View Full Version : Why sell 98 for Automag?

12-08-2001, 09:04 PM
Well I'm ready to move up from my Tippmann 98 Custom.
I have a few buddies that have moved up to AutoCockers, but I'm not sure of there reliability.

I was looking at a used Classic at the local PBS.
So the question is why should I get an Automag?


12-08-2001, 09:12 PM
reliabilty is number 1 i think. performance is alot better (I moved to a mag from a tippman) And you have alot of people here on AO that can help you with just about anything you may want to know about your mag. Another thing is that you dont need to hotrod your mag to make it competitive. But you can when you want to. Im on my 2nd mag. And Im already looking into another just for kicks.

12-08-2001, 09:37 PM
If you are buying a used mag, GET A PARTS KIT, and watch the video and replace all the parts, I need to get a parts kit b/c my baby is givin me fits.

you never know how the person who owned the gun before you treated it

12-08-2001, 09:38 PM
Mags and Tippmans are both very reliable guns, but the Automag's performance for exceds that of the Model 98. The Mag has a crisp and short trigger, and very high ROF and recharge.

You can pick up a used Automag from here at a real great price. I'd recommend Stainless Steel line rather than Macro, as Macro/Micro has a tendency to leak if your run straight from the valve to the ASA.

Good Luck :D

12-08-2001, 09:42 PM
Durability is almost the same in both guns.
upgrades is key.
the 98 has a ton of upgrades.. but.. can you remove the trigger frame? what If you wanna take out that foregrip?willing to spend 300 for making it an electro?
Also.. the thing is long, and heavy. The only things I wouldn't want to give up when selling a 98 is the Flatline option and the RT option. Yea.. you can get a Rt or RT pro, or get a retro valve.. but not for 100$.

12-09-2001, 08:07 AM
Thanks for the imput.

I was thinking of getting the RT kit for my 98 first, but then thought about just getting a new gun instead of dumping more money into the Tippmann.

12-09-2001, 08:46 AM
well, the biggest difference I can see between my automag and my teammates cockers and matrices, and any gun for that matter, is the size. My mag feels very different to play with as the realized mass (fancy name I have for the size of the block of metal that is directly in front of your face) is 1/2 of the size of the cocker and 1/3 of a matrix. When you shoulder a mag you see very little in front of your face and the gun just feels tight, with a cocker there is a much larger mass sitting there right in front of your face and to me it just feels cumbersome to use. I have been spoiled by the size of mags and i feel that any other gun, aside from an Epic or Blazer, would get in the way of how I play. That is why my next gun will probably be an E-mag or an E-mag Extreme.

The trigger is different, i can rip on both pretty equally, (until i get my Z-grip, at which point the automag will be lightyears ahead in feel). I like the short snappyness of the mag trigger that comes with a stock frame, or an intellaframe.

The mag has no recoil, IMO less than a cocker, though others disagree with me. A superbolt makes it even smoother. They are also quiet, with my J&J 12" it sounds like something is wrong with my gun when it fires (i assure you nothing is) because it only makes a small burping/whisper sound. I expect with the improved efficiency of the superbolt I am getting i will need to turn down the velocity adjusting reg and that will make it even quieter, as well as even further decreasing recoil. My mag gets about 1200 shots on a full 68ci/3k fill with a longnose bolt, which will be increased slightly by the superbolt also. Not bad efficiency. The mag isn't outstanding in any category over EVERY other gun except for size, but all the little things make me love this gun more than any other i have fired. But, by the same token, my teammates, for the most part, are encouraging me to sell my mag and do not like mags in general. I fired a mag and fell in love. Fire one, maybe it'll happen to you too.

12-09-2001, 10:52 AM
any mag or cocker is a step up over a 98, unless you wanna put a lot of money into it. still, it would be a big long beast, still an entry level gun.

Cockers are sweet. there is nothing like their trigger, they are insanely customizable ($$$), and its nice to feel like you can control this beast in your bare hands.

Ive got an RT. There are no moving parts on the outside. I have a scuba tank, so I dont really care, but it is around middle of the road as far as effiency. The thing is a beast. Its loud and heavy, but with a 8 or 10" barrel and even the stock flatline drop you can tuck it. I just hate how high my hopper goes, and putting a warp on a mag is as easy as it gets.

man, i wish I had money.

cockers beg to have every part upgraded. Mags are different. you want to make every major part work as well as it can. For my mag I got a benchy single frame (the jury is still in on which one I like better), a 10" check it products barrel and a 12" dye aluminum, and thats about all it needs. Now i'm dYing for a warp, but its not happening any time soon.

With a cocker, you would need full front pnue, a new inline reg, a new grip, maybe even a hinge or roller sear (100 and 60 bucks) a barrel or 2, a new bolt, back block, etc etc

12-09-2001, 10:59 AM
mags have great performance, quality, reliability, and durability.

12-11-2001, 08:11 PM
I was looking at some mini's online. Found some good prices, I'm very tempted to go ahead and buy one!

Don't try to stop me...oh here comes the wife gotta go.

12-11-2001, 08:29 PM
Hey Jerzeb Where are you located, maybe we can get together sometime me and ny teamates are playing this sunday at del hobbies, your more then welcome to come. Just tell me if your interested maybe we can get together.