View Full Version : quick questions

11-05-2005, 03:39 PM
I want to make sure I have this correct -

on my lvl-X i have the correct carrier in, but in the prosses of tuning every thing i lost all of the shims for it so it has none, but the lvl-X still works ok. what is happening since the shims are not there? is it a good or bad thing and dose it need shims asap?

i really don't know what shims do.

secondly, the marker (ule w/ ult lvl-x & X-vlv) "chokes/chuffs" pertty bad the more I use it but I will let it set and it will shoot fine with out "choking/chuffing" for a while and starts again. with and with out paint, with paint it will eventully chop. to fix this do I need to lube the carrier? i do the lube in the asa every chance I get before firing alot.

11-07-2005, 10:24 AM
You don't need the shims. Many don't use shims at all. Adding shims allow you to configure your setup so that any forward movement of the bolt will allow air to vent out the front. Usually, any forward movement caused by a pinch will allow the bolt to travel far enough even with no shims so that the pressure will vent out the front. I wouldn't worry about it.

Your chuffing problem may be caused by your operating pressure being set to close to the spring tension. You will need to increase your velocity setting or use a smaller bolt spring. Another possible cause would be a carrier that is too tight and/or not enough shims in your ULT.

Try increasing the number of ULT shims until the mag fires properly. Too many shims and it will start to get bolt stick. Find a number of shims that will facilitate proper operation.

11-12-2005, 07:21 PM
by bolt stick do you mean having to reset the bolt? i have had times where the bolt didn't reset and I have to reset it and I thought that was a side effect from the chuffing.

11-18-2005, 06:36 AM
hello? anybody?

12-01-2005, 05:11 PM
by bolt stick do you mean having to reset the bolt? i have had times where the bolt didn't reset and I have to reset it and I thought that was a side effect from the chuffing.

No, if you get a chuff, the bolt has vented. That means the hole has become exposed to let the air out of the chamber. Bolt stick after that is a result of too much tension on the bolt stem, usually due to a carrier that is too tight.