View Full Version : sto vs. emag

12-08-2001, 08:29 PM
Well I was planning on getting an sto after christmas but then I felt the trigger on a guy I know's emag and I kinda feel in love with it. Well I just wonder what everyone thinks but I know the opinion is going to be kinda biast becasue this is a mag forum but still wonder what everybody thinks.

Major Ho
12-08-2001, 09:36 PM
I forgot who, maybe FeeltheRT, posted something. stock mag is as to stock cocker, RT is as to...Black magic or STO?, and emag is as too...Poop, i cant remember :P. Get the emag yo, as much as I love my cocker, That emag is just a great piece of work. The trigger is alllllgghhhhh(Wipes off drool)...

12-08-2001, 11:09 PM
just remember you're price on a cocker is going to include the milling and anojob. With the E-mag they are charging you for JUST the performance.
STO's are nice but they aren't backed by the CS that only AGD supplies, the E-mag is an elektro, this forum will be of alot more use to you with a E-mag, you won't be just another joe blow at the field with a purdy cocker, there's a list of reasons why the E-mag is better then the cocker.
Why you should get a cocker over a E-mag? if you like pretty colors or if you like to have something you can tune and adjust ( if your'e skilled ) or if the gun just feels better.

12-08-2001, 11:45 PM
One of the reason that I was considering an sto was that the field where I play at a guy I know/friend of mine is a certafied cocker tech and he can tune them to the point where I would never need to buy any upgrade parts except maybe a barrel. I also figure if I am going to spend $600 on a gun why not have it look nice rather than flat black like the stock cocker. As of right now the emag is sounding pretty good I just have to make up my mind really.