View Full Version : Really inefficienct

11-05-2005, 03:12 PM
I know that mags arent known for being efficient, but I am haveing really bad efficiency. My tank wasnt entirely full, it is a 72/4500, filled to about 2000psi, but I kinda expected more than a hopper and a half. Also, whenever the tank gets to about 1000 psi, the gun starts to leak out the hole on the side of the valve. Please help me.

11-05-2005, 03:26 PM
Woah, 300rds off of any 4500psi tank is wierd. It dounds like you have a leak somewhere. Perhaps a small, slow but steady leak. Over how much time did the tank empty itself? It started at 2000psi and mags will stop shooting at around 500-700psi. Over how long a period of time did it take to drain that 1500-1300psi? If the gun was sitting around for a while, it might have been a small leak.

11-05-2005, 03:28 PM
It was shooting most of the time, two minutes maybe without shooting. As sad as it is, Im not really enjoying this X-mag so far.

11-05-2005, 03:55 PM
Well, if a Mag stops shooting at about 700 PSI, then I would say Im getting about 300 shots off of 1300 psi...is that normal? I am just lucky that I get all day air tomorrow at the tournament.

11 Bravo
11-05-2005, 04:15 PM
300 per 1300 psi sounds like its a little below normal. For an example I use the stock spring on my valve and get around 1,000 shots from my 68/4500. (never gets a good fill so probably more like 68/4000)

Efficiency is going to depend on a lot of things such as: what spring you use, size carrier and also what barrel your using.

I imagine that if you take the time to tune the gun, you will be happy with it.

11-05-2005, 04:46 PM
:cry: :tard: :cuss: OK, I feel stupid, I found the cause of my bad efficiency, the elbow for my hose was loose :mad: dang, I feel stupid, but that still doesnt explain the leak out the side. Rougue, where is that pin located? Is dissasembly of the reg required.

11 Bravo
11-05-2005, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=psychowarden]:cry: :tard: :cuss: OK, I feel stupid, I found the cause of my bad efficiency, the elbow for my hose was loose :mad: dang, I feel stupid,

Yay!! :bounce:

11-05-2005, 05:36 PM
So....how do I take the two halves apart? And if its just debris, thats good. I dont think it needs to be oiled, I put a few drops in the ASA before I aired it up.

11-05-2005, 05:55 PM
Thanks for the help rouge. Ill let you know after tomorrow how it all worked.

:EDIT: I swear, my own stupidity will be the death of me, and my markers. I just pulled a long piece of teflon tape out of my Reg assembly :bounce: and could possibly explain why I was getting some pretty high fluctuations in my FPS readings. Wait, Im not done yet. I took apart everything, and took my frame off. I put it back on, and pulled the trigger and nothing happened. So I took it off again, and examined it, nothing looked broken. So I put it back on, scrolled through the settings, and Lo and behold, I had the eyes on :cuss: so I could sit there and pull the trigger all day, nothing would happen.

Now take note, this isnt the first time something like this has happened. I reversed the cupseal in my Torid X once, I forgot to hammer spring in my Phantom once, and my Piranha...well that one wasnt my fault.

11-07-2005, 06:10 AM
i get about 4-500 on a 45 CuI tank filled to 3000. just thought id share if anyone was using a stubby