View Full Version : just how 1337 r our guns?

11-01-2005, 07:27 PM
OK this is wat ive been asking myself for a while... with all the mag parts that have come out, i.e. devil mag logic frame etc. and all the parts u can put in a mag, how good can a mag be? can it compare to another high end gun like an angel or dmc or freestyle etc.

weight? with all the ule stuff coming out...how light are we compare to the other markers.

Price? are we that far behind

speed? emags with all the latest chips n stuff... is that far begind

quality? i know we win for that, i mean mags r expensive but u do get the extra quality with it.

efficiancy? ...

11-01-2005, 07:33 PM
1337 mean? And is it that hard to type out "our?"

11-01-2005, 07:36 PM
OK this is wat ive been asking myself for a while... with all the mag parts that have come out, i.e. devil mag logic frame etc. and all the parts u can put in a mag, how good can a mag be? can it compare to another high end gun like an angel or dmc or freestyle etc.

weight? with all the ule stuff coming out...how light are we compare to the other markers.

Price? are we that far behind

speed? emags with all the latest chips n stuff... is that far begind

quality? i know we win for that, i mean mags r expensive but u do get the extra quality with it.

efficiancy? ...


11-01-2005, 07:52 PM
I liked my Devilmag, however between ordering it and getting it I made a few decisions regarding firing modes, a few conversations with a lawyer and lets just say that I feel for now true semi (or very very close to it, I understand there may be some accidental bounce) is the safest thing for me based on a criminal liability issue.

That being said I did not use the predator board to its full advantage. I found the Devilmag basically intechangeable with my Proto Matrix. Both shot faster than I could pull the trigger, both had very good eye systems, and both were very very nice markers and could compete with anything on the field.

I had some issues come up where I needed cash (house was broken into) and could simply get more out of the DevilMag than the Proto. So I sold the D-mag.

I think people may have expected more out of them than it could deliver. It met all advertised claims (in my opinion). It is a super marker out there, it has insane firing modes / ramping /etc that work wonderfully well if you are willing to use them. It has a mystic and gets looks at the field. That being said it does not make you the next great player, it does not improve your game for you. The balls do not suddenly become laser guided... The Devilmag is a high end marker, and competes with todays "super markers" It is as good as they are overall and preference is really a matter of opinion when comparing it to the "best" markers out there. No more... no less...

*My post, copied from my earlier comments

11-02-2005, 11:37 AM
1337 means?

11-02-2005, 11:43 AM
Gamer term that is forum speak now. SHorthand way of writing thigns and proving your vast internet knowledge over everyone. Sometiems you drop letter, use numbers/characters, and spell things wrong on purpose.
You get used to after a while.

The only thing a mag cannot due that all other guns can........get rid of that dang hose from the valve :cuss:

11-02-2005, 12:03 PM
I realize its not the golden gun, but I still like my xmag even for tourneys, as it was said before, it gets alot of shots out of the battery, it doesnt chop, I can shoot one game on my 68, the solenoid doesnt really matter for me when Im capped at 15, once TAG ships the pred. boards it will be 3 shots and gone. shoot up is bad yes, but minor inconsistency really doesnt play to effect as much as imperfect paintballs and wind. overall its no where close to perfect, but it suits me just fine.

11-02-2005, 12:27 PM
Compared to other guns?

The only ones that can really compete compared to other electros are upgraded E-mags, Devilmags and X-mags. And even then you have to do some adjustments.

Assuming you've got a good, fast board, eyes and/or properly tuned level 10, and a lightened trigger that is tuned to your liking, any of the mags I mentioned should compete with other electros. They are fairly small, are very fast, and can be lightweight. However, there are a couple downsides... first off, efficiency isn't always the greatest, and you can't shoot "deep" into a tank. They are pretty reliable though.

I have personally gravitated away from mags, but you can shoot what you like... there are mags out there that can compete with just about anything

11-02-2005, 03:48 PM
Hey, I use my E-Mag the most because out of all my fast guns, it's the one that always works no matter what.

11-03-2005, 09:51 PM
I think pneumags are pretty awesome, no matter what. I would consider saving up and buying one!

But in the end, my Freestyle or an AIM Timmy is just easier and cheaper...

11-03-2005, 09:53 PM
This much-


11-04-2005, 01:46 AM



I really hate to do this.. :ninja:
and its sad that I know.
look at it upside down: 1337

OK. 100% useless post done with now. :)

11-04-2005, 02:00 AM
look at it upside down: 1337

That makes my neck hurt.

11-04-2005, 02:00 AM
http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx :ninja:

edit: nicad for teh win!

11-04-2005, 02:48 AM
barring all the discussion about the meaning of 1337...and straight into the debate about efficiency

with my emag, i shot a hopper and 5 pods from 68/4500 with only a 3k fill and had about 900 left. seriously, do you need to shoot more than that? especially if i can get the 4500 fill?

11-04-2005, 06:37 AM
http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx :ninja:

edit: nicad for teh win!

that makes my brain hurt ... why in bloody blue earth did I even have to pass english in school? i could just pound on the key board and make sence to somebody, that being said, why in the bloody blue earth did I learn to type?!? :confused:

11-04-2005, 06:44 AM
barring all the discussion about the meaning of 1337...and straight into the debate about efficiency

with my emag, i shot a hopper and 5 pods from 68/4500 with only a 3k fill and had about 900 left. seriously, do you need to shoot more than that? especially if i can get the 4500 fill?

On my lvl-x I have to have a 88/45 to get threw my hopper and 5-150's and 2-100's and have a little to spare.

- or -

0n /\/\y 1v1-X i |-|4V3 2 |-|4V3 a 88/45 2 Ge7 7|-|R3\/\/ /\/\y |-|0pp3R & 5-150'$ n' 2-100'$ 'n |-|4V3 a 1i1 2 $p4R3.

(you know what... that's hard to do... and it looks like it came from martions... CIA's new super code)

11-04-2005, 07:28 AM
I really hate to do this.. :ninja:
and its sad that I know.
look at it upside down: 1337

OK. 100% useless post done with now. :)

He pwned phantom so bad....wait a sec

But teel (or tel as you spelled it), I dont get it. Maybe it is to early? :confused:

11-04-2005, 06:11 PM
http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx :ninja:

edit: nicad for teh win!

Hmmm.. according to M$, I am wrong!
but.. but.. who cares??!! :)

Simple solution- run Linux. ;)

11-04-2005, 10:20 PM
LMAO i didnt think that word would of made much of a fuss... guess not a lot of u play computer games, lol. Its very common in like counterstrike and warcraft n all those games. ah well... I guess its just one of those things that get ppl talking :p

11-04-2005, 10:48 PM
umm, i missed something. LEET? These terms I know not of, such things like AGG, LEET, and ROFLCOPTER. Baxter, you know I dont speak spanish. In english this time or I'll take your mom out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her AGAIN!!!