View Full Version : Shooting offhand with warp

11-04-2005, 01:39 AM
I am having troubles shooting off hand with my warp feed. I have it set up on the right because I am primaraly a right handed shooter. Is my warp feed too close to my gun, or is my hand too fat? Could someone give me some suggestions.

11-04-2005, 03:05 AM
Normally the marker and warp are perpendicular to the ground. Tilt the marker to the left until the warp and marker are parallel with the ground. You will still use your right hand, but shoot out the left side. It can take some getting used to but it can be nice. Although some call it a handicap I liked it.

11-04-2005, 06:16 AM
If you are shooting with your right hand, why would you put the warp on the right side? There would be no room for your hand, even if it wasn't "fat"....

Left S M Right S

That is how the majority of people set them up :tard:...Just tilt your marker 90^ if you want to shoot to the left side of a bunker

11-04-2005, 09:27 AM
Ooops :tard: I meant that I have it set up on the left side of the marker.

11-07-2005, 10:28 PM
You don't change hands to shoot to your off-hand side. Just roll the gun over with your hands in the same position. If you're a right handed shot (warp left) like me you shoot out both sides with your right hand on the trigger. Just roll the gun over to get to the left side. I think that's what your problem was....Maybe I missed it. Hope I helped a bit. :D

11-08-2005, 12:12 AM
Yah, thats what I did, but I took my warp off for the tourny, because the day before I was breaking like crazy, so I put on my vert breech, and everything worked better, so thats how it stayed. But then I think it could have just been bad paint, because on Saturday, I was breaking with my vert breech, fresh batteries in my egg and eyes on. And then, Sunday with better Karnage paint, I didnt have one break the whole day out of 1000. So, if I can get an air fill soon, I will try with the fresh paint and the warp.