View Full Version : Why not to get a Vl vlocity

11-04-2005, 07:31 PM
Animal cruelty :tard:
I know my Halo Would blend it.

11-04-2005, 07:38 PM
Habla nein el Germano.

11-04-2005, 07:48 PM
that is pretty messed up. I dont care what kind of a point he's trying to make, you dont put a hamster in it.

German man sued for the animal cruelty toward a hamster. The hamster was found, with broken legs, knawing on a paintball loader.

11-04-2005, 08:48 PM
Hey what happened I was blocked from the site. Can some1 explain.

11-04-2005, 08:50 PM
Some idiot put a live hamster in a the new lv loader and shot it with a kanri. With a live hamster in the loader.

11-04-2005, 08:56 PM
what was the point for him to put a hampster in a hopper??

11-04-2005, 08:59 PM
who needs an agitator when you can drop a hamster in...

11-04-2005, 09:20 PM
I have limited German speaking capabilities but in the end when he opens the hopper he says, "The hampster has not died, it lives." Then something to the effect of "it won't come out" *Thumbs up* Thats pretty crazy stuff.

11-04-2005, 09:31 PM
I'll give you another reason not to get one... it's a Viewloader!

11-04-2005, 10:01 PM
i'll give you a third reason not to get one, your mom goes to college :p

11-04-2005, 10:08 PM
He put the hamster in, stopped rolling footage, took the hamster out, started rolling, started , stopped rolling, put the hamster back in, started rolling, and took the hamster out... He didn't actually shoot it with the hamster in there... :tard:

11-04-2005, 10:14 PM
wow just wow
who thinks of this stuff
"hey i think ill make a video of my new loader with my hamster in the loader to prove how good my loader is" :bounce:

11-04-2005, 10:22 PM
finally! i now have a place to keep my hampster when im on the field!

11-04-2005, 10:45 PM
finally! i now have a place to keep my hampster when im on the field!

hmm, extra 100 rounds, or the hamster....DEFINITELY THE HAMSTER

11-05-2005, 02:50 AM
finally! i now have a place to keep my hampster when im on the field!

congrats u actually got me to laugh outloud to somethign i read.

11-05-2005, 02:51 AM
And I thought it was bad when my one ferret pissed on the one half of the extra halo shell I had when he was a baby.

11-05-2005, 03:15 AM
That seems to quite a full hopper with a hamster in it. Does anyone know the capacity of of one of those new loaderrs.

11-05-2005, 10:00 AM
And I thought it was bad when my one ferret pissed on the one half of the extra halo shell I had when he was a baby.

like thats a shock to you? Ferrets piss on everything. They are like dogs marking their territories, but they have no bladder control

11-05-2005, 03:28 PM
like thats a shock to you? Ferrets piss on everything. They are like dogs marking their territories, but they have no bladder control

nor any kooth, had a friend that had a ferret that given the chance he would run off with bottles of smeirnoff (sp) open the bottles and drink them :wow: one time he took a 6 pack and didn't give us any! and wizzed every few seconds in every place possable!

freaken alchie!

anyway, i can't see the video but what kind of brainyack thinks a hampster in a hopper is a selling point? i almost want to make a 10foot haol just to put him in it and go crazy stuipd on the trigger. :shooting: :cuss:

11-05-2005, 03:57 PM
First it was the Jews, now hamsters? DAMN THOSE GERMANS!

11-05-2005, 03:59 PM
wow just wow
who thinks of this stuff
"hey i think ill make a video of my new loader with my hamster in the loader to prove how good my loader is" :bounce:
Lol.. thats what I was thinking.

11-05-2005, 06:51 PM
Once I put a hamster in a Q Loader. Ruined the damn pod.

11-05-2005, 08:15 PM
What was the point of that? I mean are they trying to say " our hopper is hampster safe." I am really confused, what purpose does that serve only just to scare the hampster. That makes me angry :mad:

11-06-2005, 01:40 PM
Personally...I thought it was halarious....
i only wish they would have used a 3/4 empty Revvy with a small R/C gas engine hooked up.......can you say blender?

would have broken it up into small enough pieces to shoot...

11-06-2005, 04:56 PM
I think it was to show how it would not harm paint. How soft it is on it , but if so why not use a egg or tomado or something of that nature

11-06-2005, 05:27 PM
it was definintly to give the hampster some exercise.

11-06-2005, 10:21 PM
Hmmm... if they could fit a small hamster wheel in there, the hamster could also power the hopper thus ending the reign of batteries as we know it.

Yesterday, the Panzer

Today, hamster-powered hoppers

What will those sly Germans think of next

11-08-2005, 04:07 PM
I'll buy this just because it was tested on animals :)

11-08-2005, 08:05 PM
I think it was to show how it would not harm paint. How soft it is on it , but if so why not use a egg or tomado or something of that nature

This. Thread. Wins. Teh intarwebs.

11-08-2005, 08:48 PM
Habla nein el Germano.

es aleman no germano

lol that would be funny if the hampster sudenly shot out of the barrel

paint magnet
11-08-2005, 09:35 PM
es aleman no germano

lol that would be funny if the hampster sudenly shot out of the barrel

Or if he "chopped" and red goo started dripping out of the barrel :wow:

And for those that didn't catch it, the video does skip before he starts shooting, and again before he opens the lid to the loader.

The Action Figure
11-08-2005, 10:16 PM

11-09-2005, 01:26 PM
I can just see Joe Cartoon doing a gerbil version of this.

11-09-2005, 03:34 PM
i actually saw the vid, dont kno why any1 else couldnt, but ya, kinda wicked, like whatd the hamster do to u? the whole time its in the loader, im like, omg its so dead, u maniac!!