View Full Version : What is ramping?

11-03-2005, 06:03 PM
Sorry, I was playing paintball when electronics weren't in the mix and then took a short break and now there's all this new technology. What is ramping? I know the electros have burst modes and full auto but don't know the definition of ramping.

11-03-2005, 06:06 PM
Ramping is basically being able to pull the trigger a certain amount of BPS constantly, but the gun is firing at a set rate of fire, faster than you are pulling.

11-03-2005, 06:08 PM
its best explained by example. Gun is set to 15bps ramping at 3bps. So, you shoot the gun...once you hit 3 balls per second it automatically starts firing 15 balls per second as long as you keep pulling above 3 bps.

Of course there are many variations on this but this is a simple example.

11-03-2005, 06:51 PM
have to admit i didnt really know what the def was either since i'm coming from the old school side of things and havent played in a few years as well. I guess i would have to make the statement at this point....thats crap.

if thats how todays paintball game is played...i don;t see a reason for playing. Go out on field where todays player only has to hit lets say 5 bps and the gun starts shooting 12 even? someone has brought up several times something about "skill sets" I think he called them. Is shooting fast a skillset? I guess it used to be...pretty much a joke now i guess.

I need to find myself a bunch of other old schoolers and duke it out with old semis and pump guns out in the woods I guess. More i read and find out about the "new game", the less interest i have in taking part in it.



stop whining buy a mag
11-03-2005, 06:59 PM
Once you hit a predetermined rate of fire (legally) the ramping software kicks in and "ramps" (hence the name) the BPS up to the the max rate of fire. Some boards allow you to have "smooth" or "soft" ramping which slowly makes the gun get up to the max rate of fire and some have "hard" ramping which as fast as possible jumps the rate of fire up to the max.

Most major tournament leagues are starting to use a 15 BPS cap with ramping.

11-03-2005, 07:15 PM
have to admit i didnt really know what the def was either since i'm coming from the old school side of things and havent played in a few years as well. I guess i would have to make the statement at this point....thats crap.

if thats how todays paintball game is played...i don;t see a reason for playing. Go out on field where todays player only has to hit lets say 5 bps and the gun starts shooting 12 even? someone has brought up several times something about "skill sets" I think he called them. Is shooting fast a skillset? I guess it used to be...pretty much a joke now i guess.

I need to find myself a bunch of other old schoolers and duke it out with old semis and pump guns out in the woods I guess. More i read and find out about the "new game", the less interest i have in taking part in it.



This is the typical response to ramping. Guys, you have to understand that only a handful of tourneys allow it, and no rec fields approve it other than for team practice. Not every tourney players uses it, or rec player with a $1000+ gun walks onto a field using it. Stop thinking that or spreading rumors about what you heard is the current state of paintball. These ignorant kiddies get online and post about how cool ramping is or making a video showing ramping and everyone thinks that is what is going on. I hate ramping with a passion, but I do not consider it cheating because EVERYONE can use it.
It is comparable to "tourney players" saying woods/rec/scenario cheat because of the rampant use of burst and response modes (do not even try to deny it). But that style of game is high and mighty, no one wipes, cheats, overshoots, plays on, turns up velocities, or uses gun "feautres" illegally right? Get real, the new players cheat more than tourney players but the spolight happens to be on the tourney guys more so of course we get the bad credit. Do me a favor and go to a scenario game or random rec ball field. If you do not see people camoed up (as opposed to team jerseys), with mil sim markers (add ons out the wazoo instead of the streamline fast guns), using full auto or burst fires (as opposed to ramping) I will kiss your grits (as a way to show you I love you).


11-03-2005, 08:18 PM
have to admit i didnt really know what the def was either since i'm coming from the old school side of things and havent played in a few years as well. I guess i would have to make the statement at this point....thats crap.

if thats how todays paintball game is played...i don;t see a reason for playing. Go out on field where todays player only has to hit lets say 5 bps and the gun starts shooting 12 even? someone has brought up several times something about "skill sets" I think he called them. Is shooting fast a skillset? I guess it used to be...pretty much a joke now i guess.

I need to find myself a bunch of other old schoolers and duke it out with old semis and pump guns out in the woods I guess. More i read and find out about the "new game", the less interest i have in taking part in it.


-kwThere are CERTAINLY alot of other Old Schoolers and new players alike that feel the same way as you. Support your Local Sceniero game. Have fun. See ya there! :D ;)

11-03-2005, 09:47 PM
no offense phantom, i know where yer comin from.

...but if yer gonna reference my post and then make a sarcastic response about how woods/recball folks dont use gun features illegally "yeah right"....don't. I haven't even played in several years, which is why im so untolerant of all the hooplah of what paintball is today...and back when I was active..you can bet i was playin fairly. Anyways, not tryin to start some bs, just sayin I know paintball isnt the same game ethics wise as it used to be and the technology is part of the culprit and i don't have to like it.



11-03-2005, 10:05 PM
It was not directed att you, but you gave the typical response I see from every single forum I go to or place I play. My answer was not sarcastic at all about the woods type player, it is all fact. Even back in the days the ethics were not all there, but people still got along better because of less differences. Now their are all types of guns, games, and gear. It has pulled the sport apart so to speak. Ask any old player about thumbing cocking rods, uppping velocity, hiding paint on the field, using liquad co2 to cause velocity spikes, etc. Just because there are cheaters now, that are pointed out on tv, doesnt mean the guys from the late 80s/early 90s didnt cheat. The "good ole golden days" is more myth than fact. Nothng was ever perfect in paintball, and I can almost gurantee that first game ever played had some questionable calls.
Its all good though, nothing personal. People just become the biggest uninformed hypocrits on the planet just becase the game is played at an "insane" pace to them now. Very few of the guys that absolutely bash tourney players actually go to tourneys or even try to give them a chance.

11-04-2005, 01:44 AM
All the rec fields I've ever played at allow ramping, some limit it to 15 some don't care how much you shoot. This is just rec or open play.

Last time I played there was like a 50-60 year old guy with his 15bps ramping shocker playing with little kids, 13 year old range. Like the 2nd game played one of my friends (he's 23) came around a bunker and the old guy shot him in the back 10+ times. Not just in the back either, 3 were in the back of the head, one right behind the ear. Afterwards the old guy was telling his friends about how my friend was pissed about it, and blah blah blah. I can't believe the old guy is resepected at the field, everyone knows his name. Wonder how many little kids he's completely blasted.

You can't really control when your gun stops firing. I mean you can but theres still a good 5 balls it shoots once you let go of the trigger. Good chance your going to hit someone numerous times.

11-04-2005, 07:03 AM
You can't really control when your gun stops firing. I mean you can but theres still a good 5 balls it shoots once you let go of the trigger. Good chance your going to hit someone numerous times.

Every marker I have shot that had a good ramping feature on it stopped immediatly when the trigger pulls stopped - of course shot buffering was different... and scarey

11-04-2005, 07:19 AM
Every marker I have shot that had a good ramping feature on it stopped immediatly when the trigger pulls stopped - of course shot buffering was different... and scarey

I agree, never seen a gun that keeps shooting after the trigger release.

11-04-2005, 07:21 AM
All the rec fields I've ever played at allow ramping, some limit it to 15 some don't care how much you shoot. This is just rec or open play.

Last time I played there was like a 50-60 year old guy with his 15bps ramping shocker playing with little kids, 13 year old range. Like the 2nd game played one of my friends (he's 23) came around a bunker and the old guy shot him in the back 10+ times. Not just in the back either, 3 were in the back of the head, one right behind the ear. Afterwards the old guy was telling his friends about how my friend was pissed about it, and blah blah blah. I can't believe the old guy is resepected at the field, everyone knows his name. Wonder how many little kids he's completely blasted.

You can't really control when your gun stops firing. I mean you can but theres still a good 5 balls it shoots once you let go of the trigger. Good chance your going to hit someone numerous times.

Sorry for the double post.
Why didnt you go to the field owner and complain.
1-He was ramping with younger more inexperianced kids
2-He shot a kid up
3-No one was using ramping, so its unfair
The owner would either fix the problem or treat you like crap, at least you know what type of person he is and where his opinions lie.

stop whining buy a mag
11-04-2005, 07:40 AM
Phantom is right, a lot of old school rec ballers give ramping a bad name. Many of them in my area don't even know how it works, yet they think it's going to kill someone. I guess it could, but so could any decent electro in semi.

Responsible people know when they are allowed to use ramping. If you are playing an open rec day with a bunch of kiddies, keep it on semi. If you are playing with a bunch of experienced players on a field that does allow ramping, then it is ok as long as people agree to it. If you need to turn on ramping while playing with a bunch of 12 year olds that have Spyders, you need to find another sport.

11-04-2005, 11:19 AM

11-04-2005, 11:56 AM
I don't have much of an issue with ramping. I consider lax enforcement of one-pull/shot rules an open invitation... silent agreement to ignore the rule... kinda like how back in the day wide-receivers used to be able to push off defenders regularly without fear of an offensive pass-interference call... although the rule was there. It wasn't important because the rule was consistently not enforced... and the point of rules is to keep things the same... and this remains satisfied... the game is still good.

Does it hurt the game? No... it changes it. I like all mech games... and even electros before they shot for you. Unfortunately it is more difficult to get into those kinds of games now... but the new version of paintball is appealing as well.

I do have an issue with selective enforcement of the rule... done so in a political manner.

My main problem with ramping/etc. is when it gets in the hands of punks... it lets jerkfaces be even bigger jerkfaces. The recball field has become more hostile for newbs. I also tend to get mad more often because of the jerkface+electronics combination...

I remember the day when you had to aim your paintball marker... those days are gone. :p

11-04-2005, 04:21 PM
I agree, I really can't see a newb player going to the field for the first time (or not) and actually having fun with all these people ramping.

11-04-2005, 04:30 PM
I haven't even played in several years, which is why im so untolerant of all the hooplah of what paintball is today...

Maybe the problem isn't the ramping, but that you're so intolerant of new changes in the sport. If you haven't even played in several years, then there's no way that you have experienced the new "hooplah" that we enjoy.

Perhaps learning to humble yourself before the idea that some changes aren't always that bad, and that an entire sport isn't suddenly horrible because of new gun modes. There is a lot of talent required to play paintball today, and dismissing it simply because you're upset about something you haven't even experienced isn't impressive.

Anyways, not tryin to start some bs, just sayin I know paintball isnt the same game ethics wise as it used to be and the technology is part of the culprit and i don't have to like it.

Well, the thing is, you are starting BS. You're spewing out a whole bunch of crap that you don't really know much about, and you're trying to make yourself seem above the fray. If you haven't played in a few years, there's NO WAY that you can know that paintball isn't as ethically sound as it used to be - which, of course, is a statement that you can't back up statistically in the first place. Cheating has been around in paintball for years and years - from 'hotballing' to 'debouncing' to 'ramping' - there have been tons of variations of the same crap.

You just come off as one of the hundred other AO Oldniks who complain and generalize everything ... it's just us tourney players who cheat, right? That's a bunch of balogna and we all know it. If you hate ramping and electronics, then there are many other paintball options available to you...but don't come in and rag on something you have no idea about.

11-04-2005, 05:01 PM
You just come off as one of the hundred other AO Oldniks who complain and generalize everything ... it's just us tourney players who cheat, right? That's a bunch of balogna and we all know it. If you hate ramping and electronics, then there are many other paintball options available to you...but don't come in and rag on something you have no idea about.

Umm...dude, he never specified tournament players...and he never even used the word cheating...he just said he doesn't like untalented ***hats that can walk onto the field having never played a day in their lives, turn on their ramping marker and mow down all the other people....it takes all the skill out of the game...and don't generalize all paintball players by saying that "WE" like the new hooplah....cause not all of us do...

Yeah, my cocker ramps...do I use it...no, it takes all the fun out of the game...lately i've found myself going back to my mech mag and my mech cocker...it's no fun walking onto a rec ball field and laying down 15 bps...even if it's in semi....on the rec ball field...i play to have fun...

11-04-2005, 05:27 PM
Shooting fast, in my opinion, is a skill. Ramping takes that skill out of the game, and I consider that unfortunate.

On the other hand, more emphasis is placed on your timing and how well you move now. Ramping is kind of the great equalizer for all our gear... everyone shoots the same speed, so skill differences really come down to how good of a head you've got on the field and how good a fighter you really are.

It doesn't encourage cheating. Fast guns and electronics encourage cheating? Overshooting and paint consumption perhaps, but cheating? No. That's like saying woodsball encourages psycho-soldier personalities.

can'tthink of1
11-04-2005, 05:39 PM
I hate ramping for the sole reason all people want to do is shoot more. Also, it allows people to run and gun with 15bps (or higher), where as being able to shoot fast and run used to be an amazing skill..

11-04-2005, 09:59 PM
Sorry, I was playing paintball when electronics weren't in the mix and then took a short break and now there's all this new technology. What is ramping? I know the electros have burst modes and full auto but don't know the definition of ramping.

Ramping is where you either suck at walking the trigger or too lazy to walk the trigger and need shot assistance of some sort so that your game isn't whack anymore. Its kinda like a cane for an old person, they still suck at walking, but at least its not embarassing.

11-05-2005, 08:25 PM
The devil of paintball...

stop whining buy a mag
11-05-2005, 09:37 PM
Ramping is where you either suck at walking the trigger or too lazy to walk the trigger and need shot assistance of some sort so that your game isn't whack anymore. Its kinda like a cane for an old person, they still suck at walking, but at least its not embarassing.

That was not the intention at all when it was introduced by major tournament leaugues. Cheating was rampant especially involving gun modes in semi only tournaments. If everyone was allowed 15 BPS they hoped most of the morons would be content with that. And it is working to an extent.

11-05-2005, 10:10 PM
chuckle, i love how vocal tyrion gets over me making simple statements on how i perceive things to be. like, shame on me for having an opinion. =p

as far as whos starting bs, i didnt single anyone or any group out or make any personal attacks...which isnt something i can say for you now is it?

maybe you should humble yourself to the idea that maybe your thought process isnt 100 percent right either.

anyways, my advice...take a chill pill mr hothead, b4 ya pop a vessel.

11-07-2005, 10:35 AM
kwaiid, your post comes in a queue of many others, all along the same vein - that ramping and speedball have ruined the sport, that tournament players are massive cheaters, etc. You have, perhaps unwittingly, joined into the chorus of people who put up a large outcry over what turn out to be quite minor changes in the game of paintball...

But how could you know? As you said before, you haven't played in quite some time. It must be that you've simply perceived the sport to have lost its ethics. What did you expect by coming onto a paintball forum and declaring that you're intolerant of the way the game is played now.

What personal attacks did I throw at you? Did I call you a moron, a jerk, or something else? Nah. I simply pointed out the holes in your statement ... it wasn't too hard. Where are the statistics and figures backing up your 'opinion' that paintball has lost its ethics? On what do you base your intolerance of modern paintball? Cheating has been around for ages, as have gun modifications and turbo-fire modes. Heck, AGD made one of the first 'cheater' guns with the E-Mag's "hybrid" mode...

My thinking might not always be 100% correct - it's true - but it's sure as heck a lot more informed and up-to-date than yours.

11-07-2005, 10:39 AM
kind of like the pot calling the kettle black......except the pot doesnt get media attention and is not a mainstream pot.

11-07-2005, 06:13 PM
im not saying ramping or speedball have ruined the sport =p

im saying that i think being able to ramp takes away the skill that some had as far as being able to simply shoot fast and be a good shot. so, i dont care for that idea. ive never knocked speedball or tourney stuff, and if you like that style...more power to you. But I don't have to care for that version of paintball, and that style isnt for me. BTW, ive never said speedball players are cheaters (insinuating woodsball players aren't). You drew that conclusion yourself.

You read way too much into what little i was saying....but you have had some classes in psychology, so I guess I should expect you to over-analyze, and overreact to stuff. chuckle


it's ok to agree to disagree...



11-07-2005, 09:01 PM
your still a pot

11-07-2005, 10:22 PM
laff, then im old, unused and corroded :)

drunk, playin EverQuest, listening to Hair metal on aolradio and no clue what yer talkin bout. so that's the best response i got to the pot thing. keep it real


11-08-2005, 07:29 AM
all in fun :cheers:

11-08-2005, 05:10 PM
is it possible that certain fields and toruneyments allow ramping because you have to use field paint??
Personally I am not much into electros but i do so love speedball. it is my passion in paintball. I like the rush and the quickness of the game. I figure the only way i am going to become and honeslty good player is to play with mech. guns and learn not to "spray and pray".
I just feel if you are going to do something or take the time and money to learn a sprt you might as well learn the correct way rather then the "cheating" way.
but hey that is just me. and evryone knows that I am silly. :dance:

11-08-2005, 05:29 PM
not at all. I have never seen a field openly let everyone ramp or even use fire modes at all. Tournament series (big boys such as psp, nxl as well as larger local tourneys like cfoa) allow all kinds of paint. It is nt a money maker gimmcik.

11-08-2005, 06:10 PM
The devil of paintball...
