View Full Version : What's up with the PneuMag?

11-05-2005, 05:55 AM
I did a bit of searching around and surprisingly didn't find much info.

Would you guys mind updating me on what's going on with it? Last I heard they were going to start taking preorders but this was like 2 or 3 months ago and I haven't heard anything since...

Is it still on hold or what?

11-05-2005, 09:00 AM
WOW! Took me quite a long time to read this thread.

I would like to apologize for the wait on this frame. We do plan on building this, but there are "things" that are keeping us from moving forward. I am hoping that this project will get started soon. I can't get into any more details than that.

I will not respond to any one persons comments, but would like you to know that Forest and I have always been behind Automags. And still are. We have always tried to do what we can for our customers and some that weren't our customers and will continue to do so. Please be patient, this is as frustrating for us as it is for you, if not more so. Especially when I see the posts.

I hope to bring you good news soon.

Tracy Hatcher

probly could have searched it out seeing the 2-3 threads about it on the front page.

i would also sugest deleting this before you get :tard: responses ad flame wars

11-05-2005, 09:22 AM
In his defense, I have been wondering the same thing, seems all the new threads about the PTP frame are negative and people are acting like it wont be released. I thought I missed a important post and couldnt find it either.

11-05-2005, 09:56 AM
PTP CHOKE summary(by the way, its like the one that has the most posts in this thread section)
PTP has patent, but wont act, b/c "not enough market". Everyone else who wants to do this pneusframe is "choked" out by the PTP threat, although PTP should be dead by now. Pneusmags are gonna have to be a DIY thing unless PTP lightens up and sells their frame

Old, lame, and so 7 weeks ago tho

11-05-2005, 12:19 PM
In his defense, I have been wondering the same thing, seems all the new threads about the PTP frame are negative and people are acting like it wont be released. I thought I missed a important post and couldnt find it either.

You didn't miss a post.
No one of any authority said that it would not be released.
Just more AO BS.

11-05-2005, 04:26 PM
Funny. Instead of replying in a positive manner you start moaning about how it's old news, or go search or whatever, you could have put that effort into actually helping someone out. Is that so difficult? Does it make you feel better you know something ahead of time before another? If you're so against such type of posts, then don't reply. Better yet, don't even click on the link. It could be old news for you, but for others, it might not be. What's wrong with this place where asking a simple question was so wrong?

*sigh* Just another reason why I don't spend as much time on this site. Before, I used to actually read informative, friendly posts. Now, just seems like I find more people whining if someone asks the wrong questions.

11-05-2005, 04:30 PM
holy crap tho, this has got to be the 50th time this questions been asked. Do some searching, its on here you just have to read. We whine and moan because ppl want it served to them on a silver platter and babyfed to them. No one wants a thread about something thats been repeated over and over again

11-05-2005, 04:39 PM
True, but some of us don't live on these forums as much as others. If you know what this thread is about from reading the title, then do yourself a favor and ignore it. It will die eventually. It's so easy to condemn someone and a lot harder to do the right thing.

I think the right thing would be to provide links to that kind of info. If you've got that much time on this forum, at least spend your time in a productive manner. But no one wants to do the right thing anymore. No one likes to be helpful anymore.

11-05-2005, 06:05 PM
Apparently AO is stuck in last Month.

11-05-2005, 06:20 PM
Apparently AO is stuck in last Month.

worse :cool:

11-05-2005, 07:59 PM
True, but some of us don't live on these forums as much as others. If you know what this thread is about from reading the title, then do yourself a favor and ignore it. It will die eventually. It's so easy to condemn someone and a lot harder to do the right thing.

I think the right thing would be to provide links to that kind of info. If you've got that much time on this forum, at least spend your time in a productive manner. But no one wants to do the right thing anymore. No one likes to be helpful anymore.

derek, you had a good call there, AO is stuck in the last couple of months.

Hmm, maybe because if everyone asked for everything and everyone else replied nicely with the info required, we'd either be as gay as "The Wiggles" or we'd be considered someones hoe who does errands for everyone else. What do you care anyway? Unless you too plan to ask idiotic questions that could easily been solved by searching and reading

11-05-2005, 08:21 PM
^^^ *Sigh* There goes the name calling and assumptions...yes, it's what makes AO so great. :rolleyes: There was once a time in AO where helping each other actually made this place so cool.

11-05-2005, 08:31 PM
^^^ *Sigh* There goes the name calling and assumptions...yes, it's what makes AO so great. :rolleyes: There was once a time in AO where helping each other actually made this place so cool.

haha, you can forget about that kind of posting. mobsterboy has some problems w/ life. He does nothing but flame and provoke in every post. Click on his name and find more posts by him. Youll see that they are all sarcastic/rude, and spiteful.

Its ruining AO quite frankly.

just ignore him.

11-06-2005, 08:55 PM
^^^ *Sigh* There goes the name calling and assumptions...yes, it's what makes AO so great. :rolleyes: There was once a time in AO where helping each other actually made this place so cool.
Yup thats why I come here about once ever 3 months instead of 10 times a day like I used to........
This place is getting as bad as PBnation...... :(

11-06-2005, 09:13 PM
gibby, hope your not reffering to me

i simply responded with all current info to cease specualtion(basicl they still are gonna make the frame)

i ddint make fun of the psoter, just simply stated i gave all pertinent info, and he should delte it before he gets responses , like this thread ahs already got.. :rolleyes:

btw how the karta? :ninja:

11-07-2005, 01:08 AM
Hey CB..no, not you. As for the Karta...still have it. Haven't played in a while though. But I don't think I'll part with it. It holds a special place in my heart. :)

11-07-2005, 01:39 AM
Funny. Instead of replying in a positive manner you start moaning about how it's old news, or go search or whatever, you could have put that effort into actually helping someone out. Is that so difficult? Does it make you feel better you know something ahead of time before another? If you're so against such type of posts, then don't reply. Better yet, don't even click on the link. It could be old news for you, but for others, it might not be. What's wrong with this place where asking a simple question was so wrong?

*sigh* Just another reason why I don't spend as much time on this site. Before, I used to actually read informative, friendly posts. Now, just seems like I find more people whining if someone asks the wrong questions.

I agree with you gib. I spend most of my time on Shockerowners.com since I mod there, then believe it or not, PBN whicvh has gotten much better.
Anyway, I doubt a Pneu frame will ever come out for mags. Except of course the homemade ones we'll see from time to time here.

11-09-2005, 08:53 PM
Relax guys, I did search as I stated in my original post. I'm sorry but I lead a busy lifestyle and don't exactly have time to spend more than 10 minutes searching. As others have pointed out, if it annoys you just ignore it. This is such an old debate that occurs on every internet forum known to man and I think I actually get more tired of the 'use search' whiners than I do with the repeated questions.

As I also stated above, I haven't checked AO in quite some time. It's not like I have had the play-by-play of everything PTP related.

You know what I found when I searched? Very little pertinent info (at least from those involved with PTP). I found quite a few threads relating to DIY pneumatic triggers, or why people are upset at so and so over patents, but very little concrete info regarding the PTP product.

I actually did see the PTP Choke thread and glazed over it because I thought it might be a different product (choke has different meanings). An oversight made by me, I apologize.

Why doesn't AO just merge with PBN? It would make a lot of sense at this point.

So, after sifting through more garbage on this thread and finding some info, why don't we boycott ptp? If they don't have enough marketability for this product, how would they feel if their market share for every product decreased? This may or may not make an impact in the long run seeing as this is not a huge community, but if I was a business owner, losing any business big or small would be a problem for me.

Thanks to those who gave me a quick rundown on the status.

11-10-2005, 12:42 PM
This has nothing to do with "marketability" of this product. We know a bunch of you guys would love to have it and we would love to give it to you. As I stated before there are issues preventing us from moving forward just yet. I will let all of you know something as soon as I can, but if you all want to boycott than I can just pull the plug on the whole thing. I get kinda of tired of being trashed on this website when all we have ever tried to do is build good quality products for you and everyone else.

11-10-2005, 12:50 PM
This has nothing to do with "marketability" of this product. We know a bunch of you guys would love to have it and we would love to give it to you. As I stated before there are issues preventing us from moving forward just yet. I will let all of you know something as soon as I can, but if you all want to boycott than I can just pull the plug on the whole thing. I get kinda of tired of being trashed on this website when all we have ever tried to do is build good quality products for you and everyone else.


11-10-2005, 01:06 PM
This has nothing to do with "marketability" of this product. We know a bunch of you guys would love to have it and we would love to give it to you. As I stated before there are issues preventing us from moving forward just yet. I will let all of you know something as soon as I can, but if you all want to boycott than I can just pull the plug on the whole thing. I get kinda of tired of being trashed on this website when all we have ever tried to do is build good quality products for you and everyone else.

*points finers at all of the poeple wanting pneumags

11-10-2005, 01:11 PM
Not pointing fingers at ones wanting. But if you aren't intersted in the product then why post on this thread. Just to be ugly and mean???? Now I understand why Jay got fed up.

11-10-2005, 01:20 PM
(im on your side)
(that was me pointing fingers at the people)
(not implying that is what you meant or said)
(go bury the pneumag, 6 feet deep)

11-10-2005, 01:26 PM
Not pointing fingers at ones wanting. But if you aren't intersted in the product then why post on this thread. Just to be ugly and mean???? Now I understand why Jay got fed up.

the morons are just the most vocal. Few of them understand how businesses actually operate. I'd say feel sorry for them, but they are the ones that are going to be running the place when we get older...

Slimm Jimm
11-10-2005, 01:57 PM
we had a kid at our field a few weeks ago claiming he had it and wanted to try it out there. I wouldn't be suprised if he didn't know what he was talking about tho. He's gaining a rep for that.

11-10-2005, 02:53 PM
...but if you all want to boycott than I can just pull the plug on the whole thing. I get kinda of tired of being trashed on this website when all we have ever tried to do is build good quality products for you and everyone else.

I would just pull the plug. Chances are when you do get it out there's going to be more *****ing about how it took too long, how expensive it is, how it looks, blah blah blah...
Personally I would concentrate on a cocker version.. ;) ;) . You don't see as much whining on Air-powered or the cocker threads on PBN.

11-10-2005, 03:17 PM
This has nothing to do with "marketability" of this product.

Really? This is the first time I have heard that it was not a market issue. I can't tell you the number of threads I have read from PTP and non-PTP people claiming that mag market wouldn't make them a dime.

Now I understand why Jay got fed up.

Jay left paintball because of AO drama? :rofl:

the morons are just the most vocal.

Try a few vocal dogs of a very large pack. Let's call them the old AO. ;)

Personally I would concentrate on a cocker version.

Ill buy any flavor they make.

11-10-2005, 03:25 PM
I apologize, I wasn't really trying to bash you even though it was admittedly negative comment.

My point is that, as a consumer, it's irritating when companies buy/own a patent and do nothing with it. There were people willing to make this product a long time ago and then PTP got involved and appear to be doing nothing but sit on the patent. As an outside observer, it looks like cheap corporate strong arm tactics that has everything to do with bullying smaller companies and nothing to do with satisfying the customer. With all the other BS going on in the paintball industry, it's easy to get irritated by something like this. Perhaps this is way off base and it probably is. Maybe there is an issue with manufacturing or QA concerns. The problem is that we don't know anything about what the plans are for this product. All we know is that PTP is just sitting on a great potential money making product.

I don't know what sort of snags you have run into, but maybe some kind of info on what's going on would be helpful to those of us wondering why PTP isn't moving forward with it instead of the vague comment about problems. What are the problems exactly? I have $300 sitting in my bankaccount with PneuMag written all over it.

I would much rather spend the $2 - $300 dollars on a product instead of trying to build my own. I simply don't have the tools or the time to take on such a project. However, at this point I need to make a decision to either go electric or find a way to build my own.

Again, I apologize for 'bashing' but at the rate this is moving, why even tell us you're going to make it? I'll have an '08 SuperElectroFromSomeRandomCompany when/if the PneuMag comes out.

Maybe I'll just get a viking.

11-10-2005, 04:48 PM
This truly is not a market issue. We are more than willing to run smaller quantities to get them out to the mag owners. That is not the issue. I know you all would like to know "exactly" what the issues are, but I cannot get into those details.

I know alot of you must think PTP is this large company that just likes screwing with the customers, but that is not the case either. We do not come close to the NPS's, SP's, BE's, Dye's etc.... We are a small company trying to do good for this industry.

Jay started the poll thinking along with myself that we would already be building these frames by now. I wish we could have built them 6 months ago. And I nag every day to get a timeline. Give us a little more time and I promise I will give you something for news.

When I read the thread on the PTP Choke, it bothered me that so many of you were so upset. Forest and I both try very hard to make all of our customers happy and this situation has bothered us both. I guess I shouldn't have checked out the thread when Jay told me about it. I am a woman and we do tend to get a bit hormonal. I am working very hard to get this going.


P.S. Can't build it for a Cocker. We licensed that out to BE, WGP, JT.

11-10-2005, 05:14 PM
the morons are just the most vocal. Few of them understand how businesses actually operate. I'd say feel sorry for them, but they are the ones that are going to be running the place when we get older...

points finger at you and laughs even harder becuase you obvisously know everything

If you knew ao throughout all of past drama you would understand. AO is so dam biased against everything that is not perfect. Wether that be another company, gun, product, patent issues, or whatever. People get so wroked up about the whole issue without knowing 1% of the truth (this goes for every single arguement on this forum). The whole PTP witch hunt was bs, people were making up stuff left and right, taking side with friends, and just throwing fuel on the fire. Basically, all the people *****ing about it, mainly those wanting it, brought a bad name to the pneumag. You cannot blame a company for not releasing info after all the mud they have been drug through and especially not for trying to protect their patents. Just because someone makes a sarcastic post doesnt mean they are ignorant on how a business runs. My bank account is doing just fine the last time I checked. All you old crotchdy "golden day" paintballer need to realize that the industry is not what it once was and things will NEVER be the same. It has risen to a level that you do not understand and will make money however a comapny sees fit. You cannot be mad a company bcause of this, they have to feed their kids just like you.

11-10-2005, 10:09 PM
points finger at you and laughs even harder becuase you obvisously know everything

If you knew ao throughout all of past drama you would understand. AO is so dam biased against everything that is not perfect. Wether that be another company, gun, product, patent issues, or whatever. People get so wroked up about the whole issue without knowing 1% of the truth (this goes for every single arguement on this forum). The whole PTP witch hunt was bs, people were making up stuff left and right, taking side with friends, and just throwing fuel on the fire. Basically, all the people *****ing about it, mainly those wanting it, brought a bad name to the pneumag. You cannot blame a company for not releasing info after all the mud they have been drug through and especially not for trying to protect their patents. Just because someone makes a sarcastic post doesnt mean they are ignorant on how a business runs. My bank account is doing just fine the last time I checked. All you old crotchdy "golden day" paintballer need to realize that the industry is not what it once was and things will NEVER be the same. It has risen to a level that you do not understand and will make money however a comapny sees fit. You cannot be mad a company bcause of this, they have to feed their kids just like you.

As someone who has been on this board as long as you, I have to agree with some of your comments, but don't be so quick to judge. My comments were directed towards tracy_ptp.

There are essentially 4 types of people here, the young, spoiled "I want it NOW" whiners, the old "In my day we threw paintballs at each other and that is good enough for me," the middle of the road who try to ride through what the market is doing, and the idiots have nothing better to do than stir the pot

11-11-2005, 02:27 AM
As someone who has been on this board as long as you, I have to agree with some of your comments, but don't be so quick to judge. My comments were directed towards tracy_ptp.

There are essentially 4 types of people here, the young, spoiled "I want it NOW" whiners, the old "In my day we threw paintballs at each other and that is good enough for me," the middle of the road who try to ride through what the market is doing, and the idiots have nothing better to do than stir the pot

There is a difference between I want it now and I want it sooner than 3 years from now. I assume you are referring to those up in arms about the PTP product and if that is true, then I have to disagree that most people voicing their concerns are young, spoiled whiners. This thing has been in the about-to-be-released stage for like....years now. People have been patient enough at this point and I feel it's reasonable for people to be raising concerns about it. I'm sure some people could be more tactful, but the complaints are definitely valid in my opinion.

Aside from the fact that yes, I do want it sooner than later at this point, I find the situation somewhat bizzare because every week that goes by, PTP could be making a few extra bucks with this thing.


I have a feeling that PTP might be contractually involved with BE/JT (aren't they the same co.?) and whatever the third company they are developing pneumatic systems for, and for whatever reason, face legal issues if they develop for any other company (automags). I can see BrassEagle not wanting the technology in other markers because it could mean more business for them. Like my disclaimer above states, this is pure speculation on my part and it could be way off base. It's just the first theory that comes to mind on why they are having issues now and why they cannot comment on it. With all the legal crap going on in paintball these days, it doesn't seem too far fetched to me.

Anyways, if PTP can't release this, then for the love of god, give the project back to the original people who were about to release it (it's been so long that I've actually forgotten who made the original hAIR version of this thing) and work some kind of royalty deal with them and/or BE if you have to.

11-11-2005, 08:52 AM
Anyways, if PTP can't release this, then for the love of god, give the project back to the original people who were about to release it (it's been so long that I've actually forgotten who made the original hAIR version of this thing) and work some kind of royalty deal with them and/or BE if you have to.

That would be Deadly Wind. ;)

11-11-2005, 11:10 AM
Tracey I sent you a PM.

and the idiots have nothing better to do than stir the pot

If I still had my sig, You sir would be all in it! :rofl: :rofl:

11-11-2005, 11:19 AM
Tracey I sent you a PM.

If I still had my sig, You sir would be all in it! :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: ahahaha.. werd.

11-11-2005, 03:47 PM
That would be Deadly Wind. ;)

Ah that's right, thank you!

11-12-2005, 02:08 AM
Well, i've still got my fingers crossed for this thing.