball again, and Riotz ran out of air, and I ran out of paint, so we volunteered as moving targets. Bad idea... you can't outrun a shocker in turbo mode. 10 welts on my back alone. Fun times, though. I did take a hit to the jewels though.. ouch.

Had a blast playing speedball with UDT, spacemanspiff, graycie, and the other people there.

Jeff was breaking paint all day, yeah, that kinda sucked. I had a great morning, but a crappy afternoon paint-wise. Once it started raining, I think the water getting in my PF killed me. I had a bunch of barrel breaks, and the paint actually started to swell a little in the warp tube, causing warp jams and other problems.

No more playing in the cold rain right after getting over a chest cold, though. My chest feels like I just got punched by Mike Tyson.

Sorry to hear about your car, BOFH. Sounds like me and MagDog68's trip to Skirmish. Speaking of which, Fred, if you read this, where were you? Your g/f tell you to visit her instead? :) Oh well, we are going to head to High Velocity soon, thats not too much of a trip for you.

12-08-2001, 10:21 PM
Well? How was the Shocker? Break any balls?

12-09-2001, 11:26 AM
Hey fellas. YES what a sweet day it was. The rain could of held off but it was all good. It was cool to play speedball with tourney players like Amy. It was funny to hear them yell someones in your mirror and your like DUH???:confused: Thanks for explaining the lingo now I can use it in my journey to become a better tourney player.
Poor Thordic shoot his friend in the back (was all in good fun)and what happens. His friend turns and fires one shoot off his hip and down goes Thordic:p And ofcourse how can I forget his graceful dive over the hyperball bunker. I give it a 10. All in all it was a fun day and I can't wait till the next one.

12-09-2001, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Sorry to hear about your car, BOFH.

Not a big deal, it just killed my morning. Now I only have 2 tows left from AAA :( ... It was acting funny and I should have known better, but the wife wanted to new car to go run errands. I figured it would make it.

It was just the ignition coil. All fixed now.

Make sure you guys post when you're going next, I really want to make a day.

12-09-2001, 03:24 PM
is that the field that's accross from 6 flags or am i dumb? just curious cause i would like to go if there's that many people with mags. someone fill me in?

12-09-2001, 04:50 PM
Nope not dumb. Top Gun is right by great adventure.

12-09-2001, 04:52 PM
thanks a lot space. if anyone is going out there, let me know. i'll take a trip one day and meet up with some people. is it a good field? not next weekend cause i have to work, but sometime after that. anyone know if they have a website so i can look it up?

12-09-2001, 07:41 PM

12-09-2001, 07:43 PM
hahah, not to obvious. thanks

12-09-2001, 08:30 PM
The shocker was awesome, Tunaman. It didn't break a ball all day.

Actually, it did break ONE, but that broke in barrel after it started getting drizzly. A ball probably got wet, swelled a little, and couldn't fit through the barrel.

I was very impressed with the thing, though.

I'll drop it back off at your house whenever you want...