View Full Version : Why I won't be getting an Ion.

11-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Okay I work at a high school and some of the students here know I play. Well I was talking to one of these students and over the week end he bought and Ion. Well to make a long story short he went to play and after 4 games his gun stopped working. Well for the rest of the day he used a Intimadator that another PPl lent him. What he desribed to me sound like his noid went out. Well he's not sure what's he going to do if he get his money back he's thinking of getting a B2k w/PDS.

11-02-2005, 05:35 PM
I am not defending Ions or saying they are great, but you do realize that what you describe happens to every marker on the market right? The last two times I have been at a paintball field I saw many markers just “go down” for one reason or another…. And one was a Mag. Imagine that?

The same can be said about cars, trucks, boats, computers, you name it.

11-02-2005, 05:36 PM
Plus, one guy's day shouldn't be your only reason.

11-02-2005, 05:38 PM
I would not justify not getting one solely on the basis of a friend having a bad day. As Shartley said, guns just go down. No way to get around that.

11-02-2005, 05:41 PM
a $2394235098237598755!! marker can go down just as easy. Give them a chance, everyone around here is having good luck with them. Only one has had the internal hose slip off or pinch or something (I do not know how they work).

11-02-2005, 05:59 PM
I won't be getting one because me 2000 Angel LCD is the finest marker I've ever shot, so no other markers are needed.

But that's just me.


11-02-2005, 06:02 PM
prolly just a friggen battery. I love it when ppl have NO CLUE about an electro and blame the gun when it goes down. Keep a fresh battery. Noids usually dont just go out. All it would be if a noid went out is the apature seal is not any good, an oring needs to be changed, or a noid wire is damaged from manhandling or came unsoldered from the board.

Ill bet its a quickfix.

11-02-2005, 06:03 PM
Simply put, I have seen too many Ions have too many of these "days". Last time I played one guy's Ion would randomly not fire for a while. Middle of the game it simply would not shoot. There have been many other instances of this as well.

With that said, there have also been many Ions that have worked very well and their owners have experienced no problems.

11-02-2005, 06:07 PM

how new was this ion?

sounds like a problem between the ground and the marker, to me.

11-02-2005, 06:17 PM
He bought it brand new on Friday and used it saturday or sunday. Apparently his regulator was bad two. Which I've heard is a common problem.I think if I could get one dirt cheap I might get one but all my current markers I have, have all been very reliable and most fixs took no time to fix.

11-02-2005, 06:26 PM
I've always believed that your choice in a marker is a personal choice. However, I will state my opinion of the Ion.

I've owned one since April of this year. There have been probably on the order of 40 cases shot through it since that time. I have a tendency to loan it out to players at the field I frequent. I have had 1 major problem with the marker in that time period. I was, as my wife puts it, "jacking around" with it and broke off the barb on the solenoid. I phoned up Smart Parts and had a replacement board/solenoid assembly within 3 business days. Of course my lack of problems could be partly due to my maintenance regime. I tend to follow the guidelines from Smart Parts as far as lube etc.

I see on the order of 20 Ion's a weekend at the field I frequent. Of all those out there the majority of the problems come when somebody decides to learn about the inner workings and break something in the process. The major problem I've seen is a dead/low battery. Electro's are picky things when it comes to not being able to supply the required voltage/current to the working parts. The other problem I've seen is paint being pushed past the detents when using a Halo. This causes the marker to not fire at all because the eyes won't see the paint.

I can't speak of the 5 gazillion Ion's that are out there all being great out of the box. Like everything else that is manmade, it's not a matter of if it will break but rather when.

11-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Okay I work at a high school and some of the students here know I play. Well I was talking to one of these students and over the week end he bought and Ion. Well to make a long story short he went to play and after 4 games his gun stopped working. Well for the rest of the day he used a Intimadator that another PPl lent him. What he desribed to me sound like his noid went out. Well he's not sure what's he going to do if he get his money back he's thinking of getting a B2k w/PDS.Umm--- Sounds like he set his HPR too high. Most likely the problem you described was user error. And don't we all know how to fix that? ;) :cuss: :shooting:

11-02-2005, 06:37 PM
i shot just shy of 6000 rounds through my ion last saturday. one chop, no other problems.

11-02-2005, 06:47 PM
I don't know. I feel for the amount of money we pay for these things I just think that we shouldn't have as many problems as we have. I mean how discoraging is it when you buy a new gun, car, anything, and it breaks right after you just bought it. It doesn't exactly inspire consumer confidence in you product does it.

11-02-2005, 06:52 PM
I feel for the amount of money we pay for these thingsUhh--- Are you talking about the Ion still? It may have a retail of $300. But they can be had for $220-$240 BNIB. And seriously what do you expect for that much? Is a $20,000 economy car going to perform anywhere near as nice as a $200,000 Enzo?

11-02-2005, 07:01 PM
Uhh--- Are you talking about the Ion still? It may have a retail of $300. But they can be had for $220-$240 BNIB. And seriously what do you expect for that much? Is a $20,000 economy car going to perform anywhere near as nice as a $200,000 Enzo?

No but would you still complain if you 20,000 econ box car broke down the same week you bought it and would you still recommend it to everyone to go out and buy the same car. I think not. Just because it cheap that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reliable. And besides unless money grows on trees where you live. The last time I checked 200 + dollars is quite a bit of money. Heck a 100 if you ask me is still quite a bit of money.

11-02-2005, 07:10 PM
No but would you still complain if you 20,000 econ box car broke down the same week you bought it and would you still recommend it to everyone to go out and buy the same car. I think not. Just because it cheap that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reliable. And besides unless money grows on trees where you live. The last time I checked 200 + dollars is quite a bit of money. Heck a 100 if you ask me is still quite a bit of money.

You realize that most new cars undergo two inspections prior to being delivered to the buyer at the dealership (including QC at the factory) and a vast number of "minor" things are fixed during those right? Paintball markers do not get the same attention. Also, many many new cars hvae to go back for minor or major items during there warranty period.

I do agree though, that QC in paintball, in general, sucks.

11-02-2005, 07:23 PM
You realize that most new cars undergo two inspections prior to being delivered to the buyer at the dealership (including QC at the factory) and a vast number of "minor" things are fixed during those right? Paintball markers do not get the same attention. Also, many many new cars hvae to go back for minor or major items during there warranty period.

I do agree though, that QC in paintball, in general, sucks.Bad analogy... My fault.

So true about the QC, especially with Ions. Mass produced to appease a hype anticipated public.

11-02-2005, 10:23 PM
It's not the gun, it's user error. I've had my Ion since the week before they released to the public, it's been used every weekend since then, nothing broke ever. And I only had a few barrel breaks(great eyes), and 12 breach when I fergetted to turn my eyes on :tard: .

11-02-2005, 11:00 PM
well. i had:
a 2k2 timmy. no work to well.
a dm4. worked ok. had one flaw after some use.
a mag. completly went to hell on me.
and a race cocker. it was broke. but thanks to me life time warranty. i got it fixed.

never had an ion. but i think all guns go ad sooner or l8er. and i lubed mine after every use. and was very good with them.... i havent even shot an ion yet :(

and i dont know how relieable they are. . . but all guns break. but it doesnt stop most of us from buying them..

just my 15 yearold 2 cents

11-02-2005, 11:05 PM
alot of the times a gun goes down is b/c the person that is using it does not know what he/she is doing. not the guns fault, its the users fault.

11-03-2005, 05:50 AM
I'll buy one.........

11-03-2005, 10:16 AM
well. i had:
a 2k2 timmy. no work to well.
a dm4. worked ok. had one flaw after some use.
a mag. completly went to hell on me.
and a race cocker. it was broke. but thanks to me life time warranty. i got it fixed.

never had an ion. but i think all guns go ad sooner or l8er. and i lubed mine after every use. and was very good with them.... i havent even shot an ion yet :(

and i dont know how relieable they are. . . but all guns break. but it doesnt stop most of us from buying them..

just my 15 yearold 2 cents

congrats on your 1,000th post.

yes i have nothing useful to contribute to this thread. :rolleyes:

11-03-2005, 10:28 AM
please stop pretending that the Ion just stops working for some reason. Im sure the reason is simple. Heres a scenario.

In a game one time my Ion wouldnt fire the marker was on, the eyes were on, my halo was on and new batteries and everything. Turned the eyes off for sec, and was able to dry fire. So I went to the loader. Is my drive cone broke on my halo? Nope. WTF. I took my halo out, and I noticed that one of the orings in my feedneck had been torn and was blocking balls from being fed. Oh ya, the ION is a total POS. :rolleyes: How hard was that fix.

Ive not heard of regulators just "stop" working or "going out". I have heard of them being no so consistent and getting some shootdown.

Could it have been an eye wire that got disconnected? A low battery will also cause the gun not to shoot. ANd the ones that are supplied w/ the gun are well short of great.

Change the settings on the board back to stock settings. 52 blinks for dwell, 0 on rof, semi auto.

PPl just dont know how to troubleshoot and use an electro, so they say that it stops working cause its "bad electronics" or "a bad reg" or "shoddy QC". 99% of the time its user error. ITs a battery most of the time. Is that SPs fault? Clean and relube your reg if you think its not doing well. Look in the manual, it shows you how to to it.

Tell your friend not to be an electro noob and troubleshoot the damn marker and 9 times outta 10 its a quick fix.

11-03-2005, 10:34 AM
Ion QC for some time sucked - no way around it. They had various people assembling them who were not normal assemblers, and testing was shotgun at best..

However, that being said, I know of at least one other marker on the market that after a couple hundred shots you have to retune after break in, and we never question there quality.

11 Bravo
11-03-2005, 10:53 AM
Dont go there! :eek:

11-03-2005, 07:18 PM
w00t. that was my 1000th post.. kool :cool:

11-03-2005, 09:33 PM
well. i had:
a 2k2 timmy. no work to well.
a dm4. worked ok. had one flaw after some use.
a mag. completly went to hell on me.
and a race cocker. it was broke. but thanks to me life time warranty. i got it fixed.

never had an ion. but i think all guns go ad sooner or l8er. and i lubed mine after every use. and was very good with them.... i havent even shot an ion yet :(

and i dont know how relieable they are. . . but all guns break. but it doesnt stop most of us from buying them..

just my 15 yearold 2 cents

Yeah.......Uhhhh, sounds to me like the owner of these markers doesnt know WTF he's doing :tard:

Just my 2 cents from a 25 year old.

11-03-2005, 09:54 PM
Yeah.......Uhhhh, sounds to me like the owner of these markers doesnt know WTF he's doing :tard:

Just my 2 cents from a 25 year old.
Well said. :)

11-03-2005, 10:19 PM
2 reasons for that:

2) The Level 10 isnt required, but an option. You always have the choice of going Level 7, and not having to tune anything. So, the marker doesnt require tuning, the LX bolt kit does.


if you dont want the worst paint blender on the market you will get a lvl10 and tune it after every 500 shots. so i would say its just about as required to play as anything else. unless you like to clean your gun on the field.

11-04-2005, 05:15 PM
sorry BD, must respectfully disagree with the "tuning level 10 every 500 shots" statement.

it's just not true.

11-04-2005, 07:45 PM
if you dont want the worst paint blender on the market you will get a lvl10 and tune it after every 500 shots. so i would say its just about as required to play as anything else. unless you like to clean your gun on the field.

I like to clean my gun on the field :D

no really, Yakitori,(this pains me to say this) you are right for ONCE. It is usually a user problem. Take any gun and it has its odds and quirks, oiling one a FREAKING LOT, barely oiling another. Stripping down a freaking ram driven impulse just to put some lube on all the orings(PITA if you ask me :mad: ). I can only think of one gun that I havent had to break down for a long while, my crappy spare parts eblade cocker. Note to all of you, opinions are like poop, in the end, its all monkey play... :tard: Errr, maybe it was opinions are like poop, in the end it still smells bad.

11-04-2005, 08:16 PM
I like to clean my gun on the field :D

no really, Yakitori,(this pains me to say this) you are right for ONCE. It is usually a user problem. Take any gun and it has its odds and quirks, oiling one a FREAKING LOT, barely oiling another. Stripping down a freaking ram driven impulse just to put some lube on all the orings(PITA if you ask me :mad: ). I can only think of one gun that I havent had to break down for a long while, my crappy spare parts eblade cocker. Note to all of you, opinions are like poop, in the end, its all monkey play... :tard: Errr, maybe it was opinions are like poop, in the end it still smells bad.

lol. Im right more than that. :D.

11-04-2005, 08:28 PM
2 reasons for that:

1) A previous 15-year history of Quality.

2) The Level 10 isnt required, but an option. You always have the choice of going Level 7, and not having to tune anything. So, the marker doesnt require tuning, the LX bolt kit does.


:rolleyes: So, I can have a $400 marker with NO anti-chop feature, or I can tune it. Or I can buy a $300 or $350 (Promaster) marker with breakbeam eyes...

11-04-2005, 08:49 PM
:rolleyes: So, I can have a $400 marker with NO anti-chop feature, or I can tune it. Or I can buy a $300 or $350 (Promaster) marker with breakbeam eyes...

400 for a mech marker w/ no antichop feature. 300-350 for an electro w/ eyes. ;) not that electro is "better" as that is opinion, but it does have it advantages over a mech.

11-04-2005, 08:50 PM
What does that have to do with questioning quality?

because a 400 dollar gun w/ no antichop feature is In my book, not good quality. Its like owning an electro w/ no eyes. Most wont do it. And it falls short of good.

11-04-2005, 08:52 PM
By that logic all pump markers are poor quality?

IMO yes. who wants to pump a paintball gun all day. Had one....didnt like it.

11-04-2005, 09:39 PM
Ion QC for some time sucked - no way around it. They had various people assembling them who were not normal assemblers, and testing was shotgun at best..

However, that being said, I know of at least one other marker on the market that after a couple hundred shots you have to retune after break in, and we never question there quality.
because THEIR(thats plural possesive, not reffering to a place) is so hard to spell

11-04-2005, 09:40 PM
IMO yes. who wants to pump a paintball gun all day. Had one....didnt like it.

see, yet another way that you are WRONG. Pump is preference, but your preference doesnt count, cuz you own an ion :D :p

11-05-2005, 09:59 AM
see, yet another way that you are WRONG. Pump is preference, but your preference doesnt count, cuz you own an ion :D :p

My Ion is nicer than most Ions. Also, it may be sold to pay for the 06 proto I bought. And still, yes it is opinion, but pumps suck. I hated playing pump, I mean, it was fun for a little bit, but I like getting eliminations more than 1 a game. It was small light and fast, but seriously its not easy to snapshoot someone w/ one shot from a loud gun. The first time you shoot at them they know where you are and that you have a pump, and your pretty pinned after that. Anobody that knows just has to stay posted on you. Ill admit when I used my pump I played more agressive, drew a lot of attention and allowed my other teamates to get some eliminations. I still didnt like it.

11-05-2005, 10:05 AM
see, you arent a team player. you are in it for your own glory. I play so that my teammates can get the edge on the opposition. I'll waste pods on just holding ppl in their spots while my front man gets to bunker them.

Sure, pumps no fun when you're the only one, but thats what everyone says about just about everything. Thats why everyones taken to electros, because they dont wanna be the odd man out. Personally, I took to electros because with ridiculous resale, I can now get guns I never even dreamed of owning 3 years ago. Ion sold to get a proto, hmm, sounds like your going from the number one selling $300 midlevel gun to the number one overrated and sold $800 gun

11-05-2005, 10:50 AM
see, you arent a team player. you are in it for your own glory. I play so that my teammates can get the edge on the opposition. I'll waste pods on just holding ppl in their spots while my front man gets to bunker them.

Sure, pumps no fun when you're the only one, but thats what everyone says about just about everything. Thats why everyones taken to electros, because they dont wanna be the odd man out. Personally, I took to electros because with ridiculous resale, I can now get guns I never even dreamed of owning 3 years ago. Ion sold to get a proto, hmm, sounds like your going from the number one selling $300 midlevel gun to the number one overrated and sold $800 gun

you know EVERYTHING dont you. You say your opinions as if they are the absolute end all truths and that its black and white. Move over to the gray area fool. More insults about the markers I choose to buy w/ MY money, that I earned working my arse off. Ill shoot what I please, and I should be free of flaming about it on a website that doesnt allow flaming. Ya know, that used to not happen before you registered, now its just you flaming talking your stupid nonsense everytime I post.

I play front, my teams WANTS me to get eliminations, if Im not, then Im not doing my job. Sounds like you are one of those "ill hang out in the back here until everyone else does the work, then Ill shoot someone" kinda guys. :rolleyes:

Backmen dont get as many eliminations. So your front men arent team players either then, cause they do all the killing while you lane. . Stop your freaking flaming.

Everytime I freakin post, you chime in w/ your rude sarcasitc remarks. and the 06 proto is 924 msrp. Shows how much you know. Its a nicely priced high end electro. How much are 06 timmys? 06 DM or DM6? How about an ICD fs-7 msrp? or any other high end gun. The 06 proto is not the most expensive one. Overhyped? Lets see some of the hype put out by them?

Think of it this way, If it wasnt for me and others like me, your poor arse wouldnt be buying my gun 2 years from now. :rofl:

11-05-2005, 02:06 PM
you know EVERYTHING dont you. You say your opinions as if they are the absolute end all truths and that its black and white. Move over to the gray area fool. More insults about the markers I choose to buy w/ MY money, that I earned working my arse off. Ill shoot what I please, and I should be free of flaming about it on a website that doesnt allow flaming. Ya know, that used to not happen before you registered, now its just you flaming talking your stupid nonsense everytime I post.

I play front, my teams WANTS me to get eliminations, if Im not, then Im not doing my job. Sounds like you are one of those "ill hang out in the back here until everyone else does the work, then Ill shoot someone" kinda guys. :rolleyes:

Backmen dont get as many eliminations. So your front men arent team players either then, cause they do all the killing while you lane. . Stop your freaking flaming.

Everytime I freakin post, you chime in w/ your rude sarcasitc remarks. and the 06 proto is 924 msrp. Shows how much you know. Its a nicely priced high end electro. How much are 06 timmys? 06 DM or DM6? How about an ICD fs-7 msrp? or any other high end gun. The 06 proto is not the most expensive one. Overhyped? Lets see some of the hype put out by them?

Think of it this way, If it wasnt for me and others like me, your poor arse wouldnt be buying my gun 2 years from now. :rofl:

Yeah, I sit in the back, THATS WHAT BACKMEN DO. Seems like your backmen get eliminated too much so you dont know what their job really is.

Really, worked your arse off. I didnt know that you did that, i thought it was just getting paid to write your usually wrong overbiased opinions on forums. At least Im open to guns I dont own or plan to get in the future.

Ok, I never brought up anything about the other guns you mentioned, but you have to admit, there is a lot of "hype" insinuated with the matrices. Just to let you know, I dont plan on buying a matrix, just because I don't like the pricks that use matrices(perfect example = you). I think the only guy I liked who used a matrix was a guy who had worked his way up from a cocker on a rookie team to a sponsorship on a novice team who plays locally

As far as shooting what you please, do that, but remember you open yourself up to comments when you shoot off from your mouth, and not your ion.

And my sarcastic comments...well, learn to post better and maybe I wouldnt have anything to say. 924, 800, msrp = how much the sucker will pay to get it brand new when it still needs tweaking tuning and breaking in. 924 mean that it will be 600 in a month. Face it, resale sucks, and matrices are not immune

11-05-2005, 02:36 PM
on a funnier note, yak, i can't believe you, only 5 days and you are pushing your limits, trying to get banned again. Was a 7 day break not enough?

11-05-2005, 04:29 PM
I thought it was $949.95


Hey Rogue.

Clicky clicky (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=BmxyVCqnVz1y3mnKIm2y_CABDkG3nbGlaP8=?Pro ductID=TPzAqArb2pAAAAEHz7IPTCQG)


Your buddy,

11-05-2005, 04:35 PM
sure they can post up 924, AFTER its sold out

How convenient :rolleyes:

11-05-2005, 04:38 PM
Your buddy,

I knew your name was derek

So how do you like your 1 week ban...Ban from calling Slade "martha" and complaining about uncooked steak. NOW GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH, before I take your mom out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!!!

11-05-2005, 04:50 PM
Before I take your mom out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!!!

You win the Prize!
Is that the best you've got?
I expected more outta' someone with all of your book learnin'.

11-05-2005, 04:52 PM
Hey Automaggot. Hope you can read next time:

MSRP = Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price.

Is Action Village the Manufacturer or Dye? The pic I posted is Dye's Press Release.

Have fun.

When did you say that in your post, Rogue? :rolleyes:

11-05-2005, 05:07 PM
You really should read the whole post. Quotes are there for a reason.


I thought it was $949.95

Well Played.
I would have needed a jetpack.

11-05-2005, 05:21 PM
Thanks Derek/Automaggot68. Why arent you posting on your own screename? Why use Azaam's screename?

Is it any of your business that I'm on it?

11-05-2005, 05:55 PM
mobsterboy, you should be banned. Everytime you post its some rude sarcastic comment. Even w/ ppl trying to sell their gun. Do you go to class to learn jerkism or does it come natural?

retail is 924.25, which is what I payed for it. 949.25 was the MSRP when it first came out and if you buy direct from proto. Almost EVERY store sells them for 924 now. ITs not my fault you dont keep up w/ the prices and use advertisements that are from over a month ago.

11-05-2005, 06:06 PM
well, youre too fast cause I edited it. RETAIL is 924.25 which is what I payed and what MOST stores charge. Its still retail for a new gun regardless. I dont buy my guns directly from proto when I can get it a bit cheaper somewhere else. All I know is that everyone thats buying them are getting them for 925 or so. Big deal. Misuse of the word MSRP.....sue me.

11-05-2005, 07:47 PM
mobsterboy, you should be banned. Everytime you post its some rude sarcastic comment. Even w/ ppl trying to sell their gun. Do you go to class to learn jerkism or does it come natural?

retail is 924.25, which is what I payed for it. 949.25 was the MSRP when it first came out and if you buy direct from proto. Almost EVERY store sells them for 924 now. ITs not my fault you dont keep up w/ the prices and use advertisements that are from over a month ago.

WTF...that link is dead

Plus, whenever I post, I just pop in, do my thing oh so smoothly and then get out...or at least thats how your mom said it last night :D

11-05-2005, 07:47 PM
Thanks Derek/Automaggot68. Why arent you posting on your own screename? Why use Azaam's screename?

Well, besides a 1 week ban, i donno why

11-05-2005, 08:28 PM
how old are you mobsterboy. You are acting like a 15 year old boy.


youve been reported to the mods for purposeful flaming, provoking, and making offensive sarcasic comments. :cheers: